I can fix her
I can fix her
you can't even fix yourself
You can't even fix yourself.
You can't even fix yourself
We can fix each other
I can fix (You).
How long do you have to pat her head?
It doesn't work that way
Why not?
I honestly hate when people make games like this and needy streamer overload because girls are literally unable to not base their entire personality off of the protag. Like at least make the protag a guy or an ugly woman so girls don't dig themselves into a deeper hole of degeneracy and mental illness because they think it's cool or like the vibe or whatever. Like how the fuck do you think a teenaged girl is going to end up when all other women are making an onlyfans while she's sitting at her computer playing a game about some bpd bitch trying to make it as an e-whore. This is what's wrong with the world right now. Females don't have anyone to look up to they are all literally just being groomed by society itself to become hot chip-eating, smartphone-charging, bisexual manipulative liars. Like I know for a fucking fact that every e-girl on this planet that has ever played milk bag or needy streamer overload was going "literally me!" the entire time and I don't understand how we fucking let woman get to this point.
Females are what's wrong with females
>b-but muh men
Proving my point
you literally fix her in the game by dicking.
Sometimes devs can be based
Someone reply, I've been patting her head for like 10 minutes and can't do anything
>pour a tea for her
You don't fix anything. P-chan isn't real, she made it all up and is heavily delusional.
>fix her by dicking
>turns into a 100% nympho
yeah, that's a "fix" you retarded incel.
works on my machine :)
No, it doesn't. She'll just imagine another p-chan next time. One she can marry maybe.
Video "game" in which you don't fight anyone.
Dude I felt incredibly weird the whole time I played it because yes, the fucking schizo anime girl behaved exactly the way I do at times and had similar thoughts and quirks.
No it wasn't a good feel and I would never brag about it in public.
You fight Ame and her brain problems.
much better than a twich thot. And you can advance the affection and meet her parents and all that then get her to quit streaming by having sex.
>Every indie game always ends up being about depression
>Like at least make the protag a guy
As if there aren't also plenty of men who pride themselves on self-destructive behavior and think they're unique le epic schizos and not completely identical retarded losers.
You turn her into a nympho you mongoloid. All she cares about from then on is a willing meat dildo, it doesn't even have to be p-chan.
Honestly don't bother, anons. A mentally ill girl is just going to drag you into a pit of misery.
I can name like 7 indie games that aren't about depression
Because you don't play indie games and only listen to Yea Forums.
>he thinks p-chan is real
I can break her
It tells us something about indie game devs
no she only loves p-chan especially with high affection.
That's the point. P-chan isn't even a real meat dildo.
P-chan isn't real you idiot.
Why fix her?
is this game right-wing
If it was possible, it's so she can keep on living and maybe even be happy.
But it's impossible. She's not fixable.
She's a delusional schizo, a druggie and an anorexic cutter among other things. She's on the road to nowhere and will end up either dead or in a mental ward very soon.
But I still really like her and want her to be happy. I don't know why, maybe I am the current p-chan she made up.
This user speaks the truth.
I've tried so much to improve and encourage my old best friend in improving her life, and the only thing I've achieved was making my own life worse. They do not want or ever will put the effort of improve themselves or their life, instead they will blame literally everybody else, like their parents, the men, society as a whole, for their own situation. They will make any form of excuse to avoid any responsibility, and will screech like an autist if you point out the truth.
You cannot fix them because fixing a person requires their collaboration, but they will do ANYTHING in their power to make it as hard as possible, or completely destroy any sort of progress in a moment for no reason whatsoever.
At a certain point you will just start to loathe them for their behaviour. The best way to deal with them is to leave them completely alone and forget them. The world has so many amazing and stable people to meet and befriend, don't waste your time on these lunatics.
Damn I really felt this post. Except I ended up marrying her.
It's worse if you end up dating one, cause then she'll not only drag you down but she'll also pick away at you until you just start to fucking hate her.
That's really not always the case. I mean, probably in most situations it is, but sometimes it's not.
I dealt with a proper BPD girl with clinical depression seasoning. I met her in group therapy, and she was so ridiculously vulnerable and for some reason liked me. We hooked up after we "graduated" from therapy. I basically accepted her the way she was because hey I was lonely as fuck and she was cute and liked me so why not.
