Suits BTFO devs, very based. Game would've been complete trash if the devs wish was made.
Suits BTFO devs, very based. Game would've been complete trash if the devs wish was made
I don't give a fuck about nu-Wars
And they literally and unironically saved the game. Sales would have been in the shitter.
I wonder if there are any more cases of suits actually saving a game from a complete disaster.
ok how many threads do we need about this????? THAT is the question........
And that would have made the game worse how?
So black people really are oppressed then?
She types like a nigger for one. And "a lot of devs" was 100% just 4 libshit roastie diversity hires.
ginger boy BAD and not DIVERSE
black female UNIQUE and GOOD
How would a black female protagonist be a complete disaster other than racist obviously wouldn't like it?
>guess what the demographic of the people making those decisions looked like.
Probably a ((white)) person.
>Twitter thread
>Flag in the name
please get banned and kill yourself
Subnautica Below Zero sold pretty well.
>So black people really are oppressed then?
I'm not glad about this because I don't want blacks in games or anything, but because the one black female they did include in the game looked like a fucking frog.
i thought jfo was an okay waste of time, but i would have skipped it entirely if the protag was some woke token black char
making us play as an autistic ginger instead was an okay compromise, i thought
It was a good game
The devs still forced in their black female protagonist though. You had that black female Steve Buscemi who was driving the plot forward while the player character is simply a passenger. The main villain has no relation to the player character, only to the bug eyed black bitch.
You could remove the player character entirely and the story would remain the exact same
Why do western game studios keep trying to make black women the protagonist?
>faggot flag and retarded shit on the bio
you actually believe a word she puts on twitter for clout you stupid nigger cattles?
Please stop posting on Yea Forums and go get SE Asian pussy faggot
Because other than like two games we don't really have a lot of black female protags.
Sure, if by "oppressed" you mean "disliked because of your actions and choices"
Self hating whites and (((whites))) are more of a blight than niggers.
>make white character, design and draw him and probably write his dialogue
>some devs want to replace him with a black character because the sight of a white person sends them into a tardrage
>devs say no
leftists can't be this stupid
>Se *child Asian pussy
>Guess what the demographic of the people making those decisions looked like?
The same as the demographic of people who bought the game.
>they wouldn't replace the ginger with a black person
what's the deal with this, what is with their hate boner of the gingers?
>guess what the demographic of the people making those decisions looked like.
Like someone who knows have to make sound business decisions in a hobby that will always be dominated by white males
>disliked because of your actions and choices
This makes no sense, blacks aren't a hivemind, and blacks have done nothing in particular to my knowledge historically to be so universally hated. I think it's just some knee-jerk lizard brain reaction to dark skin or some shit.
making the character an unlikable ginger played by an actor who doe disgusting fag roles is pretty much just as bad as if they had did another nigger/woman.
Gingers are the rarest of all hair colors
It's considered safe to replace them with whatever because of this as you alienate the least people
>Subnautica Below Zero sold pretty well.
yeah because most people bought it before it even had a main character. it was just you. they only made it a negro after it was already top steam charts virtue signal.
aren't they racist as well for wanting to change the white character into a black one?
do these people have any self awareness or introspection left?
>yeah because most people bought it before it even had the main character
What were the sales pre-release then? Also how the fuck is her just being black a virtue signal? You people are nutjobs.
>have done nothing in particular to my knowledge historically to be so universally hated
>capture and enslave other blacks from other tribes
>sell them to whitey
>years later blame whitey
>years later still ruing their own countries and flood into Europe for free gimmies
its pretty self explanatory
>>capture and enslave other blacks from other tribes
Because surely, no one else was doing this around the world, right?
>>sell them to whitey
They call out Africa's role in slavery too, also whites treated them like cattle
>>years later blame whitey
Because whitey gave the slave owners 40 acres and a mule over the former slaves, plus KKK, lynchings, Jim Crow, the drug war, all that good stuff
>>years later still ruing their own countries and flood into Europe for free gimmies
No African living in africa is interested in livingin europe, botswana proves you wrong, also 15% of ghana's immigrants are white.
So no, it's not.
Retardera is full of retards, these people can't function in real life, hopefully the buyout of twatter wipes a lot of them.
Picrel was related to the inclusion (or not) of the Commander Shepard in the new Mass Effect game, you know, one of the few protagonists you can choose religion and sex of. They are deranged.
