/Oedo/ Tai General

Last thread reached the bump limit . Kris has a new shirt (I'll post a link to it in a few minutes). Sumire is finally back this weekend, on the night show she's teaming with Kagetsu and Miyagi to take on Queen's Quest. Hana and Bobbi are facing Hoshiki and based Tamu. Jamie is in a four way match against Natsuko, Alex, and a returning Sumie Sakai, and Hana has a four way match against Natsuko, Emperor Leo, and Alex on the afternoon show. Hazuki is facing off against the rookie Saya Iida on the night show, and the entire group will be facing STARS in a 5 on 5 elimination match. As usual, keep the discussion related to Oedo Tai.

Attached: Sumire Spain hat.jpg (750x1000, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:


here's the new Kris Wolf shirt drklght.com/product/kris-wolf

hopefully this one stays autist free! check out Hazuki vs Azumi when you get a chance, very fun match.

Attached: Hana kiss.jpg (2755x4096, 1.25M)

third for are brandi

Attached: 31229342_211571982768878_5223475440835887104_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.38M)

Attached: cheeks (49).jpg (996x2048, 304K)

had a solid 7 or so minute run

Attached: slight cringe.jpg (1510x2047, 791K)

poor Azumi crying her eyes out after the match, she wasn't made for this life

How dare she be passionate about her craft.


Attached: tranquilo.jpg (1200x1200, 244K)

Attached: Nao is X.webm (800x500, 2.72M)

he'll get tired eventually

Attached: large[1].jpg (2048x1152, 375K)

Attached: cheeky Hana.jpg (1200x1200, 288K)

good job daichi!


Attached: daichad shutting down nao advances.jpg (1152x2048, 270K)

Not only is he pure, he's rather nimble as well.

Attached: Hana is number one.jpg_orig.jpg (3792x3792, 1.57M)

Attached: large[1].jpg (1536x2048, 528K)

is that like Japanese uncrustables?

Attached: Daichi peace.jpg (899x1200, 154K)

one is egg and the other is ... peanuts?


Attached: Yurie sleep.jpg (2048x1152, 171K)


Attached: ohayo.jpg (991x509, 91K)

Attached: based post.jpg (1024x768, 62K)

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holy yumola

Attached: dr naovel, i'm YEN.jpg (1080x607, 175K)

What will Meiko do? I am very interested in Meiko's reaction to next kagetsu invasion.

Holy cumoli

Attached: 72E485D0-9557-433A-9E21-EBA280DDB57F.png (750x1334, 1.61M)

holy dimes

Attached: Choco Bito.jpg (1000x750, 159K)

Attached: dimes.jpg (225x225, 17K)


Attached: Bobbi Tanga Jamie.png (1090x2048, 1.72M)

since the GOAT took over Oedo Tai has consistently been the top dime drawers


what's she looking for or at?

Attached: o0607108014360014331.jpg (607x1080, 145K)

I don't have it, but someone post the boobs gif she liked on twitter

Kagets will draft Azumi and StarLight Adult

god I wanna fuck Sumire so bad

Attached: Kagetsu taste exposed.png (641x228, 28K)

who was the past leader?

Attached: Yuri_Kosakai_01.jpg (1000x1500, 308K)

check out stardom world to find out!


Attached: Jungle_Kyona_01.jpg (1800x1200, 449K)

Kyoko Kimura, Hana's mom.

Attached: KYoko.jpg (1280x960, 134K)

thanks senpai. watching this now


Attached: Kyoko choking out Kana.png (660x485, 404K)


>that sound
holy fuck

Attached: Kyoko_Kimura_vs_Kana_01.webm (800x500, 2.94M)

Attached: Bito family.png (2048x1581, 2.56M)

yeah she was a badass, now she sells boar meat out of a pink cat bus at wrestling shows like a G

Attached: Kyoko_Kimura_vs_Kana_02.webm (800x500, 2.95M)

Attached: Kyoko_Kimura_vs_Kana_03.webm (800x500, 2.95M)

Not even the worst one.

even the crowd is disgusted

Did you guys see this yet?

yeah someone posted it earlier, soon

Okay but they didn't translate it like I did
Sonny we coming for you nigga


Attached: absolute huh.jpg (219x284, 30K)

I didn't watch yours yet but I'm assuming it's better

Cute. Looks like the kid wants a pet dog.

based Kid Bito

lmfao good work

will our sister finally put an end to the reign of boredom?

even more new Kris merch whatamaneuver.net/collections/kris-wolf

when is she fighting for the red belt?

she lost to Kagetsu at the anniversary show last month, she's challenging Momo for the white belt next which is why I asked if she would end the reign of boredom. If you need me to teach you anything else about stardom I'm glad to help.

I am also new to Stardom, I have a problem.
Whenever I see this slightly chubby girl with very tired looking eyes, I cum until I pass out. How do I prevent this?

can you teach me how to be a faggot?