She tried. She really tried, I actually saw her right herself whenever she had an outburst or got heavily down. I think I did everything right, I was supporting her all the way. At one point she was so broken down she begged me to just drive her to the hospital so she can get institutionalised. I did, I thought it was the right thing. She stashed her meds and killed herself a month later.
I almost ended up homeless after that, but managed to cope.
>thread full of normafag blogging
what the fuck happened to this place
>people write about mental issues
>fucking normies i swear to god
I'm Ryan Gosling
>Men make games about female archetypes they want to date/marry/fuck
>Women emulate those characteristics irl if the game becomes popular
I fail to see the problem here
You can't be Ryan Gosling because he's literally me.
How do I respond to her DMs?
Stuff like this is so alien to me. I'm a depressed apathetic piece of lazy bone so all the sperging out and shit is unbelievable to me.
She is LITERALLY me though!
>I don't understand how we fucking let woman get to this point
Speak for yourself, faget. Average men have nothing to do with this nonsense, unless slaving away for sluts and their dildos counts as "grooming"
He is real. He is the protagonist and you are the retard for believing a druggie.
>I don't understand how we fucking let woman get to this point.
"We", as in our ancestors and all men after them, gave them rights, freedom and let them make their own choices. If there is a lesson to be learned about the decline of western civilization for the one that comes after, let it be that you should never give females rights.
No he's not. He's her tulpa.
Watch your tongue, normalfag
different mental issues man, it just won't feel right ever.
If the only indie games you've heard of are this, DDLC and Omori maybe.
>Make the protag a man
Theres already a bunch of games with trannies. Only reason anybody gives a shit about this one is because it's a girl.
You can make an attention whore kill herself, how many games allow that?
I agree with your comment but I think it's women grooming other women into beign vapid sluts rather than it is mens fault
>be a well adjusted individual with a history of several long term relationships
>"what the fuck is wrong with this girl lol I'd never date a vapid, narcissist whore like that again"
>proceed to fuck her into submission
>she becomes a normie and I get the ending
>quit and delete the game
it was that easy for me
>Females don't have anyone to look up to they are all literally just being groomed by society
Let me tell you a lil story of how "feminism" broke the good willed dreams of my mother.
>She's a highschool language teacher. Loves writting and reading, is overall a great person that loves everyone
>Always had this bit of feminist side. More focused on talking/empowering woman and barely about hating men, so it good.
>Years ago, she said that there were no good female role models. I said that's wrong, but most are more indie/not celebrities and therefore harder to find. She starts surfing, realizes it's true and instead of complaining, she works towards the future she wants to see. Starts compiling lots of female authors. Mostly writters, but also artists, composers, scientist, etc.
>Help her too by sharing female professionals I find because I think that's a good idea.
>She then spends 1h every week to talk about important role models. Post some guys too so boys don't feel alienated.
>ff to 2 years ago, go eat at her place
>She's feeling down, ask what happened
>Turns out she talked with some ex-students and current ones about their life goals and such. Most had dropped their dreams or complain the world is too masculine/there's a huge lack of role models for women
>"Huh?? But I've been showing you many people all these years. What do you mean there's nobody? You can do whatever you want."
>"But all those people aren't famous" said the girls. "Nobody cares about them"
And that was the day she found out most women don't really care about social fighting and isntead like to abuse the privilegies attached to it. Women who become someone do regardless of role model's gender, they do it becausse they wnat to become someone their own way.
The reality is that the average woman doesn't seem itnerested in their own personal goals, or at least work towards it, and instead will blame life for it.
>becomes a normie
sorry, you're retarded
What's wrong with girls being like this instead of being little barbie dolls like you want?
Only normals think attention whoring is mental illness worth talking about in a serious tone.
affective disorders are though.
seethe about it
I cured her with the power of dick
nope, you just gave her another disorder you literal troglodyte.
The truth is the 1% has most of the world's riches because 99% of humanity has zero ambition or drive.
What the fuck is up with these threads, its just zoomers pretending they know how to fuck women because they saw a bunch of twitter screencaps.
I have more pity for Chris-chan
Sorry to hear that man. Your mom sounds like a wonderful person
Why would they?
There's fuckall to do that's worth doing.
I'm convinced the only people who genuinely care about worldly power are the mentally disabled and those with inferiority complexes built in their childhoods who need to prove themselves.
Why the fuck would anyone care?
It's just a natural course of events that things are the way they are.