Wrestling cringe thread

You cringe you lose

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Other urls found in this thread:


Would be based if they had airpods but they don't so it's cringe.

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airpods are for queers

Ya seething, poorfag?

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Ding-Dong Diddlycum

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i lost

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>picture of a black person in the background
Yeah, I'm thinking this is BASED

At least he's self aware

Is that a fucking framed picture of gary coleman? HOLY BASEDOLA

non thug niggers are the weirdest shit ive ever seen.



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If none of them were thugs, there would be little to no racism toward them.

True, it's not really about skin color at all.

Black weebs are the best people around

sad thing here (other than her? appearance) is the tattoo on the top is actually cool, should have stopped there.

Truth. Some of my best friends are black and some of the biggest nerds alive.

I love wrestling

I'd smash regardless of obvious AIDS to be honest

This. Blackaboos are fucking bros.

>My identity is wrestling

Right on top there with anime, video games and pony shit on the cringe totem pole

trying to build an identity around any form of passive consumption is peak cringe

But you can't deny that some are more cringe than others

Made for BBC

>my thing good
>their thing bad
Nah, ya cringe

What's wrong with this? Incels really need to grow up


Who's got that one of the fat blissfag asking steph why they don't have xxxxxl shirts in stock?


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>balor club tranny flag

No, because eventually that becomes "the thing I don't like is cringier than others". It's all cringe, there are no heroes here.

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lost m8

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The stuff nightmares are made of.

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jesus christ this account is really sad

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Ok this is epic

>that grammar
Is he legit retarded?

Look up the wweshop hashtag on instagram. Cringe is there.
I like wrestling but I dont like being associated with uggos. You things are beneath me.

hes french

I had to reread that shit like 10 times


I think that people who believe there are more than 2 genders need to be treated for their illness or euthanized. But I honestly have no clue what gender that thing is.

So, yes

c r i n g e

One of my closest friends is a blackaboo and he’s pretty fun to hang out with

YIKES! lost




Then explain why Empire actor Jussie Smollett was attacked by a couple of MAGAtards. Is he a thug?

Ay thanks bro! haha

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He admitted to faking it cuck

it liked it's own post

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tapping out brothers can't ding-dong diddly take it anymore

Are ya stupid?
The point he made was about engendering a negative stereotype that enforces a manner of behaviour that may not apply to all individuals.

Someone is fucking slow

you mean pedos?

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Would smash, though I'd probably die from it

Thad is shoot crazy though, being a weeb is the least of his problems.

sorry you're out of the loop user.

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You didn't lose your just don't know good wrestling when you see it in front of your faces also I'm from /wooo/

Holy shit. I was born ten years too early. On point, wrestling-loving trannies are out there for the taking if you're in your 20s. Carpe Diem, young Yea Forumsies.



The funniest part is that every cringeworthy image in this thread has been of an e-drone. Even the worst of the worst indie fans are rarely this bad. The only one I can think of is that mentally ill Bullet Club fan who kept pestering the Bucks on twitter.

Spotted the poorfag lol. Hang yourself with that cable and stop taking my taxes for your welfare cheques.

This guy is a cringe factory

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Implying anyone believes this propaganda

>"Vince needs a strong female wresttler, guys"
>"and Becky needs a push too"
>"she's bitching about"
>"fucking whore..."
>"any ideas?"
>"fuck this one is hard..."
>"let's make a char who looks porwerful"
>"yeah but... some shit we can attach to that parody is hard to find"
>"maybe she's powerful like A MAN?"
>"sjw wil not pleased"
>"those idiots?? will buy it anyways"
>"so, powerful like a man... let's call her A MAN"
>"YEAHH nice work, she's the MAN now!!"
>"ok, let's say Vince about our MAN..."
WWE was a mistake

The black race is God's greatest creation, not some white bimbo. Fucking Uncle Tom.


ngl, that's pretty based

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>getting a giant, ugly tattoo is my way of proving to you I am a fan of yours
I truly do feel bad for people with mental disabilities, they truly can't help themselves


Thad's out now, right? Wonder what he's up to


Only in the UK folks!

London is a city in Australia you bloody troglodyte. Not to mention the 9 year old drag queens in america

How do these fucks not spend every single day embarrassed? I would never admit to anyone I know that I even watch this shit and sure as fuck wouldn’t wear wrestling shirts especially in public

Honestly this.

lost hard


Brennan stop same fagging.

WWE fans make up 97% if the cringe in the world.

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ding-dong diddly lost


>the absolute state of Bexcels

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he posted on Yea Forums I think after he came out. He's basically MadChad now, he got /fit/ in prison and said he made some dude suck his dick.

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cringe, smarks working me into a seethe

It's like one of those Precious Moments dolls only wrestling related and infinitely more cringe inducing.

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Weebs, Waifufags, & Shipping Faggotry are all cringe.

Holy fucking cringe

this is kinda funny and based

When you see how seriously he takes it it's kind of disturbing.


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Bayleyfags are the absolute worst, there's just so few of them nobody notices.

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Ya got me, lad

We can all agree with this.

right back to pedoshit

Three words:

Fuckin hell

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Hey bro, SUPERstars is on!

You got worked, simps.

