Fuck, Marry, Kill, Incinerate. Go

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Incinerate. Go.

Attached: IMG_20190221_181419.jpg (512x355, 46K)

Kill, degrade, marry, death by flame

>if paige doesn't have aids
fuck paige, marry nia, incinerate/kill the chuds
>if paige has aids
fuck nia kill the rest.

Fuck Nikki
Marry Brie
Kill Paige
Incinerate Nia

yuck i guess im marrying paige and getting the aids

marry page
kill page
fuck page
all in that order

Exactly this.

Fuck UK Thot (I mean who hasn't right?)
Marry Miss. Danielson
Incinerate the Gold Digger

Fuck Nikki
marry Brie
kill Paige
Incinerate Nia
Go me

I am going to ding-dong diddly marry the Samoa Brapdozer boys. Bellas are getting gassed and I’d do Paige with a condom.