>used to be
>being a former anything makes you eligible for a title shot
imagine being actually good now. like murphy.
>used to be
>being a former anything makes you eligible for a title shot
imagine being actually good now. like murphy.
He does have the bumping his neck to sawdust part down desu
He landed on his forearms. That's how headspikes work.
That's a real fucking good sell then because that shit looks like he's killing his neck
That's not a bad thing.
I'd rather pay this guy a quarter of what Omega is presumably making and strap a rocket to his in the hope he gets over.
>>budget Kenny Omega
but seff is not in the gif OP posted
It would be so much fun to be booked like Murphy. Getting to destroy manlets everyday? Sounds like a dream
Wwe is allergic to dimes. Watch this guy run down his contract and make the switch