>popular mod contains malware
Popular mod contains malware
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He has the right to do whatever he wants to his own creation. Stop being a whiny fuck.
then why is he such a whiny fuck about it
Hi Zeesastrous, congrats on making 8 hours of minimum wage on your HUD ;)
dude just asked and then got a whiny reply from author, and then he proceed to whine even more
>mod contains malware if you run it with mods the creator doesn't like
Illicit tampering of another user's device to intentionally cause harm is a crime and you don't have the lawyers to get away with it
>Playing multiplayer games with mods
Deserved on whatever the shit you got
vanilla bros stay winning
Didn't Forestry for Minecraft do this? Started including malware in its distributions that triggered if you used it with certain other mods?
And i have the right to complain. Stop being a whiny fuck.
>Mod creators are turbo autist spergs
Thanks for telling us shit we already know, more news at 11.
>freely to trigger a malware on people's PC
Yeah, meet you at the count with 100+ lawsuits on your ass.
they hated him because he told the truth
this happens often in minecraft modding, actually
it's like every second mod developer is a sperg that thinks they can do no wrong, and every 10th sperg will actually implement malware if you wrong them, like a blacklist for certain usernames
Wasn't there a Sonic fan game that had super intrusive DRM in it?
Starsector has the same thing, someone made a joke faction with a bunch of anime girl Nazis, and some tranny got mad and fucked your game if their mod detected anything they don't like
And let's not forget the L4D2 Helms Deep fiasco
Tell that to russia
it had creepypasta shit that would trigger if u tried looking up cheats for the game on google, so therefore it was always keylogging
Sonic Gather Battle, yes. All to protect sprites from being extracted, which turned out to be stolen by dev. More like Sonic Gather Data, amirite?
Switch has something like that. Tinfoil refuses to work with Hekate.
>And let's not forget the L4D2 Helms Deep fiasco
Indeed let's not. So give a QRD.
>guy makes (technically steals) a LotR themed map for L4D2 survival
>it gets massively popular
>the mod creator was some kind of L4D2 purist who thought half the game's mechanics were shit (like single player mode, being able to vote to start the lobby, mutations and such)
>injected what should just be a map with tons of extra shit to remove everything he doesn't like without telling anyone
>censored any comments on the workshop page hard so nobody even knew he was causing it
>someone made a fix mod that basically restores the shit in the game that he deleted and he tried to DMCA it
>then he started going after private servers, making them unplayable if you run the map and have plugins he doesn't like
>then started adding blacklists for specific players he doesn't like by making them unable to join any servers that are running the map (doesn't have to be his server, and they don't even have to be playing the map, just have it in rotation)
>valve did fuck all about this for the longest time until some youtuber made a popular video exposing it all
Do you have the name of the mod? I hope it's not one of these.
Tired of kikes
The legal and moral right, yes. Stallmanites should kill themselves. Still tired of kikes though.
>L4D2 Helms Deep Fiasco
redpill me
>blacklist that creator
>allow other creators seizing and updating the previous version of that mod
>everyone is happy.
>the original creator is banished forever.
jeez is that hard?
It's High Tech Expansion is the main offender, just adds some (admittedly really fun) ships, but also bricks your game if it detects 'Nazi' mods
Ah cool, thank you.
>put a malware in someone's computer without consent
The whole communities would dox that shithead creator harder.
why are they like this
Russia got nukes.
They got (((brainwashed))) cuz of (((divide and conquer tactics))) :^)
Autist steals a map, ports in into L4D2. Claims it's just a map, actually mods a lot of other things a map isn't supposed to touch. When called on it, goes full retard and adds more "features" no-one wants. Including going up in flames if it detects other mods the "creator" didn't like.
And people have the right to call him a whiny little bitch for it and tell him it's a shitty change.
apparently this guy is a pedo i saw some screenshots on /tf2g/ if anyone has them please post
Sounds about right.
He's not, stop spreading disinfo and McFucking kill yourself.
btw the HUD creator is a troon who sent NSFW pics to a minor on discord and tried to pass it off as "body positivity"
(s)he's done some other miscellaneous shit but I don't want to bring it all up, her HUD is weeb shit and that's all that matters
Do it
Zeesastrous, don't fuck with us. You will reap what you sow.
explain this then
>that tranny rimworld modder who had a meltdown and updated his (very popular) mods so they would replace all of the graphics with some tranny group's logo
ah, mental illness
comin' right up
whats with these modders thinking they're gods? people used to just make shit for fun you know
Based, Nazis are scum
>only once it was weird
Wait, he (she? it?) isn't even trying to deny it? Just yeah I sexually harass minors, but it's ok because I'm a T?
There's so much on the internet that only is done so that some autist can lord over some simps
Some people just desperately want some kind of power over others.
>only threats
The schizo behind a popular Cities Skylines mod actually did it.
Why are so many tf2 community members either pedos, trannies, or both?
>when I identified as a tranny
Most of these fags use it as a shield against everything. I guess it works,
you have to have mental illness to still play tf2
the freak said transwoman so it probably is a mentally ill guy
Bro you posted pedos twice.
I've been thinking that they see themselves as being like Julius Caesar and the like, just lacking in the charisma and skill. All they have is the lust for power.
the autist also convinced valve to mess with sprays
This, the only difference is that leftists commonly want that power to hurt others, while regular people want power to help others.
correct, and people have the right to complain about it & uninstall it & use older versions & modify them
These types of modders are the ones that aren't talented enough to make a game on their own. Plus all of them are mentally ill
I knew this tranny, he looks like the yanderedev irl.
anyone remember those m.u.g.e.n. mods? The Michael Jackson one specifically
What are the chances that this guy is transitioning?
Kill all modders
Scroll up
lmao why are whitoids like this
This but unironically. I can't think of a single game that significantly improved by mods, but can think of dozens where mods removed the gatekeeping and destroyed the game's community as a result. Elder Scrolls is unsalvagable to this day.
stalker is pretty fun with mods
Based antifa modder
good thing they've all been dead for 70 years then
>that one popular cities skylines mod that had a backdoor to install basically anything on your pc
Yeah nope im ok with just playing vanilla thank you very much
>Modder dislikes X mod
>Puts hidden code to fuck with said mod
Mount and Blade Warband has huge QoL mods that are basically mandatory.
No it doesn't.
It might contain malware in the future though, but I bet it doesn't sound as nice for your shitty bait thread.