I regret to inform you that there is no solution to this and you will have to adjust your life around this like the rest of us have.
You seem to be a natural.

It was cute how much Hazuki and Nao were playing with each other before the high speed match with AZM.

got him

>#1 pick is Suruga Mei
lmfao that's gold

Attached: Mayu and Miyagi.jpg_orig.jpg (1920x1280, 297K)

Hazuki and Nao seem to get along very well

Holy shit, Cassandra lost a lot of weight


She's gotten into better shape recently.
She never showed off her stomach before Stardom.

(In the ring, I mean. She always posted stomach pictures after workouts)

Attached: Hazuki and Nao.webm (540x304, 639K)

based Future of Stardom Champion Kyoko Kimura

Attached: battlemen.jpg (2048x1536, 474K)

Should Kagetsu be worried in any way about their chumminess?

Kagetsu orchestrated it, dawg

What ep is this? I wanna see if she talks at all.

Utami looks cool

you would know if you talked or not, Kyoko
Kagetsu raised her first rookie well


ya seethe

Attached: xia.webm (1280x720, 1.22M)

Attached: Xia Tai.webm (597x332, 687K)

Hana has the best tongue in the biz

Attached: 1530436467313.jpg (1080x1349, 125K)

Hana has the best everything in the biz

Attached: Hana whistling through the wheat field.jpg (677x499, 75K)

Attached: 51969116_603853530078535_5971155848133304907_n.jpg (1080x1349, 126K)

^ beggin ya to get a hobby!

Attached: Jamie butt Kagetsu cringe.jpg_orig.jpg (1616x1080, 190K)

Her pits and tongue are at the top of the industry according to multiple in-depth surveys, but if we're just talking Stardom then I would offer the following

I'm not into feet

Attached: hairzuki.jpg (2048x1537, 356K)

>I'm not into feet

Attached: based.png (242x227, 129K)

Attached: Dz7-2BbXgAEvWpw.jpg_orig.jpg (1280x1920, 456K)

Hana is intimidatingly hot. Like, she would see more more as an insect than a human being.

e-drone seething

I don't watch WWE so I don't care

bonce the ronce?

I lost the post from many weeks ago where I autistically assigned expressions to each Oedo member. Hana is the best at looking down on people.

Attached: hana pout with belt.jpg (1080x1620, 217K)


Attached: X-Pac.png (1647x2048, 1.84M)

Did they?

I'd ask you to dig through the archives but we've had about a hundred threads this month

I have nothing to do so I can try, but I'll need a link to start. I haven't used the archives since the old site went down in 2014 or so, and the inbuilt one only goes back a month at maximum.

Sumire's back. I think she's happy to be back.


here's one of the threads from last week archived.moe/asp/thread/6175808/

nah he has his qt wife he doesn't need slags



The weak should fear the strong.

Attached: 1550607112644.jpg (675x1200, 91K)

unless they're a 50 year old luchador wearing a Slipknot tee

Hey that was quick, I remember this post now.
>faggot dog



she owns the slag thing with pride

Attached: sumire and moth 2.jpg (1600x1200, 344K)

works everyone into legit shoots too

Alcoholic leopard print braided Sumire is the highlight of Q4

highlight of my life tbdesu

Is Hana trying to dress as attitude era Lita?

>Mentioning anything related to WWE
Don't trigger the autist, user.

as far as I know he's only posted twice in here (hence the thread going smoothly)

Already pretty neat gal.
I have a bunch of older Sendai Girls shows downloaded but never got to watching them aside from one show last April. Oops.

Attached: Dz-tyFPUUAAoGi6.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 538K)

Miyagi is cool af

Attached: 1098839731540873216.png (733x844, 610K)

Attached: SLK stading on Hana.jpg_orig.jpg (4096x2730, 1020K)

Attached: Nao shocked.jpg (1616x1080, 276K)

Attached: rare nao.jpg (2970x2970, 1.6M)

Attached: Naotsuko and Jungle Tam.webm (548x300, 2.84M)

Kagetsu is gonna draft Tamu back. She's been saying it was her biggest regret to give her up.

Attached: Tam and Fuka.jpg (640x960, 66K)

Attached: D0ArMjGUcAEufgM.jpg (1200x400, 95K)

This is Tam's apex of cuteness, for now.


