The gaming industry is healing

Elden Ring sales:
>first three weeks: 12 million
>one week later: 13.4 million

Most likely flirting with 20 million by now.

Attached: file.png (1012x782, 287.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So they made like fourty bucks atleast right

Probably more like fifty

And shit like annual sportsball and GTA sells even better, flies congregating to shit isn't new

>overrated AAA soulless casual fotm open world normiegarbage with simplistic, retard-friendly 1-button combat aka Reddit: The video Game does well as expected
>"the gaming industry is healing"

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Those are great games if you're into that sort of thing.

>1-button combat
You're thinking of Sekiro.

>deflect deflect deflect block deflect deflect deflect

Brobably fifdy dollars?!

Attached: 88DD901A-372E-4F1A-838E-F07FEED201C4.jpg (578x720, 61.42K)

>The second worst souls game released
>Yet another game that fell for the shitty open world design trend that plagues most modern AAA games
>Thinks that the industry is healing
The fact that this game managed to get such high sales numbers and review scores just proves how low the standards for this industry have become.

>Every game is just a souls clone, a Fortnite attempt, gta 5 remake, or bad phone gacha game
>Industry is healing
We had diversity before. Diversity is gone in pursuit of money. Only indie devs care. Industry is not healed and probably will never heal. Once investors finally realize they aren't getting GTA or cod numbers, they will go to an industry that will.

>>The second worst souls game released
It's by far the best though

But this is literally a Souls game.

>just proves how low the standards for this industry have become
This is a game where the first non-tutorial enemy is 99% guaranteed to kill you.

>Worst setting
>Worst story
>Worst ost
>Worst boss arenas
>Has some of the worst bosses in the entire franchise
>Pointless bloated open world
>It's by far the best

Well that's less than I expected

Dark Souls 1 was open world.

But it's objectively the best at all those things.

Maybe you wanna read it again, carefully.

Only 13 Million is pretty pathetic

In what timeframe?

So it basically grinded to a halt after fromfans emptied their wallets lol

You're probably reading it wrong

It sold well because FotM and influencer shilling

And most Soulstrash is pretty much
>roll roll roll roll roll attack attack roll roll roll roll
Unless you play mage of course, then it's pretty much just
boss is dead

>>roll roll roll roll roll attack attack roll roll roll roll
You haven't played ER though

Based on my shoddy estimates using zipf's law, they should've sold around 15-18mil by now.

I hope we get 10 DLC expansions, including a randomzied chalice dungeon thing.

DS3 sold 3mil in 2 months and 10mil by 2020, 4 years after release.
I'd say 13mil is definitely great for fromsoftware. They themselves said they only expected around 4mil in the first month.

>it's g-good because it's LE HARD

>roll roll roll roll roll attack attack roll roll roll roll

Rolling is optional in Elden Ring if you have the right build:

Attached: 1651497467527.webm (900x506, 2.86M)

el oh el
No it's not.

>diversity hiring agendas still being pushed
>forced stream gaming agenda being pushed
>hardware without vidya is now the new normal

It's amazing how ER might surpass in 1 year what DS1+DS2+DS3 have sold in 10.

When the first enemy in a game is 99% guaranteed to kill you by design, that's neither "retard friendly" nor "low standard".

>japanese call of duty sells well
>"this is a good thing"
jesus fucking christ

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>>diversity hiring agendas still being pushed
The Japanese don't engage in this shit at all, hence the OP:

parry, deflect, dodge, jump, mikiri, combat arts, prosthetic arm
fucking nigger play the game

Yes, the game actually tries to kill you instead of just being a scary theme park ride full of garbage cutscenes while you're in 100% safety.

And you learn the hard way to avoid hard bosses/enemies early on, or you if you're stubborn just get good enough to do them with near-zero mistakes.

>I'd say 13mil is definitely great for fromsoftware.

It's more than great.

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Played it 4 times. Sadly, I couldn't finish the my fourth playthrough. Got bored and moved on to something else.

