Day 8 of trying to beat this faggot

Day 8 of trying to beat this faggot.
I haven't reached state 4 yet, but I got 1 hit away from finishing blow when he killed me.
I hate him. I hate Miyazaki. I hate myself.

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I will start doing really well and getc almost to the end multiple times, and then I won't even be able to get past genichiro for the rest of the day.
How much of this game is just luck

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Please talk about sekiro with me

If you're able to get past Monkey and Genchiro, he shouldn't be a problem.

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Sekiro is much better than ER

Did you figure out that the gun can be parried?

He's a big problem. 3rd stage feels impossible

>I won't even be able to get past genichiro for the rest of the day
You should be able to no-hit Genny easy by endgame
how did you get to this point while being so bad? What did you use as a crutch?

it's just phase 2 with a fuckton of free damage (lightning reversal)
kindly get back in there and whoop his ass

Yes, it is
Phase 1 and 2 you should destroy him without even using your gourd once. Then you can cheese the third phase by running around and only hitting him when he does his jump attack. 4th phase just lightning reversal. It's not easy but if you're determined you can do it in an afternoon.

I beat Elden beast and Radagon in under 7 attempts but sword saint still takes me days to beat even on NG+

>how much is just luck
You should be able to reliably get to phase two every attempt by now user. God forbid you do him charmless. Sekiro has no RNG at all.

No I mean the third stage including genichiro.
So ishins 2nd phase. I can't read any of his moves

>Should be

Focus on deflects, don’t bother attacking at first

You are going to rage when you hear I beat him on my first go. I'm not that good, he is the only from boss I managed to beat on the first try. Just dumb luck I guess :)

you can not play the deflect game and instead just hold down the sprint button, run in for a sprint attack when he's open, and then run back out repeat until dead

just do this lole

deflect > attack until he deflects > deflect > attack until he deflects
mix in some mikiri counters and lightning reversals and there you go

This is still incredibly hard
His leaping attack leaves him open, but he switches up his moves after that. Sometimes it's an unlockable, somrtimes it a two hit combo you can parry, sometimes it's 3 fast sword strikes

And if he hits you once out of every 4 leaps, you run out of gourds before the phase is over

will you take any of the advice given itt or keep making it every fucking day?

Here's what you do
>Equip umbrella for his second and third phase
Use it when he jump attacks and spams his gun then counter with the umbrella attack.
>Bring items to give more spirit emblems
Needed because you will use the umbrella slot
>Save the gourd for second and final phase
Don't even get hurt on genichiro, if he's making you heal or even die then just restart and keep trying genichiro until you can beat him without troubles.
>Final phase use umbrella and lighting reversal
Ez win

It's only the second thread. If I can't beat him today I'll make another tomorrow probably.

For some reason I got like 7 tries in and decided to turn down the game volume, put on a podcast and start grinding him. Beat him the next try.
So I guess my advice is to not focus on the game too much and you'll beat him.

How did you reach the end of the game without knowing how to play?

Genichiro should be a cakewalk at this point. Isshin’s first phase can be broken if when you get deflected, just dodge past his attack and to the left or right and then attack which will hit him in the back and reset him.

I would recommend just BLOCKING and holding it, not deflecting to learn his second phase if you’re really have trouble. Run away to reset posture when needed. Mindlessly attacking will get you punished since he has a few moves with hyper armor (like the start of his 8 hit combo) and he can also do his back jump sweep out of nowhere if you just spam attack. The real way to beat him is to attack two or three times, then wait to see how he responds so you give yourself enough time to react.

Ishin is just a faster genichiro
Either you still don't know how to play the game or you are inhumanly bad, worse than DSP

Assuming this is real, the trick to the spear phase is not getting greedy. If you mash on him too much, he can go into the retreating jump swipe while you're stuck in an attack, or worse, the double sword slash into double spear attack combo with superarmor that can one shot you (he can also go into the latter from that run he can do, so be careful there too).