Attached: o1080072014360551354.jpg (1080x720, 183K)

Samurai VTRs
streamable.com/d4b0o High Speed
streamable.com/3etyf X

Attached: hana floss.webm (500x280, 1.55M)

Attached: Bobbi big leaguing Hana.webm (600x360, 1.49M)

That is my favorite look of hers. Especially that choker

>ywn be party to this situation
Just gunna walk into traffic bros

I wanna unzip that lol

Joey Ryan BTFO

Thanks these are good

Attached: Ck6zTToUgAAYLtu.jpg orig.jpg (750x719, 63K)

sure thing, Samurai TV's VTRs are the best

good job copying them from /Stardom/

since I don't visit /stardom/ I appreciate their effort

Attached: stardummiesBTFO.jpg (1920x1016, 166K)


I just won't bother posting them next time

keep boiling, my noodles are almost ready

dude posts Oedo Tai shit in the wrong thread then gets livid whenever anyone shares it here, I'm glad I don't have autism because that shit just seems embarrassing

Don't care about them being posted here. Just thought this was gay

if you post things in the right place you will avoid these problems

Attached: when you post hana in the wrong thread.jpg (900x900, 122K)


Attached: nao btfo.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

whatever, they are gone now

how did she get btfo here? I just can't look away from her ass on the ropes to notice anything else going on

>literally worked into a shoot

Yeah well I just thought you were gay

Attached: y.jpg (700x1050, 226K)

fuck is Yurie turning into a RN?

was only a matter of time after this

Attached: Yuriedo Tai 2.jpg (1706x960, 256K)

Bito!! She’s my fave. Bito and Oedo is eternal

good taste

Attached: bito.jpg (766x1024, 108K)

I stop in here or the Stardom thread maybe once month to request a Bito pic. If you’re the one always replying and posting, love.

I usually oblige because I too love Bito

Attached: bito2.jpg (1334x750, 153K)

based Bito bros

Attached: Bitam.jpg (1703x1134, 199K)

Attached: incognito Mr. Guts.jpg (1080x1920, 325K)

what the hell is going on here?

>Replying three times
He's hurt, guys.

who hurt you?

Attached: huh.png (2048x800, 268K)

Attached: green.jpg (768x1024, 132K)

Attached: twin tails.jpg_orig.jpg (1080x1616, 260K)

based alcoholic Sumire twitter.com/SMR_sptmber_luv/status/1099078672672206848


Attached: my sides hurt.png (532x170, 8K)

Are you done?

what's your end game?

Attached: Capture.png (450x130, 5K)

I'm at work and desperately need a Nao in a dress

Sumire seems prettier when she's drunk

looking like a loser online, apparently
got you, here's her with SHKEH's sister

Attached: o0480064012669603335.jpg (480x640, 96K)

she's definitely pettier when she's drunk

Attached: LOVE.jpg (2048x1308, 442K)

Many will be happy to know that Kagetsu's reign with the red belt, at 259 days, has passed Toni Storm's.

Attached: Dw3gzjVUYAA4qXW.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

344 to go

Thanks I got a promotion

1. Nanae Takahashi - 602 days
2. Io Shirai (2) - 546 days
3. Io Shirai - 468 days
4. Kagetsu - 259 days
5. Toni Storm - 258 days
6. Yoshiko - 197 days
7. Meiko Satomura - 150 days
8. Kairi Hojo - 119 days
9. Mayu Iwatani - 95 days
10. Alpha Female - 43 days

We can hope.

Kagetsu breaks Nanae's record then drops the strap to Utami and go on vacation for 3 months

she's losing to Momo

actually I'm Rossy she's not ever losing ya idiot

wowie, I'm gonna celebrate by drinking with my friends Jungle Kyona and Sumire Natsu tonight.

Attached: sober moth.png (1099x2048, 1.47M)

I for one am very happy Sumire is finally back

Attached: smug Hana.jpg_orig.jpg (750x1000, 107K)

>heh, not bad Kitto. I almost used 10% of my power.

the fans are too, many people tweeted about how much they missed her last week

Attached: D0EBMoZVAAA1yBI[1].jpg (1200x901, 150K)

Attached: D0EBMoZVYAAVVFi[1].jpg (900x1200, 210K)

thanks for sharing, please save the original size of the pictures in the future! (right click on the pic, click open image in new tab, then type ":orig" after ".jpg" in the url)

Attached: andras hater blockers.jpg_orig.jpg (1536x2048, 530K)

What is this power... can it be....Giga Boot

What the hell is that. It looks like earthworms fished out of a tar pit.

Miyagi and Konami will get along well

Attached: Yurie and Konami.jpg_orig.jpg (1536x2048, 520K)

Comments from the Osaka/Nagoya presser.

Attached: D0CdToSVAAAHKNW.jpg (933x1200, 260K)

>Iida looks up to Hazuki


that would be one badd ass tag team

How does Natsu feel about Miyagi?

How long until Hazuki whips her into shape?