Now list every possible thing you can do in Elden Ring.

Name the better game.

How much are other devs seething right now over ER's success?

>Going to fuck up the market with even more garbage souls clones along with MORE open world shit

Attached: blizzdevseldenring.jpg (914x1575, 348.7K)

>played ER four times
>calls it "Soulstrash"

wow user

Skyrim had a better story, world, and first person combat.

I hate tertiaries like you wouldn't believe.

In what way is it Japanese COD?
They come out 'every' year, produced by several studios under the umbrella of Activision.
Fromsoft is one studio, and their last game was Sekiro, back in 2019 - three years ago.
Ah, fuck it; you're arguing in bad faith anyway. Fuck off.

>better combat

This is satire

This, but unironically

Why didn't Paul make a new character to check what the dungeon had?

I'm starting to think fromdrones are stuck in 2010

they've been parroting the same retarded thought terminating clichés for more than a decade, here we can see the classic "le dark souls is le good for le industry!!" as if this was still the wii era or some shit

>open world cancer
It's stage IV user, there's no "healing" possible from that.

I think elden ring is a good game, but it's obvious retards are only lapping it up just because it's open world, which is one of the worst things about elden ring.

who cares 90% of bosses is fucking boring shit every single mob enemy is giga boring and exploration sucks only stormveil castle is decent
fuck your DS 3,5 with sekiro moves really poorly implemented thanks to fucking dark souls character with stick in ass

>>open world cancer
But open world is great. Especially Elden Ring's open world.

>who cares 90% of bosses is fucking boring shit every single mob enemy is giga boring and exploration sucks only stormveil castle is decent
No capitalization or punctuation.
ADD-riddled underage confirmed.

>Open world haters
>botw is the exception though!

Open world is the only worthwhile genre

Dark Souls is the most influential game of the last decade.
Even EA are do souls/sekiro combat these days.

Attached: Fallen Order.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

>The gaming industry is healing
Ah joyous times, when yet another series goes open world.

For now, give it 5 years

>all this seething about the incredible success of game of the decade
Videogames are saved

>I hate a specific subgenre of gaming

lol you don't even know what you're talking about, retard
try playing it someday

i'm so glad we got dark souls but with huge empty spaces between zones

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>with sekiro moves
I fucking wish

im not gonna shitpost about every single boss, area or mob in the game when 90% of it is shit fucking retard
call me any meme word you want or go play the game and see for yourself after stormveil everything goes to giga shit

>if you have the right build
which you had to grind for
by rolling

>T. Filtered and ragequit by Burial Watchdog

yeah its just fucking jump + worst combat arts

see this is exactly why you retards are mocked

if you argue dark souls is the most influential game on the industry but the industry is still complete garbage then surely your shit series has no significant positive influence and might even have a negative one by making things even more derivative and less crative, but of course you literal gorilla nigger brain can't grasp that, weeeee elden bing sold a jewillion copies I'm so happy for mitsubishi!!!

Watch the video, he did the whole game at over 100% equip load and that makes you unable to roll or jump.

Blocking with greatshields is OP.

>When the first enemy in a game is 99% guaranteed to kill you by design, that's neither "retard friendly" nor "low standard".
We're talking about the overall quality of a game, retard. Just because you made a shit/mediocre game 10x harder doesn't automatically make it better. Elden Rings blatant input reading anime bosses with a million combo strings are proof of that.
>Yes, the game actually tries to kill you instead of just being a scary theme park ride full of garbage cutscenes while you're in 100% safety.
Previous souls games were also challenging but they were challenging in a more fair and fun way. This focus on increasing difficulty while refusing to add more to the players BASE moveset and abilities is the cancer that's eating souls games.

There are more than enough ways to fight without rolling even at the beginning.

>The gaming industry is healing
The fuck? Gaming is in its worse state ever right now.
Only indie titles have any soul left and actually make good games but faggots only follow what "le' streamers" play or stick to what they know so usually older games and the indie titles never take off.

