Owning a gaming PC is a form of self abuse

Owning a gaming PC is a form of self abuse.

I've only ever played on consoles. I turn the game on and play. But when you're a PC gamer you're constantly jonesing for that next hit. "What about this mod...hmmm what if I got this addon...ooooh I should use this gshade setup...". It's like they can't help themselves, they can't just enjoy a game it always needs ((((((((improving)))))))) and ((((((customising)))))). Just like an alcoholic can't enjoy a single glass of whisky, the PC gamer will never be happy with what he's given. Go into any "PC gaming" thread on Yea Forums and it's never people discussing video games, it's people posting screenshots of their hyper modded 8K Ultra Settings Skyrim waifu or Crysis.

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yeah a lot of people don't do that

Kek. Consolefags find a different convoluted way to seethe about PC every other day.

I bought a pre-built from Best Buy right after Christmas of 2020 for $1,400 and it has been great.

Attached: giphy.gif (320x240, 885.52K)

Fuck didnt know I was a junkie for working on my car

Reminder that if you changed the game from the default experience in any way (mods, changing options settings, using different controllers) you did not beat the game.

The default experience is the way the developers intended it to be. Deviating from it at all means you didnt beat their game.

whoops i'll leave out his wife

Attached: you.png (433x576, 290.66K)

Who cares?

>the developers intended low quality garbage mouse input
>the developers intended an uncapped framerate which breaks physics
>the developers intended uneven framepacing

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who gives a fuck what the devs intented, i paid for my license, i cant mod it however i want

Yes. Literally all of that makes the game as intended

Is that how the game was shipped and released on pc?
Then that's how it was meant to be played you dumb sperg.

The developers have Down Syndrome

> however i want
>not how the developers wanted
Didnt beat the game then.

lawrence looking good.

>confusing technical incompetence for deliberate intent

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What the fuck is that thing

Peak sour grapes

>not realizing that bad pc ports are made on purpose because the experience is intended to be shitty and inferior to the console version
Want to play the best version of Saints Row 2 and actually beat the game as intended? Better get it on 360 then.

Recommend some games (not live services) that prey upon my desire to have big collections and constantly improve numbers like an autist with satisfying jingles and animations and shit

What's wrong with playing and beating the game with no mods. And then every playthrough after going with mods up the ass?

Attached: 3e3rrgtgg.gif (500x281, 470.93K)

ok poorfag

You just put the disc in and play the game

Attached: ps5-error-108255-1.png (750x334, 259.48K)

Remember to game responsibly anons…
This could happen to you!

reminder that youre a faggot

Siralim Ultimate is essentially the best of the best when it comes to autistic collection simulators, or go with Banjo-Kazooie if you like something more simple.

Saints Row 2 is doomed forever because nobody wants to dig up their old 360s to play blurry stuttery shit.

It just gets forgotten and lost to time.

This triggers the console gaymer

Attached: just play game.png (181x65, 9.8K)

>no mods
>no third party tools, ehnancements, or utilities
>default inputs
>default audio options
>default graphics/display settings
>no accessibility options (video games aren't meant to be enjoyed by everyone you know)
Anything else means you didnt beat the game

>didn’t care about max graphics before trying it
>now I can’t live without it
>didn’t care about 120hz before trying it
>now I can’t live without it
>didn’t care about 1440p before trying it
>now I can’t live without it
>didn’t care about 4k before trying it
>now I can’t live without it
Is this what any hard drug is like?

Like I said. I beat the game the first time as intended. Now I want to mod it for future playthroughs. So I already beat the game in your eyes, you monkey faggot sack of fucking faggot shit!

Just start collecting achievements and/or trophies, that way every game you play becomes part of one massive collection of autism.
Retroachievements also exists through retroarch, so you can even collect achievements in old games.

>Click play
>Game crashes to desktop
>Forums say "works fer me : )"
>Manually download the latest Nvidia drivers
>Still doesn't work
All because Steam has no quality control unlike consoles.

Honestly at this rate the 360 and ps3 emulators might soon run it vastly better than the "native" pc port.

Sounds like a (You) problem.

More like you have no quality control. Stop installing 100 windows updates, gamer overlays, toolbars, chink anticheat drivers and nvidia updates and maybe your shit will work.

Console gaming is turning into the same shit but worse. Every game has to be fucking installed, you have to be online periodically to verify your fucking licenses, console generations have fully become just minor upgrades from the previous version and performance settings are becoming more common, you have to go into a fucking menu to stop your console from looking for a controller you already fucking disconnected and if you don't significant input lag occurs with enough controllers. The days of plug and play have been over for awhile, but us console gamers are getting none of the benefits of PC infecting our side of the fence only the downsides. I invested in a $1200 gaming laptop that emulates 7th gen and below as well as possible, and now I spend my gaming time just catching up on what I missed as a kid and young adult. Its not the same, but the current state of consoles forced my hand.

>I beat the game the first time as intended.
Thats 100% a lie. PC cucks cant resist tinkering in game settings with every game they play.

>More like you have no quality control. Stop installing 100 windows updates, gamer overlays, toolbars, chink anticheat drivers and nvidia updates
I think I'll just play on console where I don't have to worry about whether or not the game I paid for will boot.

thats not how consoles are anymore unfortunately

Nope. I beat it at 720p out of the box.

You're both being disingenuous. This is rarely a problem with games released within the past decade if you're on a modern windows system, but older pc games do require a few (minor) hoops to jump through before they work on modern windows OS.

>plays on pc
>I beat it at 720p out of the box.
Pick one

I did both, you nickpicking crybaby FAGGOT FUCK!!!

I always change settings in console games too, guess I never beat any game ever

My tower is hooked up to a 40 inch tv and I almost exclusively play vanilla games in big picture mode. Idk what to tell you


Big picture mode has a built in controller wrapper for games that lack built in controller support.
You didnt beat any of those games that used that feature.

Vampire Survivors scratches that itch for a dozen hours before becoming tedious and repetitive.
It's only 3 dollars on steam and updated weekly with more shit to collect.

>Low-effort 2D pixelshit indie numale tranny shovelware
No thanks, bro.

>I think I'll just play on console where I don't have to worry about whether or not the game I paid for will boot.
sorry, servers are down, you don't have access to any of your games regardless of whether they're entirely offline or not :^)
>b-but steam
steam can boot in offline mode just fine and all of your games can be played from it

>sorry, servers are down, you don't have access to any of your games regardless of whether they're entirely offline or not :^)
Literally doesn't happen if you set the system as your primary console.

sorry, that sounds too complicated, think I'll stick to PC where everything works without so much effort

he cute

So basically, console users are fine because their drug is shit?

Well let's see user's bait.
Look at this retarded reasoning, the pointless strawmanning, the tasteless use of buzzwords
Oh my god, it even has reddit spacing

Attached: american-psycho.gif (220x189, 259.63K)

i know this is bait but you should still kill yourself

I bet the snowflake 'heroin addicts' today are taking microdoses like this lol
they've probably never been actually high

I read exactly one (1) (uno) line of text in OP and it was enough
what the fuck are you even on about
if you're going to bait at least be funny or something

Attached: 5a3.jpg (1170x1127, 280.97K)

>i made my fov 95 because i have autism
ooft, dont remember that on the series 1, reset

>having more choices is bad because it is OK? hurr durrr
Maybe you should stick to the console because you want to be overly restricted.

PC is 100% freedom - whatever you want. Mod or not. It is just your choice. Noone will stop you.

It works on my machine. You just fucked up your computer somehow. You should go back to the console because you are 100% retarded to use the PC.