From neutral, it's generally safe to just run up and take a swing at him, just don't buffer a second in case he goes into an attack with superarmor. I'd generally recommend making the first move yourself if you can, he's much more predictable on defense. Healing is free too as long as he isn't in another attack animation, since you can just deflect the spear slam he always punishes healing with at any range, and get a free punish on him.

Phase 3 gets two new moves, a lightning attack which is free damage, and an attack where he launches two wind blades at you, which aren't too hard to deflect or dodge. It's basically a victory lap, just don't get cocky, he can still delete you if you fuck up.

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Don't hesitate. He's the only boss you barely need to walk around because of how agressive he is. Use the umbrella to deflect wind attacks if you can't dodge them

Gay and babypilled
Go to gay baby jail

This is a forbidden technique. It is on you if you choose to learn it, or worse, to utilize it. You have been warned;

Phase 1, Genichiro, should not be an issue. Fight him normally. During Phase 2, the first phase of Ishinn's fight, he has a very limited moveset and you need only worry about one or two of his fast-hitters. If you've to his 2nd phase, or phase 3 of the fight total, you should be able to handle this phase by now.

Phase 3 and 4 is where the technique comes into play. Now, he's using his giant spear. What you want to do is abuse your infinite sprint to begin running away at an angle from him, keeping Ishinn at midrange. He will begin to chase you, and may shoot at you so make sure to keep circling to avoid the projectiles. If your range is good, he will within 10-12 seconds try to do a leaping slash with his spear to close the gap; THIS is what you are looking for. The second he goes airborne, adjust your direction and run TOWARDS him.
This will make you run under him as he leaps over you, and he will land with his back to you as he slams the ground. Right as he's landing, charge up a basic attack/thrust, and poke him a single time in the ass from behind. Then, start running again.

If you miss the stab or don't get under him fast enough, he will often follow up the leap with another slash, so be wary. If executed properly, however, you will deal about 5-8% damage with your poke to his HP that he cannot block or dodge or avoid. You then repeat this, 35-40 times, throughout all of Phase 3 and Phase 4, to beat him. Run from everything but his leap, avoid the lightning when he starts spouting it in Phase 4, and poke the fucker to death.

A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.

... Honestly that sounds harder than fighting him straight out
Regardless I approve. If OP really has been stuck on this for days, then this might work out for him
A shinobi would know the difference between honour and victory indeed

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I use the flame mist feathers on his unlockables. I make sure to throw a bit of oil first though

Learning the pattern can take a few tries but once you have it, it's completely consistent and safe. Takes a while and since it is an endurance strategy, you risk taking too much damage from screwups and missed actions, but if you've got a 10 flask and only used a couple getting to Ishinn's 2nd phase, you're probably fine. Ashamed to admit I basically always fought Ishinn this way until just recently, since the first time I played the game I was shit and only now at 200+ hours played and 7-8 clears realized I was more than good enough to easily beat him the normal way.

Honest question, how did you beat the rest of the game if you're having this much trouble with SSI? He doesn't demand anything that the game shouldn't have already taught you how to do if you've made it this far.

This is legit bullshit. Ishin is notoriously hard, and he has several attacks with longer combos with hyper armor and greater damage than any other boss.
Some bosses have these aspects individually, but ishin is the only one with these "if you fuck up on this attack your done"
Also George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose.

This seems a bit disingenuous. Ishinn is actually an amazing end-game boss because he tests almost every skill the game has taught you in a single fight. All perilous attacks, hyper aggression, huge HP bar so you can't rely on chugging flasks to just tank and a pretty big pool of fast, slow and area attacks to memorize. Outside of Genichiro, who is a simpler version of this, very few bosses test every single one of these things at the same time, and loads of players (especially first time ones) will have some areas they excel at while others they struggle with. If you suck at mikiris, you can do the entire game without them while struggling. If you suck at perilous attacks, you can tank them for most bosses and still manage to out-dps. If you suck at jumping, won't be a huge deciding factor in most fights. You can suck at one or two things and still beat most bosses with some struggle, but if you still suck at any of those by the time you get to Ishinn, he's going to punish the hell out of every mistake you make.