We don't, but the videogame press and the industry as a whole believes her, wouldn't surprise me if the first SWJFO2 trailer opens with a close up of that negress.
>So black people really are oppressed then?
not being at front and center of an expensive multimillion dollar production does not mean one is oppressed.
Making the mc skin black would instantly make him more likeable and better written, melanin is magical like that
If you can consider the demographics of the game producers who nixxed this idea, maybe consider the demographics of america and the Star wars fandom as a whole.
If white men had next to zero representation and the thought of even featuring one as a protag was actively scoffed at, I doubt you'd feel the same.
If you only go out of your way to appeal to that demographic, no shit only that demographic will be interested in it. It's circular logic.
Yes I also believe in magic.
i don't care about "what if" situations, i'm only concerned with real life.
nigger fatigue is real, niggers are like coddled children in the US and people are starting to get tired of them
Black people on the whole dont care about faggot space wars and never will. They will however watch black panther, so if you want to write black panther again and slap the star wars sticker on it maybe you'll get some turnout.
>If white men had next to zero representation and the thought of even featuring one as a protag was actively scoffed at, I doubt you'd feel the same.
go ahead and name one new game this gen with a white male voiced protagonist. you can't. because they don't fucking exist anymore. Cal was literally the last one.
youre right. people dont hate niggers for their choices, its purely their behavior which is instinctive. how else do you account for the high crime rates across the globe where ever there are africanoids?
>Black people on the whole dont care about faggot space wars and never will
Whatever you say dude.
So they went with a redhead man, probably the smallest(biggest) minority in the world.
>I have never heard of Japanese manga and anime
>I have never heard of rap music
go make your game in a nig majority country then. the rest of the world is tired if it.
I thought she was referring to 2b then I was like what 2b isn't black wtf is this bitch on?
>this is what happens when eminem makes it to the bet awards
sorry, only niggas allowed
Because black females don't play games.
I say its only fair they get less representation.
>these six pictures will surely BTFO of any opposition
How is this even possible? Star Wars and Space Balls have little to no BIPOC representation after all
>out of context pictures of single persons aged 30+ years
I bet the devs in the studio argued at the same level, and then the suits brought out actual metrics and statistics and BTFO. Proof is in the pudding really, since the game was incredibly successful. And i doubt a single black person who actually gives a shit about faggot space wars chose not to play the game because of "the huwhite protag" as they had already consumed 9 movies and various shows and books featuring "huwhite protags"
You are presenting a fake argument for a group of people who dont even exist and have no money to purchase anything.
>niggers are like coddled children in the US
How the fuck is being one of the most mistrusted groups of people in the country "being coddled" retard?
>Star Wars and Space Balls have little to no BIPOC representation after all
could it be possible that people just like stuff without having any sort or representation? no! it cannot be!
>white men invent gaming and movie industry
>white men are the ones making the games and building the industry
>niggers are surprised there's too many white people in games and movies
Maybe your ancestors should've invented cinema and video games, dunno man, something to think about
>"the huwhite protag" as they had already consumed 9 movies and various shows and books featuring "huwhite protags"
I mean when you have no choice but to consume HUWHITE protag, no shit you'll accept it. That's like saying if you've been eating dog shit for the past several years that doesn't mean you wouldn't mind a steak dinner every once in a while too.
Yeah black people are oppressed by white culture, because it wasn't designed for them. They need their own country. Or continent even. Where could we find such a place...
>go ahead and name one new game this gen with a white male voiced protagonist.
>people are actually flaming her in the replies
>racists against white people are getting called out in the replies
a little bit of hope just came back
God bros, Ginger girls are so fucking CUTE. I know one IRL and she's adorable. It warms my cold heart.
>guess the demographics of the people making decisions at a major media company
Cool it with the antisemitism buddy
Are they mad Cal became a popular character?
>Google some games to try and refute your argument
>Its true, even the last 3 COD games have had black MCs or gave you the choice to be female.
Holy shit, Cal really was the last one.
>If white men had next to zero representation and the thought of even featuring one as a protag was actively scoffed at
That happening in a country that is 60% white, and where most franchises and IPs are created by white people, that would be a concern
Pic related would be impossible today
The female part was definitely shot down just to avoid comparisons to Rey.
Look at every other game in the last few years user. Putting ugly facsimiles in your game isn’t good for sales.
So blacks have zero contribution to the film and movie industry whatsoever in your pea brain? Also, wasn't the first video game cartridge invented by a black dude? Not that any of this shit is relevant.
