What are some opinions your family members have on wrestlers?

What are some opinions your family members have on wrestlers?

>Dad constantly says Ruby Riott is a guy
>Dad calls Sasha one ugly woman
>Mom says Ziggler is a good looking guy
>Mom can't stand Orton
>Mom can't stand Lesnar
>Mom thinks Andrade is talented
>Dad makes fun of Rey's screaming
>Dad thinks Undertaker is a shitter
>Dad says Triple H has aged like shit

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I'm the only person in my family who likes wrestling so idk this feel

Damn bro your mom also wants to get BEANED by Andrade

Blacklund needs the fucking strap

She was impressed with the Mysterio match, saying he has to be good to be able to cooperate with Mysterio's offense.

My mum says "why do you watch that rubbish"... that's the only opinion on wrestling anyone in my family has.

70 year old dad is a mark for the Undertaker, doesn't watch much wrestling but he does always ask if the Undertaker is still wrestling.
My mind is filled with undercarder memes, so you may guess what goes through my mind whenever Taker is mentioned.
Dad also hates the chinese and refers to every wrestler with slant eyes as chinese, Nakamura, Tozawa, Asuka, Okada, Tanahashi, Mizawa, they are all chinese, I don't feel the need to correct him.

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Damn bro your mom also wants to get BEANED by Rey

Dad sounds like a typical cringelord shit poster

Loves Roman Reigns, Tanahashi, Finn Balor, Matt Riddle and Okada. (Okada is her favorite)
Hates Carder, HHH, Miz and Mandy Rose. Hates Naito's spitting. Prefers NJPW over WWE. Hates Taichi. Finds Seth/Brock and Becky/Charles/Ronnie all boring. Gets pissed off when I shit on the manlets, yet despises Austin Aries and finds him creepy.
Favorite wrestler of all time is Vito when wore the dress, second Jimmy Wang Yang.

Loves Sheamus and Big Show. He's 6'6 and Irish. Stephanie McMahon was on TV and he found her really fucking good looking.


Loved. FUCKING LOOOOVED Mr. Kennedy for some fucking reason. Loves Carder and Jeff Hardy but fucking Mr. Kennedy?????

Thinks WWE is horseshit. Would always sit there saying how it's like Jerry Springer.
Then he watched the triple threat between Kenny, Ibushi and Cody in NJPW at KOPW and was actually impressed. Loved the sports presentation and how there wasn't any hokiness to it.

>Great Grandmother
Loved WOS. Fucking despised Mick McManus and loved Jackie Pallo and Kendo Nagasaki. Used to mark at the old women in the audience hitting the heels with their bags.

>Step dad
Always used to say how shit and fake it was. But marked out at the MITB 2013 over the spots and when Punk ended up bleeding everywhere

Probably got more but can't remember. My friends are more into it.

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Damn. My dad watches. My mom got into it too as a result. Sister says it's dumb, but she watches big brother, so can't say shit. Uncle comes over to watch PPV's every once in a while. Friend watches too. If it wasn't for this, I would have dropped this shit long ago.

My dad always says he hates somoa joe

My mom loves the new day (especially big e)

Damn bro sounds like your mom wants to get RICED by Okada
Are you prepared to be The Rainmaker's step-son, son?

My mom likes The Rock, thats about it

Damn bro sounds like your mom wants to get BLACKED by The New Day
Are you prepared to take care of your Mom's son?

My family hates New Day and thinks they're annoying as fuck. Not a race thing, as they don't get pissed off when Bobby Lashley is on TV.

I’m the only one that watches in my family.

My mom hates Orton and Lesnar too, OP. She doesn’t have a reason either.

Dad always talks shit about botches, which is great, but he is genuinely disinterested in wrestling.

Two brothers watch casually, used to watch more back in the day. Always Taker and Hardy fanboys.

The other two brothers can’t stand it, but one of those two always laughs when I watch Attitude Era stuff, especially with Stone Cold or The Rock.

She asked me to set him as her wallpaper on her laptop. Previously she had Reigns for like 2 years.

I am ready to become the step-son of BASED Rainmaker

My mom is a wwe fan but hates how they handle most of their guys and she’s like kind of in the know about indie feds and the larger umbrella of wrestling so anytime Finn or somebody loses, she says, “they’re going all elite”

The only wrestling my mum watched was the segment with Goldust and Booker naked in the bed and seeing "bastard" on Spike Dudley's shirt and banning me from watching it.

Based, Jannetty dad BTFO

your dad sounds like a prick

Around 08-09 when SmackDown was on, sometimes my parents would watch it for awhile. Only remember dad saying Big Show was based and mom thought Edge was hot.

My dad still asks about Al Snow.

what does your dad want?

>Dad constantly says Ruby Riott is a guy

Attached: nonono.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

My sister thinks Ricochet is based from the time she watched Lucha Underground with me. She also thinks all the women need to hit the weights to look like Charlotte or Ronda, and Nia needs to lose weight

my mum unironically used to think Cuck Man was "Dion Punk" as homage to Celene Dion

whenever i have raw on and bayley is on screen my mom ironically calls her ugly af

mom loves orton, taker, cena, batista, lesnar

>Dad likes: Daniel Bryan, Braun Strowman, John Cena, Kevin Owens, New Day
>Mom likes: John Cena
>Dad hates: Dolph Ziggler, Miz, Sami Zayn, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Charlotte, Bray Wyatt
>Mom hates: Bray Wyatt

Oh forgot Dad likes Finn Balor and Lesnar a lot as well

>Second favorite wrestler is Jimmy Wang Yang
I wanna take you mum out to dinner and give her this Ding-Dong DiddlyWang Yang, if you catch my drift. She's based.

my dad is a boomer fan left over from the 80s

only likes upper-midcard babyfaces
doesn't think anybody under 6' looks like a wrestler
refers to all women's wrestling as pissbreaks

Dad used to like Batista and JBL


How can your parents be that young?

Hnnnnng did you have a good time with her?

>thinks John Cena is "cute"
>likes Daniel Bryan, says he's a good speaker, worries for his health due to the retirement thing
>worked by Jinder
>likes Nakamura, thinks he's funny

>likes Randy Orton from when we were little kids

other brother
>for some reason his brain can't understand fiction existing in the context of pro wrestling, doesn't "get it"

>likes Undertaker and the older guys
>never heard of Jinder Mahal when he asked me who the champion was