What were smarks like in the attitude era? Did they complain about Austin winning too much? Was Hunter a smark darling?

What were smarks like in the attitude era? Did they complain about Austin winning too much? Was Hunter a smark darling?

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internet didn't exist back then

Hinter has never been an anyone darling

smarks were hounded out, they werent welcome. those basedboys were burned at the stake in the attitude era


Smarks didn't exist because be a mark was pretty funny.

Smarks just appear when be a mark is not funny anymore and you stupidly think that the reason is because the better workers and performers are not in the main event.


Smarks we're busy watching WCW

I remember reading some archived message board that they pretty much acted like the way we act now; always rooting for that one guy who did not get push and you bet there were a section of them who hated Austin and Rock

the internet didnt like Carder during attitude era



I remember seeing posts about wrestling on some message board from 1991

they had fun every Monday unlike now. you never knew what you were going to see on a Raw event during the late 90s

The IWC loved Triple H back in the attitude era and always complained that the Rock and Stone Cold were burying him

most of that IWC era don't watch wrestling anymore because it peaked.

I mean, why not look at the WON Awards for 1999? That's as smark as you can get:


1. KEVIN NASH (127) 1,099
2. Hulk Hogan (94) 769
3. Sid Vicious (22) 423
4. Big Show (38) 388
5. Chyna (10) 146
6. Lex Luger (5) 134
7. Atsushi Onita (22) 121
8. Rob Van Dam (19) 110
9. Jeff Jarrett (26) 98
10. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (14) 92
Honorable Mention: Diamond Dallas Page 80, Buff Bagwell 75, Sting 66, Steve Austin 64, Rock 62, Scott Hall 60

1. CHRIS JERICHO (107) 640
2. Juventud Guerrera (56) 639
3. Chris Benoit (54) 379
4. Psicosis (29) 214
5. Eddie Guerrero (7) 197
6. Masahito Kakihara (22) 183
7. Jeff Hardy (25) 182
8. Taka Michinoku (8) 175
9. Billy Kidman (10) 165
10. Brian Christopher (22) 93
10. Edge (13) 93
Honorable Mention: Jerry Lynn 92, Kaz Hayashi 89, Dos Caras 88, D-Lo Brown 84, La Parka 82, Yuji Nagata 74, Blitzkrieg 67, Minoru Tanaka 60


2. Mick Foley 64
3. Mitsuharu Misawa 51
4. Rock 37
5. Chris Benoit 34
6. Ric Flair 23
7. Sandman 18
8. Jeff Hardy 17
9. Minoru Tanaka 16
10. Bret Hart 14
Honorable Mention: Keiji Muto 13, Yoshihiro Tajiri 10, Shinjiro Otani 9

2. Kevin Nash 98
3. Big Show 39
4. Sid Vicious 32
5. Rock 31
6. Evan Karagis 19
7. Hunter Hearst Helmsley 16
8. Buff Bagwell 12
9. Big Bossman 11
9. Randy Savage 11
Honorable Mention: Rick Steiner 10, Buh Buh Ray Dudley 9

I'm a boomer myself but I don't remember Evan Karagias being such a hate figure....

based juvy juice



Still underrated

I remember people complaining about Austin always going over and blaming it on Steve himself being super protective of his spot.

Also The Rock was getting shit for his promos back then too. Lots of smarks thought he was trying too hard with all the silly phrases and insults.

Generally Haitch didn't get a lot of heat until 2000 when it became clear he was influencing his own booking. The Way he cut Kurt Angle's story with Stephanie short was a big point for people turning on him.

>RVD overrated
>Jerry Lynn underrated

Wish smarks would die desu

Fuck off you brainlet Pajeet.

>Smakrs in 1999 were F drones that hated Based WCW
Why am I not surprised?

How to be smark 101:

Hate everything the majority likes, support the guys that have no recognition

this but unironically

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>10. Brian Christopher (22) 93
>Caring about Jerry Lawler's forgotten son

They hated Nash and Carder
So they were basically Yea Forums

This. Wrestling was too fun to accommodate smarks

so smarks were correct back then too

Let's not forget hating on the Undercarder was a thing as well.

>>Check thread
>>Its 2011
>>Guys saying PG era will be looked back on fondly
>>People will celebrate Cena and the Nexus in 10 years as genius booking
>>CM Punk will go nowhere since only a few ROH smarks like him
>>Del Rio is great and as underrated as Jericho in the AE

This shit is the opposite of when /asp just starts shitting on whatever is onscreen

Smarks were hardcore back then. Writing articles noone would ever read in shitty newsletters, gong full autist on email rp feds, and they had these phone numbers you could call and hear a recorded message that was usually them bitching about monday night or repeating shit rumors. I met a smark my first day on the "internet". I fired up the free trial disc and went to the WWF aol chat room. Some smark was going on and on to anybody who was listening about how great Bret's "work rate". The worst smarkpit I ever encountered was, without a doubt, FireProClub.

he's the male Kelly Kelly but a 1000 times worst since he shitting up high work rate Crusierweight matches


>onita, Jarrett, and RVD
Jesus smarks were fucking retarded back then

>Smark darling

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I remember because I was there (Rantsylvania was my primary website).

Smarks loved Bret Hart and were obsessed with workrate. WWF was viewed as a trashy comedy show with almost no matches and lots of Sable near-nudity. Austin was known to be hurt, and thus had a "hardcore style" that smarks found boring. Mick Foley was respected, (despite being even worse at wrestling), smarks said Foley was a genius. Smarks somewhat like The Brood. Most smarks refused to watch WWF after Owen died, even the "reviewers" boycotted the show. The big thing is this: there really was almost no wrestling on WWF Raw is War, it was almost all skits, beatdowns, pull-aparts, run-ins, strip shows, and promos for the PPV. WCW on the other hand had lots of matches on Nitro.

In WCW, smarks loved the luchadores, the Four Horseman (Malenko and Benoit in particular). Also Chris Jericho because of muh workrate. Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash were hated, as was Goldberg to a lesser extent. Smarks also loved Kidman, Rey Mysterio Jr, Ultimo dragon, and Saturn.

ECW was loved, especially Jerry Lynn, and New Jack.

WCW was considered the "wrestling show" with lousy PPVs, where WWF was considered a sketch show with more entertaining PPVs.

complaining about essa rios being buried

Old guys are still trash to this day

The end result and the state of things has pretty much proved that they weren't.

In fact, after 10 years of diarrhea, it's safe to say everyone took what they had for granted in the glory days and underappreciated the guys and gals then, not knowing what was to come.

>5. Chyna
they hated women back then too based

based and redpilled. smarks seething

>Most smarks refused to watch WWF after Owen died, even the "reviewers" boycotted the show. The big thing is this: there really was almost no wrestling on WWF Raw is War, it was almost all skits, beatdowns, pull-aparts, run-ins, strip shows, and promos for the PPV. WCW on the other hand had lots of matches on Nitro.

and which one died? this proves smarks are anti-dimes

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>Austin not on either list

I guess he was just universally liked but no-one was fanatic over him? Or maybe his supremacy was just a given.