Not nearly as well as Subnautica. Just judging by the amount of user reviews on Steam, it has less than 1/3rd the amount of players. Also, Below Zero was complete and utter shit. It did nothing better than Subnautica 1, and it did plenty worse.
t. put 200 hours into the original, didn't even bother finishing BZ after 30 hours.
He says as he continues to exploit black culture and black bodies day in and day out for profit.
John Eldenring
Are you negroes retarded?
>Not nearly as well as Subnautica.
Probably because it's been out longer and had a better promotion
>Below Zero was complete and utter shit.
How so?
if we're going to deal with overrepresentation we first have to consider our pointy nosed frisbee hat friends
coded language for 'me and my 4 besties'
>Because whitey gave the slave owners 40 acres and a mule over the former slaves
They literally had their property (yes, I know, said property was human people) taken from them and were financially and socially crippled. There were also far, far fewer slave owners than slaves.
Fun fact, Britain took out so much money in loans to buy and free all the slaves owned by slave owners that they didn't get around to paying it all off until 2015.
yes, in comparison to white people, it's almost zero
He doesn't, cope.
face it, fucktard, the people in that referenced image liked SW & SB prior to prequels being released.
when will devs and journalists realize suits are not racist? They only care about maximum profit and white male is max profit. They dont give two shits about any sort of racist crap.
>blacks aren't a hivemind
Neither are whites. Neither are virgins. Neither are men.
I wish black "culture" (rap, perversion of the English language via Ebonics, fatherlessness, and extremely high violent crime rates) would disappear too.
And you think those things go out of the way to appeal to certain demographics? Or do you think they just do what they do naturally and let whoever likes it like it?
Jews are probably the most oppressed minority in history, now that I think about it. It's like every time someone stubs their toe a jew is responsible for it somewhere in the world to a schizo.
keep making threads about this, i love reading anons cope with their insecurities. make an asian girl/kpop thread next
Can't they do a game about a younger Mace Windu if they want a black rep?
>when will devs and journalists realize suits are not racist? They only care about maximum profit and white male is max profit. They dont give two shits about any sort of racist crap.
this guy gets it. every business will work to minimize cost and maximize profit and rarely give a flying fuck about any other factor(s).
why are they so obsessed with filling Star Wars with blacks and women?
Someone post the Arthur negro lover copypasta.
>aken from them and were financially and socially crippled.
Oh boo hoo, and the other group of people quite literally had fuck all but the clothes on their backs, not even that most of the time.
>Also how the fuck is her just being black a virtue signal?
Diversity is the first word in "Diversity and Inclusion. Diversity (of skin color) is the primary concern among leftist politics in entertainment. Stop being dishonest.
No I don't retard. My taxes go to helping them actually
She should make her own game with an all black cast if she wants it so desperately
Jewish hands wrote this
Pics or it didn't happen
>Diversity is the first word in "Diversity and Inclusion.
Diversity and inclusion is a good thing, since when was variety in anything a bad thing?
You made a big deal out of not being able to play as someone of a different race than yours, and now it surprises you white people don't want to play as a shitskin? Lmao.
>go ahead and name one new game this gen with a white male voiced protagonist.
October 2018 is still considered 'this gen' ?
Mace Windu isn’t a nigger. He’s just a black guy. This can’t work in current year.
they really are just that annoying
I bet they were jewish
It seems there are only two races, either black or white. Who would have knew.
Taxes? You expect me to believe your fat ass commits to labor?
>Also, wasn't the first video game cartridge invented by a black dude?
It was not.
>Rey is a woman
She's also a shit character.
This is the cast of the Halo TV series
Where the white males at??
I can't believe these fuckers.
Play as a black or a woman? eh, I'd rather not.
What's the difference? Isn't Nigger just a slur version of black here?
tell us again about the roller coasters during the holocaust
Such a hilariously disingenuous statement, "a lot" ie not a lot of actual devs at all, just worthless free loaders like you that don't actually work on the game. Fucking retarded way to phrase it too, she literally exposed her own racism too lol "be black and/or a woman". Jesus christ
>when will devs and journalists realize suits are not racist? They only care about maximum profit and white male is max profit.
Yes, this is true, and this is exactly what leftists mean when they talk about "racist systems" obviously none of these suits are Cletus the cross burner, but his actions still indirectly affect black people.