CMLL To Return To Televisa With A New TV Deal

Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre announced today their return to Televisa. The Mexican channel is one of the biggest in the country and previously had an agreement with AAA. CMLL‘s internet streaming might come to an end after the announcement this Tuesday of a new tv deal with Televisa. The company will start to show its Viernes Espectaculares (Arena Mexico Friday shows) starting on March 2. Previously, most Mexican fans watched the Friday night shows through the internet. Moreover, YouTube had almost every re-run of the show after the night of the event. Televisa previously televised AAA shows, but this deal came to an end when the company jumped to TV Azteca. With TV Azteca, AAA got a one-year contract with the television company paying for all of the production. In Televisa, AAA had created practically a tradition on Saturday evenings. The company had a deal that dated back to the 1990s, with Antonio Peña. The latter in charge of TV production for then EMLL (now CMLL), but transitioned to the newly created AAA.

Head to Head the Biggest Mexican Companies
What this deal brings is a national TV competition between Mexico’s top promotions. With AAA in TV Azteca and CMLL in Televisa, the biggest companies in Mexico will have a battle for supremacy in the ratings and on national television. AAA has a short amount of time to make the deal work (one-year deal). While CMLL will surely operate at the same level that it was working before.

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Fuck, I don't own a TV and have been watching every CMLL show on their YouTube channel. This blows

I just read that this might kill the youtube steaming, I hope Televisa doesn't go full kike and allows them to still stream

>CMLL‘s internet streaming might come to an end after the announcement this Tuesday of a new tv deal with Televisa.
CMLL announced today on their infroma that their streams will remain untouched on youtube and marca. Luchablog and Fredo both tweeted this.

Quick rundown on the differences between AAA and CMLL? Are they Mexico's WWF and WCW?

Kinda like wwe but edgier, not so serious. aaa has an english broadcast team and are very open to colaborate with other companies

Like pre bullet club njpw, more serious and very conservative. It doesn't have an english broadcast and only has partnerships with roh and njpw

Pretty much yeah. Both are rivals atm.

Which one is bigger/more popular?

CMLL just partnered with The Crash