Which JRPG should I get?

Which JRPG should I get?

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If XB1 is anything like XB2, I'd say get SMT

>i literally have no clue, but i want to post anyway


SMT3, but play it on ps2 crt. Probably can get a chipped PS2 wit a TV for under $60 too.


the switch nocturne port is literal ass, and performs terribly. xbc1de however is the best looking game on switch with some of the best voice acting/story/characters the genre has to offer

Smt is a more traditional jrpg, if you want to lose yourself in an open World go for XB

Both need heavy grinding

>grinding in xenoblade

Haven't played SMT but how do you not end up overlevelled as fuck playing XB? You have to level yourself down just to keep it interesting some times.

Don't play any remasters

both are shit

>grinding in xenoblade
how bad can one person be

xeno is kino, nocturne is really overrated, play dds instead if you want smt

Xenokino, SMT 3 isn't bad but XC1 is better if you only have money for one


If FF12 with no gambits and really dumb AI sounds like shit to you just go with Nocturne

>Both need heavy grinding
Eh, not really. Just don't run away from combat like a little bitch, and you should be fine.
Just keep in mind that SMT is all about your Buff/Debuff game, and Xenoblade is all about your ability to lock your enemies into their vulnerability state to pile damage on them and you'll be fine.

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I got bored with Xenoblade about 3 hours in. I'm currently like 14 hours into Nocturne and getting bored of it now

Oh hey, its this retard again! Still fucking seething, I see? Don't listen to this snoyfaggot zoomer OP

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Emulate the original versions of both

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JRPGs suck

Nocturne if you want an atmospheric turn-based post-apocalyptic jrpg light on narrative but heavy on gameplay. I found XB1 to be kinda overrated in all honesty but it's still a very good game with top-notch world design and characters, you can get both for cheap nowadays, but I would say go with Nocturne.
The reason XB2 gets shat on a lot is because it couldn't be any more different from 1 yet still be called a sequel.

Nocturne, because it's actually good and fun

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Remaster adds some QoL features

xenoblade chronicles 1 is a really good game.
nocturne isn't very good. if you want to play smt, play strange journey or 4A, they're the best games in the series.

ignore xenoblade chronicles 2.

Xenoblade, by far.

Nocturne, by far

>ignore xenoblade chronicles 2.
nah disregard this shit opinion, play both. They are both great but different games

no, xc2 is shit. sorry tranny.

only a tranny would hate XC2, those are the facts. Sorry about your dysphoria and autism

Get both poorfag

So the purist meme has transcended beyond 2d low pixel resolution games...

Nocturne clashes its relentless brutal atmosphere and gameplay of punching demons to the beat of high energy guitars and dog bark like vocals with a sand world arranged like a bonsai garden, slow heavily atmospheric cutscenes, and the very concept of life portrayed as energy. Very few JRPGs can present that this good, Hashino did an amazing job here.

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Better story
Better characters
Better music
Better gameplay
Better world design and exploration
There is not a single aspect where SMTrannyshit is better

Nocturne sucks.

Nocturne faggots love to assert that they love it because it's 'hardcore' or whatever, but they complain when the hard mode kills them instantly in the beginning. Isn't that the part of relentless difficulty, faggots?

>no, it's only okay when I'm allowed to balance against it
So you don't actually like relentless difficulty, and you're a tryhard faggot.

Dragon Quest 11 or Xenoblade Definitive? I only have time for one and can't fucking choose


Xenoblade is garbage. Have some self respect and play Dragon Quest.

i played through nocturne on normal and autobattled down the final boss without grinding
hard mode better fucking be hard

>i played through nocturne on normal

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The only one that matters.

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it was obvously a mistake, as you can tell

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Nocturne is a satanist game, and every user fell for it. Just like he fell for ISHYGDDT, which was a jewish meme. Every user is a fucking retard beholden to jewish memes. I hate that they think that they're powerful. They're a joke.

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Nocturne is the only good JRPG [not on the SNES] that exists so that one

Xenoblade Chronicles Definite Edition on the Nintendo Switch. It's one of my favorite JPRGs.

Kill yourself.

>Nocturne clashes its relentless brutal atmosphere and gameplay of punching demons to the beat of high energy guitars and dog bark like vocals with a sand world arranged like a bonsai garden, slow heavily atmospheric cutscenes, and the very concept of life portrayed as energy. Very few JRPGs can present that this good, Hashino did an amazing job here.

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>he has to grind in nocturne

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Both of these people are chuds.

If you want a corridor simulator with no story but in depth combat get SMT; if you want a fun open world RPG with good story filled with shit side quests and okay combat get XBC1. Also SMTV is way better than III since it has an actual world to explore so if you want to play SMT just get that.

Are you seriously being a chud right now?

>If you want a corridor simulator with no story but in depth combat get SMT
The no story thing does sum up Nocturne, since it's story is very sparse, but every other mainline entry but 5 has more going on. SMT1's story is top notch, and 2's a good sequel.

Imagine being a chud.

You never even finished the game

You're a chud.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I just wanted to put my own two cents in on a game series I like.

Both are great. Whatever you choose, I hope you have fun, user!

Haha, what a chud.

>SMT1's story is top notch, and 2's a good sequel

The Nocturne port only runs like ass if you play it docked.

objectively better than tenseishit