Helou evripadi its Säm Leik from Remedi, krieittors of geims laik Mäx Pein, Älän Weik, Kvanttum Preik änd Khontroul :D

Helou evripadi its Säm Leik from Remedi, krieittors of geims laik Mäx Pein, Älän Weik, Kvanttum Preik änd Khontroul :D

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This nigga speaking in caveman

sami järvi :DDD koittasit tehä ees yhen hyvän pelin :DDDDD

god I hate finns so much and I'm not even scandinavian

Dïss peëk ïs søvl

It's "kamehs" not "geims"

eeppiseeen :DD

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Welgome :D

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fugg :DD

Mai inglis veri guud :DDDD Veri guud :DDDD

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mags bane :DDD

Fucking Kvanttum Preik

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Dount forget abaut Deth Rälli oor ail teik juu bihaind thö sauna

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he looks like a random europop boyband member

>Kvanttum Preik

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Max pine

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What are Finns like? I'd like to visit sometime, although I have to admit that I am from eastern yurop and I don't know how the Finnish would react to that.

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what a terrible shop

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The finns have culturally adversarial traditions against almost everyone around them but none of them actually act on them when they meet those cultures. Everyone goes on and on about how much Sweden and Russia sucks but they actually have no problem interacting with either group as long as everyone speaks English or Finnish.

Why do 60% of Finns look like Mongolian rape babies and 20% look like nordic fishermen that got lost on their way to sweden?

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Mäks Pein

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Why are you answering your own questions

I don't know, but it seems that the average attractiveness of a Finnish woman is above average on a global scale. Just walk around and you're more likely to see pretty ones than ugly or average ones. That must mean that for global balance there must be a place where it's the other way around. Probably England.

What do the finnish people of Yea Forums think of Ahti from Khontroul?
damn, the man can really sing

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>Jippii, saatana

Why is Finland so fucking cool and comfy? I wish I could live there

do you like the cold and dark? if yes the you'd fit in great

But our local imagebord thinks otherwise, people there always say that you can find more beautiful women anywhere else than in Finland.

It's cool because the actor is one of those that everyone in Finland recognizes. Really intriguing presence but I can't imagine how incomprehensible his dialogue must be for non-Finns. My only complaint is that the "rally English" was ridiculously overdone.

They must not go outside very much then because I see a lot fewer bland or ugly people around than beautiful ones.
...Or maybe those image board people are so finnish that they know so little about the outside world, that the finnish people they see on the street have become the boring average and they have no clue how ugly the worldwide average is.

I'd like to imagine he's as understandable as Badman in GTA 4

Alan Wake is such a fucking garbage game.

I might move to finland in the future because of how fucked sweden's future is. I already have dual citizenship and family over there so it wouldn't be too hard.

I think his finnish was a little overdone, but I appreciate it nonetheless
>Really intriguing presence but I can't imagine how incomprehensible his dialogue must be for non-Finns
It's nonsense to us since Finnish sounds nothing like a indo-european language

Finns fucking hate themselves, which is why any recognition is seen as a positive

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take that back, tasteless faggot

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>It's nonsense to us since Finnish sounds nothing like a indo-european language
If you hear Finnish, what other language does it remind you of first? Just ssking out of interest, because obviously it’s impossible to make such comparisons as a native speaker.

Baba is juu

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Alan Wake is one of the comfiest games of all time


He just took this pic the other day right, not 20 years ago

>If you hear Finnish, what other language does it remind you of first?
Unironically Hungarian for some reason. Maybe because both languages I have zero understanding for.

Minä rakastan sinua


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Both Finnish and Magyar are based on using extreme complexities of grammar rather than ambiguity of pronunciation or an excess of written characters.


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is Epic doing any showcases this summer? I'm just wondering if we'll see Alan Wake II again sometime soon

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Alan Wake is great and your obvious bait pulls discussion toward it.

Thoughts on Alan Wake 2? How are they going to fuck it up? My bet is instead of sticking with what they did in Alan Wake 1, they're going to do what they originally wanted and make it open-world.

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I thought this was Morbius at first

Friends, I have created a Control thread at
You are more than welcome to post there!

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Both languages also make no sense to an outside listener
if you know German you can make sense of some English, maybe even some Danish, Swedish or Norwegian
If you know Russian you can make sense of some Polish, Czech or Bulgarian
I don't know what languages you need to know to understand Hungarian or Finnish. Do you?