What's this mean?

What's this mean?

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>take the shitters off Raw and SD
>replace them with even more vanilla shitters
Glad I stopped watching this crap

Jasethy and Sashit are going back to NXMeme.

They're going to send people form the main roster to NXT and act like it's not a demotion I guess.


fake news

The no draw shitters are going back to where they belong, along with the vanilla midgets

>AJ Styles going to NXT

NXT isn't developmental, now it's the third brand alongside RAW and Smackdown. Expect some surplus wrestlers to get shuffled over to NXT

fake news nigga

>NIA going to the gas chambers!


worked by a fake wwe news ig account shop

wish she’d take me to her gas chamber

user from 2 weeks ago BTFO. I told you NXT and NXT UK would be involved in the Shakeup. I'm sick and tired of knowing more about prowrestling than everybody here.

>Jasethy getting demoted to NXT

based and brappilled


Rumors abound that 205 Live will be absorbed by NXT, and NXT will become a full fledged brand, including being affected by the upcoming Superstar Shakeup.

Also, to add intrigue to the brand as they try to get on FS1, they're changing the Commissioner from William Regal to THE HULKSTER!



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So long as Dream goes to Smackdown I don't care.

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Yea hopefully botcha gets left in NXT

>if you want to get out of your contract and go to the minor leagues, we'll just ship you back to NXT

Based Vince

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This is good for the "I'm tired of being stuck in catering" crowd. Sanity, Apollo Crews etc that should've never left NXT will be going back.

It's only a demotion if you're a solid roster talent like Rusev or some shit (which isn't likely).

I think they'll want more people in NXT UK, specifically Killian Dain and maybe Cesaro

Even with her wonky hairline, Sasha absolutely works me into a shoot every time. Incredible body on her.

sending that jasethy shitter back to nxmeme


Rev up those demotions/relegations.

*solos Ciampa, Gargano, Lesnar, the Usos, the Revival, Murphy, and Bryan in your path*

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How does this work with the championships?

Can the North American championship go to Smackdown? Can the Intercontinental Championship go to NXT?

even cesaro wouldn't get me to watch that wretched shit

NXT fucking wishes Vinny would give AJ to them.

Her body is literally perfect.

Are WWE actually that desperate?

Surely this week's RAW should show them that NXT shitters don't draw, and causal fans don't give a fuck about them.

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They're going to stack the nxt roster, bump it up to 2 hours and air it on Tuesday nights when Smackdown moves to kill Tuesday Night Dynamite

>200+ wrestlers employed by company
>same 30 wrestlers used by company every week

They can rearrange the deck chairs all they want but this ship is still sinking until they fix the writing and production of this show

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>Fight AEW's smarky bullshit and vinilla midgets which their own

God it's a monkey paw version of the Monday night wars

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she almost kneed liv in the face. Would have been funny just to keep the Liv gets rekt all the time meme going

how do you people watch this shit

It's fucking fake you simps

NXT pretty much exists to keep that people that would go watch Indie wrestling hooked on WWE anyway so I could see it happening.

They don't. they switch channel every time the womeme are airing.

She's already getting rekt by her diet everyday.

NXT is about to become canon to the main roster and old guys like AJ, Orton and VINCE! who may not want to travel will work there during the week and only travel to PPVs

Dream already beat Gargano for the NA title it's back on NXT,

So basically Shitters like Bayley and Sasha who don’t draw on the main roster will get demoted?

..she kissed her breast

Finally, Tyler breeze, mojo, ryder, and any other low tier shitter is going back to the minors

I wouldn't mind if NXT205 became the manlet flippy promotion

>splitting the brand AGAIN

Liv is cute, Liv is life

Whats happening to NXT UK? I'm sure it would probably just keep going as it is, but I'm confused as to when Dunne Vs Walter is going to happen, they don't seem to be planning another UK Takeover, so is it going on the regular Takeover or what?

That should be on the Mania weekend Takeover because it'll be great.

>Styles in NXT
Finally I'll get to see him since he left NJPW.

>third brand

>In tiny arenas
>Pre taped
>Not included in PPVs
>Not canon to Raw/SDL
>Doesn't tour a fraction of the other brands
>No mainstream visibility

Third brand fags are actually retarded

lol are you the same fag that claims AEW will have two shows on TNT and CW

>Rev up those demotions/relegations.

I'd ask you for your opinion about demotions but you've obviously never had a job in your entire life so you have no idea what you're even talking about.

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Reminds me of the RAW/Smack/ECW draft.

Holy yumola, wanna cumola in her bumola

this is a brilliant idea and should be done often

More dates for the talent to work? This should help their injury problems

Ding-Dong Diddlybasedioli

>going from a show that is on every monday/tuesday to one that isn't even shown on TV save for a few dates a year
>this is somehow "not a demotion"