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Imagine living in this kind of misery. Literal basement dweller.


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The e-drone seethe in this thread is hilarious

Lost lol

Mandy Rose's brother

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Bra there are regular PSAs begging indie fans to fucking shower before going to events. The AEW rallies have been filled with obese, malformed subhumans who touch themselves at the sight of homosexuals and trannies.

wtf I LOVE Mandy Rose's brother now! based and redpilled about niggers

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based racist Italians

holy cringe

Despite how cringe he is, Yea Forums can't stop talking about him.

Is he, dare I say, living rent free?

So it's just like WWE

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Well Yea Forums talks about wolfcuck and Nash 100 times more so....

>100% of the fans vs 1% of the fans
take a shower fatass tranny

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>implying it isn't at least 80% now
WWE isn't popular anymore, them and AEW have the exact same fanbase faggot.

>obese tranny seething

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Is this your tattoo?

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dat ass

t.tranny Bexcel

Trying to imagine the indie version of this is hilarious. It would be a bunch of midgets kissing each other with the backdrop of a hotdog and a handshake.

>n-no you
AEWtist trannies SEETHING

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get back at me when WWE actually signs trannies like AEW does AEWtist

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>indie tranny is hideous hambeast
>E-chad trannies either pass or are fuckable twinks
Absolutely based.

>mandrama faggots literally save pics of trannies
Imagine if your girlfriend found those pics....oh wait OH NO NO NO NO NO

You know it's only a matter of time, Steph is probably looking for one right now to counter AEW. BTW I don't even like AEW, I think both companies are for fags.

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>implying and "pass"

yeah you're probably right

I don't think it would happen simply because no one wants to watch a (((woman))) beating on women, even if the beating is pretend and the woman is pretend. Its weird, uncomfortable and would immediately trigger a man's instinct to protect.


imagine the dimes

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dat amusing autism

Lost. Imagine supporting CAWdy outside of stardust gimmick

Is it bad now I want a tattoo of JR

Goldust and Chyna

My black nerdy friends are pretty cool desu.

The black weebs I know smoke up and wear Naruto head bands and had a fight over Jojos which i got roped into

Ive had the same experience. Comfy days i wouldnt trade for the world. Off topic but they also loved fighting games which is weird. All my other friends never wanted to play.

America would be a safer place if they gave out anime dvds, body pillows and red pills in black neighbourhoods.

Jesus Christ you could not be more spot on, my black friend never shuts up about how Third Strike's gonna be big again "any day now"... is 3S/MvC2/CvS2 Capcom's Attitude Era?

Thats what Reddit looks like personified

The suicide diva

Now I want a ding-dong diddly back tattoo

unironically tho

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this cringed me into a coma

> This guy
It's a girl. Aurélie is a girl's name.

Based Bayley working my sides into a shoot.

Vince might be decrepit, but he could still beat the living shit out of this s󠀀oy󠀀boy without breaking a sweat.

Shawn looks like he's cringing

Haven't you heard? He made the switch.

There is no indie version of this. Indie fans are self aware enough not to get cringeworthy wrestling shit permanently seared into their flesh.


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Based retard. Google "Indy wrestling tattoo" and you'll see tons of obese neckbeards like yourself with tats like this

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Lost, pack it in boys

Not quite on the same level of getting Vince McMahon's scowling face burned onto your left ass cheek though is it? Or getting tatted with the WWE logo because you are quite literally in a pro wrestling themed cult.

I guarantee you most normies would look at that El Generico tattoo and think it's pretty cool. Because it's just a luchadore mask with a skull underneath and most people wouldn't even recognise that it's based on a real wrestler. Compare that to getting a full length Hulk Hogan back tattoo because you're mentally ill and incapable of thinking your actions through.

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I haven't been this surprised by a thread here for a while. I guess I had no idea how bad things really are. I want to move from this country I think.

This faggot is gold! He's larping as a black woman and literally everything he posts about has black people in it. He's so brainwashed it's really funny.

dat piers morgan in a crown.

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If you do shit like this at least get a good artist.


Thats a dude

Thats cool for Matt to have, its legit a great piece. But whoever put that together needs to be chemically removed from the gene pool

Lost, but it was because of your post. At least try next time

It hurts more every loop

This has to be a joke. It's too perfect


Shut up bitch, LOL

James Mitchell looks like that?

Fucking larry doesn't like to turn on the ac

fucking lost

Everyone will lose if they watch this


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cringing hard rn

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2 much cringe 4 ne


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When did Vince give him the strap?

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>Getting a tattoo of someone else's fake accomplishments

Holy fuck, it's already bad enough when the mark wrestlers do it, this is just plain retarded.

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On what PPV did Bryan get a chaos emerald?

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>the grandest stage of them all

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He looks mid 40s

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most trans love fit daddies


Lmao absolutely seething

Yes. It's the same fan-base, moron. That's what Yea Forums has been telling you.

Why the supplements?

most trannies are incels

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Typical Yea Forums poster

I thought the same thing

shit this one actually got me

I give it one year.

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reading her tweets kills me.

xtra based

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Does he/she have tits?
I don't even fucking know in 2019

bumpin' non gook threads


[spoiler]Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar[/spoiler]