I dont know who the oldman is. And he just came out of genichiro... I was like "what the fuck"?
It was a complete dissapoinment of a final boss.
Not the final boss itself, but the way they make you fight him 2 seconds after you meet him and just defeated what you thought was the main villain.
He himself doesnt even want to fight you.
Plus I expected way more of genichiro.
I think they fucked up there but the rest of the game is flawless and I cant wait for the sequel


Forgot pic related

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You've been interacting with ishin the whole game, retard.
Ishin IS ashina. You are fighting ashina itself.
Cringe take. Embarrassing.

>I dont know who the oldman is.
what the fuck is wrong with you?

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I actually really like what they did with Genichiro because he encapsulates what playing Sekiro really means and feels like.

The first time you play the game, Genichiro is going to utterly stomp you in the tutorial fight, no two ways about it. You're just figuring out the stamina system, you can't take any hits to learn his moves, nothing. When you reach him at the midpoint of the game, he's absolutely the gateway boss and tests if you've learned all about the perilous attacks, about keeping aggression, etc. And then when you fight him again at the end of the game, you absolutely demolish him because you realize he's the exact same really as the first time you met him. He's not gotten weaker, you've just gotten so much better at the game and stronger in terms of skill, if not raw stats, that you can style all over his bitch ass without issue. And upon replaying the game, he's always right there at the start as a constant reminder of how far you've come, realizing that even without upgrades or a single HP point, when you start a new game, you can crush him just by talent and experience.

i dropped the game for a year after ragequitting this fight
then i took it back up and finally got it, i can run circles around him at this point. peak kino fight

>fighting the guy who literally named you Sekiro
>'who is this ... lost old man?'

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Yes, sekiro is pretty amazing

Took me one day and a half, git gud you fag

DSP beat him in THREE tries

stop hesitating

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Just realized who he is... guess I didnt pay much attention to the lore.
But why did he came out of genichiro? I thought the power of the blood was that you cant die?

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You can do it user!

you can do it user, im not gonna say the fight is easy, because its not, but once everything clicks, it’ll probably become your favorite boss fight too like it did for me. dont go in there to “beat him”, go in there with the mindset of learning all you can from him. he’s a great teacher.

First phase Genichiro is a joke.
Second phase Isshin is somewhat difficult.
Third phase isn't as bad because he mostly uses one form of cirtical move that can be mikiri countered.
Fourth phase is basically the second phase but he shoots lightning now, which if you're ready to punish him, can be a lot easier than the rest of the fights.

I've beat him multiple times on NG+. You should also be using sugars if you can.

the blood of the divine child is needed to power the mortal blades
your mortal blade severs immortality, genichiro's is a different blade, his revives the dead

I beat him yesterday. Took me sometime to get used to his attacks in his third form. His fourth is not that hard, as the lightning attacks just makes things a lot easier. I'm thinking of starting a NG+ now, but I'm kind of lazy of doing all the recomended stuff before starting NG+. Should I just go for it?

Actually it opens a gate to the underworld but whatever

what else are you going to do with a gate to the underworld but take people out of it
any sword can put people in there

Thought there was only one mortal blade.
Where did genichiro get his?

Play the game, holy shit

Jesus christ...alright, we're gonna speed through this user.