>stormveil castle is decent
Not with the excessive amount of sites of grace that shit has. Zero tension, no challenge, nothing is at stake, utterly boring and devoid of any excitement..

Completely seething kek

>filtered by easiest souls game even when i played it with melee + roll only
im sorry your shit game sucks enjoy your casual boring fest

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Souls is pretty much on the same level RE4 was during the PS2/Xbox/GC era, with the exception that each sequel got even better while RE fucking went full retard with gimmicks, forced COOP and action scenes till RE7 brought it back to the roots.

cant be real lmao

Attached: 1641438176126.gif (480x270, 2.73M)

>easiest souls game
It's by far the hardest, actually. Hence all the crying about getting one-shotted and muh anime combos.

>Zero tension, no challenge, nothing is at stake, utterly boring and devoid of any excitement..
just like every area in game but at least it have some shit to explore

>Watch the video
>dies to the first boss
you could always just tank shit in souls games; that was the easy mode

>Most likely flirting with 20 million by now.
Reminder that Elden Ring died faster than New World did.

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>Elden Rings blatant input reading anime bosses with a million combo strings are proof of that.
t. filtered by Malenia.

>I played through the 60-120 hour game.
>The game is the worst game I ever played.
Yeah no you didn't. You got filtered by the first troll in Limgrave and now whine here like a bitch.

>all the crying
because it's busted, less polished than the last three From games
t. all achievements

this is your brain on daily quests

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New World is a multiplayer game you complete doofus lmao

god please dont let this be the game that shapes games for the next decade
i dont want games with NO STORY

>let me try to cram as many buzzwords in accompanied by a trannime reaction pic so I fit in!
You dont fit in and you are clearly underage, trying way too hard. Back to your discord kiddo.

>Souls is pretty much on the same level RE4 was during the PS2/Xbox/GC era
imagine being that delusional

Lol. It's hilarious that incompetent shitters are still mad about getting filtered by Elden Ring almost 3 months later

Asides from the bait, I actually installed skyrim right after beating elden ring, that sense of exploration and discovery both games offer is peak vidya for me

>you can beat the whole game at over burdened equip load
>you can beat the whole game without attacking enemies once
>you can beat the whole game using only spells
Name a single other rpg close to the scale of elden ring that gives you these options.

>it's easy!
>I mean it's busted!
There go the goalposts.

Holy seethe soulsniggers are trash at games and I’m glad Elden ring mogs that entire series into irrelevancy

Input reading, delayed attacks and tracking were already a thing in DS3. Only boss in the ER that is arguably cheating is Malenia, and thats because she can simply ignore or cancel from a stagger animation straight to a hyperarmor attack without warning:

seething fromdrone

>Previous souls games were also challenging but they were challenging in a more fair and fun way.

Completely untrue.
DS1 is way easier than ER mechanically, but it also has the most bullshit and unfair GOTCHA deaths, something these games move away from since.

-Hellkite one shotting you on the bridge
-Capra Demon + 2 dogs stunlock fight
-Forced Death on Seath first encounter
-Falling in Nito's Arena takes away 50% of your HP followed by him chain casting gravelord sword from under you
-Surprise arena collapse to Stray Demon that takes away 50% of your HP followed by an instant hammer smack if you don't spam roll
-Bed of Chaos arena collapsing form under you

It outperformed literally everyone's expectations for success bitch. Get real.

Imagine if elden ring had daily quests and gacha.

>Release on 4 (four) different consoles.
Still can’t sell as well as Breath Of The Wild.

>Previous souls games were also challenging but they were challenging in a more fair and fun way


Attached: turtl das2.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

This nigga is right, ER is derivative casualized garbage aimed to the reddit demographic, the game is a solid 5/10 Ds3 1.5 but a disappointing as a new IP.

Someone post the webm where it sends the guy to the fucking moon with a swing.