Iida to /oedo/ when?

the ace is 2 for 2 for her rookies

BASED Daichi

Attached: Daichi not impressed.jpg (1616x1080, 171K)

Attached: Hana stopping Barb.jpg_orig.jpg (3736x3736, 2.52M)

Attached: prepping for Wolf.jpg_orig.jpg (1566x1044, 138K)

Hana's ass is perfection

Attached: D0FRG8sU0AAB5AY.jpg (968x1200, 180K)

Attached: D0FRG8kVYAALjQv.jpg (1200x1100, 211K)

Attached: D0FRG8rVAAAyUMt.jpg (1200x673, 173K)

back to fucking leddit

/fit/ as fuck

Why is she covering her eyes tho



Miyagi has already worked out more than Momo ever has lol

Attached: o0840108014361308125.jpg (840x1080, 239K)

Moth will dethrone Gayko

Peak cringe.

Hi Meiko!

Attached: D0FPpdvVYAEJUgy.jpg_orig.jpg (3200x3200, 1.81M)

I think she will actually retire without being clean pinned by a joshi unless it's one of her vetetan pals.

Like Hirota.


Attached: D0G2kkDU8AA92xz.jpg_orig.jpg (1346x1803, 225K)

damn that nigga ugly...and obese

I could maybe see her giving Kagetsu the rub before she goes

lol no

She is a dyke in her late 30s she isn't retiring any time soon

>She is a dyke

Attached: SLK and Cassandra.png (320x320, 224K)

Meiko is asexual

How old is the cowlick girl?

She obviously likes dick.


Will Sumie come out with OT and do the dance? Will Azumi call her a grandma? Is this part of the Prime Minister's grand plan to bring Azumi into the fold?

Attached: azmvsumie.jpg large.jpg (1024x576, 102K)

Probably not. Definitely. Hopefully.

Attached: Andras Miyagi 4.png (381x381, 276K)

I think she's trying to convey she's a big Scorpions fan. She may have been conceived while they were touring.


Attached: scorpionsbo.png (300x300, 167K)


This is my favourite Sumire pic

Attached: 1539309319821.jpg (1920x2455, 551K)

Meiko is wrestling /oedo/ member.
But not PM.
Will she take out her fury with /oedo/ on poor Maru-chan?

To add to this, I¨d love to be there live, because people there will witness murder. Just in front of them. Meiko will cut off Martina's head to send message to PM.


The way she beat the shit out of Reika (whether agreed upon or not) makes me think this is true
Whether you like Meiko or not, she's one of a few who have no problem knocking people down

Thank you.
I shared it from my fine collection of Sumire pictures.

Attached: CN_z2DEVEAAo_QH.jpg (640x480, 35K)

she doesn't go as hard outside of Japan

Yeah she mails it in

Meiko on auto-pilot is still a guaranteed ***3/4~**** (see her matches in TJPW).

I prefer her in DDT

Post more please.

Attached: BtiIDeNCIAAvJbr.jpg (600x900, 62K)

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Keep Sumire coming!

Attached: o0800126412904873976.jpg (800x1264, 304K)

That is all for now!

Attached: o0480085413590794479.jpg (480x854, 81K)

thanks pal!

Sumire keeps me coming

There is a show starting in a few minutes ish. I'll keep tabs on any good pics of the Oedo related matches.

Utami's sister is a fan of Andras

What a weird picture of Hana.

Attached: D0I_rJsU8AAUrvN.jpg orig.jpg (1536x2048, 379K)

Utami to Oedo Tai in the draft confirmed.

I want to smell her scalp

Hana is the GOAT

Is that Bull in the center of the pic? I hope Sumire got some time under the learning tree with her. If she didn't, she should because even though she's bringing in the dimes, she could bring in so much more if she could pick her brain.

based Andras using the Tombstone to beat Tamu

It is. Bull sometimes does commentary for Stardom's Korakuen events, I'm sure she's given advice to the talent.


Attached: Hanaween.jpg (675x1200, 104K)

Attached: orig[1].jpg (1200x800, 163K)

so fucking cool

Attached: orig[1].jpg (750x1000, 94K)


here's the new /stardom/

Attached: Yo, Hana desu.gif (540x304, 3.72M)

Attached: IMG_20190224_034952.jpg (1364x2048, 252K)

based as fuck

Hana is number one

imagine this....Nao in a bikini...right?

Andras beat Azumi with a tombstone. Call Miyagi butter because she's on a roll.

Hazuki beat Iida


Attached: DO_D3CXU8AAsssm.jpg (800x1200, 132K)

Attached: D0LeCjNXcAA-N8h[1].jpg (272x247, 9K)

Jamie confirmed her tours ending. Looks like she's back in July.

This 300th reply commemorates my love for Nao

> no, I said not to cum inside me!!!

How does the tourist visa work? Do you have to wait 90 days before you can get another one?

It seems like Sumire is committed to staying freelance if the Google translate is close to correct. If someone here who knows Japanese can confirm this, I'd appreciate that.


she won't have a tourist visa

>Jamie will be back when I'm in Japan

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this is a Ruaka tweet

Thanks for the heads up. This was the one in question.

new thread