>Ashina is a land where there is some super magic water that makes people who drink it strong
>Everybody wants this water
>30ish years ago, Ashina clan manages to retake their land from the Guberment
>Guberment is mad
>A bunch of people start circling like vultures trying to take advantage of magic water
>Bunch of monks try to create immortality from magic water, end up 50% succeeding by making giant immortal bugs who use them as hosts and make them immortal by proxy
>Ashina tries to get some immortality as well by feeding its soldiers dirt from the magic rivers and fruit grown by the water, only makes them super strong instead
>There's this other family that actually DOES have immortality, but it came from some kinda Western Dragon possibly-a-curse-maybe-not
>This is real immortality and awesome, but utilizing it makes others around/the world entire start to wither and die
>30ish years pass
>Guy named Owl wants to be immortal so he tries to bamboozle this other family into giving him immortality, backfires and they all end up dead and the sole heir makes Owl's adopted scapegoat, The Wolf, immortal instead
>Ishinn Ashina is getting old now and since he basically solo'd the Guberment's forces before, Guberment is getting ready to invade basically as soon as Ishinn dies knowing nobody else can 1v1 them
>Ishinn's grandson Genichiro wishes he could be as cool as Ishinn but he is not and nobody thinks he is
>Knows Ashina is gonna get taken over again by the Guberment so he tries to make the Divine Heir give him REAL immortality
>Kuro knows Genichiro is a jobber and refuses
>Genichiro's plan is to lock him up in a tower and ask repeatedly until Kuro says yes
>Sekiro, who got his ass beat when Genichiro first kidnapped Kuro, finally stops moping and goes to save him
>Absolutely shreds all of Ashina's defenses getting to Kuro

There's a book near Isshin's room in the castle that mentions the second one. Doesn't say where it is, just that it exists and that it opens a gate to the underworld.

Imagine how comfy it would be to kill worthy intruders in your back garden all the time.

They didn't make the centipedes. They come from the rotten corpse of an immortal carp in magic dragon realm. Signifying the corruption of immortality and stagnation.
The centipedes naturally came to ashina in the water, and the monks took willingly took them into themselves for immortality.
Owl most likely intended for sekiro to recieve the dragons blood.

>Ishinn dies of old age after Sekiro goes around collecting ingredients to sever immortality because Kuro doesn't want to keep sapping the life of the land to power his own superpowers
>Big Bad Guberment shows up, sees that the entirety of Ashina's defenses were absolutely shredded by Sekiro and basically just walk in, demolishing everything
>Genichiro realizes he's a scrublord and so runs off to get a Mortal Blade, which can be used to open a gate to the afterlife
>Uses it with his own blood to pull his grandpa Ishinn back to life, since Ishinn was the only one to be able to stop the Guberment before
>But instead of just wishing Ishinn to go fight the baddies, Genichiro accidentally also let his emotional hatred of how hard Sekiro styled on him be his final thought
>So now Ishinn's first command upon being summoned is to beat Sekiro's ass, rather than just 'let Sekiro and Kuro leave and go beat up the people he was summoned entirely to beat up'
>Sekiro beats his ass because of fucking course he does
>One of three endings where you sever immortality as Kuro wished
>Ashina is back under Guberment control while you go off and
>A) fucking die
>B) fucking retire
>C) go on a rad adventure to the west to try and find the source of immortality with best waifu

Goddamnit user I was trying to summarize. And Owl is an entire can of worms I didn't want to get into because he is simultaneously awesome and also one of the worst written characters. Unless we want to spend the next 30 trying to figure out what the hell his plan was to generally no avail its better to just leave it.

Owl hates the Iron Code as much as he takes advantage of it. His goal is what it is.

This was the best final boss in any from game BY FAR. My heart was racing during every second of that encounter

I just wish you didn't have to watch cutscenes again (yeah, you can skip it, but it's still annoying when you're fighting the dude for the 30th time)

kek a bunch of stuff you can just run back and run around him. Feel free to try shit out. Running, dodging, or even baiting can work to your advantage, not everything his parrying. here be some wanky tips

>stage 1 dash and 2 slash Iai
you could parry this, but I always found it much easier to run back a few steps and circle strafe around to his ass and you can smack him twice easily.
>any force charged attack
run back and circle around to his ass
>he pushes you back in midcombo
stop attacking and just wait for the stab so its an easy mikiri
>stage 2 chasing
stop running for a bit so he starts an attack combo then get away from it and youll get your chance to heal, beware of gun though
>stage 2 6 hit combo
parry the first 2 strikes and you can just run back and wait for the final hit which is usually a stab/sweep
>any other combo
just parry it until the final move and strike back at the end of it

I understand his goal is immortality, I'm saying his plan for getting there is either confusing, or he's a blind retard, with little middle ground. He's a chessmaster type who spends years on his plans, but his plan to get immortality was a colossal fuckup.