ITT horribly designed characters that break their games' balance

ITT horribly designed characters that break their games' balance.

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what's the deal with 21? isn't she an old character? didn't the game stop getting updates?

Lol japanese barely use luke after they figured out his weaknesses

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Retards with some sort of gripe against Luke/SFV still keep trying to put him on the same level as the other 2 when he is not nearly as broken as the other 2 characters are. He is good, really good even but nowhere as broken as someone as 21 is.

her Majin form was a playable character from the start.
They just added her labcoat (human) form and it's really busted.

She's a broken character that was added a whole year after the third dlc season
No one else was added and they aren't doing anymore dlc or major patches

What's her fighting style?
It's hilarious that her purposely weaker version is busted

Leroy was the fucking worst

i stopped playing when fuck your mom came out because tekken started to crash my PC repeatedly, but I dont remember much complaints when he came out compared to leroy, what happened?

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so after SSJ4 Gogeta they just randomly added a character that breaks the game? weird

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lab coat's fighting style is having every overtuned tool in the game plus a comboable command grab that permanently nerfs your character and buffs her

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her and raven were the main reasons I sat out of most of Xrd

What happened with HC? Last time I checked, everyone was complaining about Chipp, Sol and Nagoriyuki.

Luke was a mistake

people started playing HC optimally and realized its easier than it sounds

Leroy is straight up p2w, fucking disgusting, has no place in tekken.

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>resource mangement character with obviously bullshit tools "restricted" by the resourse
>players optimize the character and come up with ways to properly take advantage of the tools without running out of resourse too fast
>you're left with a character that has obviously bullshit tools

exact same shit that happened to nago. I was sitting here saying that happy chaos gun is one of the strongest moves ever put into guilty gear and all people could do is say he doesn't have a DP so his defence is bad

Happy Chaos is the worst out of the three, even if they fucking whiff buttons, they still fucking hit you. He's the best zoner in the game and he's got the best mixup game. His super does so much fucking damage. 2S and 6S are some of the most dumbest moves and he's got a fucking shield and somehow has a move that makes his aim better. If any user plays him, fuck you.


Why does Ken have tattoos now?

nah 21 is worse, she's the best character in the game by a mile AND it's a tag game so if you're not slotting her in you're just trolling
at least you have a reason not to play chaos even if he's busted

You’ve missed posting all Tekken DLC

There are low tier DLC characters. But its not the point there are a lot of top tiers in tekken so its hard to meme, unlike happy luke 21 which are head and shoulders above the nearest character

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he bussin now, fr fr & no cap

Nigger Geese, Julia, Marduk, Zafina, Leroy, Fahk, Lidia are all top tier
>unlike happy luke 21 which are head and shoulders above the nearest character
Leroy has been described by many as the most overpowered character in the SERIES (not game) history

>horribly designed
The design isn't wrong, just some numbers are slightly off

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People talking about A21 like this are braindead reactionary kikes doing it for clicks and views from the handicapped

I haven't played DBFZ since before the character dropped, what would you say her weaknesses are? Literally everyone I've heard speak about the character says she's OP, and even if she's not worth banning she's Top 1. If you have a different view I'm interested

LabCoat 21 only has 2 cheap things :
- 21% Debuff and Buff
- Spin Blade damage for combo starter

Just nerf this 2 things and the character is fixed

he was the most overpowered character. top tier of tekken 7 right now is still him, but there's also Akuma, Steve, DJ, Law who are around the same level, as well as the characters you've mentioned. don't get me wrong bruh, I think tekken balance is scuffed, but to say one dude is obviously the best is wrong

Luke isn't even that bad. It's just people who hate Luke in the first place overreacting. He's a shoto so yes even if he's strong he takes skill to be piloted effectively. He doesn't break the game with robbery those other characters or like S3 Abigail to compare him to another character in his own game. He's like the Mishima in Tekken 5.

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So are they now including 21 in the upcoming movie?

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There's some slight downplay there, but I feel like most people just bitch they can't EX through his projectile like every other character

I never said he still was the undisputed top 1 but the fact a case could still be made for that and that him and Fahk are still top 5 it's an incredibly bad look for the game

Kinda telling how that one major ended up with 6 or so Leroy's with a Julia and a Kazumi popping their heads out only to be wing chun'd to losers.

>always wanted regular 21 playable
>they add her after I already quit the game
Shame. I've gotten too used to rollback games now that I can't go back to delay.

Thanks for agreeing with me then? cool

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You said the top tier in tekken 7 aren't head and shoulder above the rest which is simply misleading since the power level between the top 5 and top 10 in tekken 7 is like night and day and then the top 10 to the top 25 it's just ridiculous

I said a single character isn't above the rest dumbass.

You could for Lidia and in general any of top 5 is well above the rest of the game that's like almost 50 characters, S tier in tekken 7 is really SS tier and the rest of the characters are A and below the characters aren't that close in power level

you're contradicting yourself within the same post lol

>Movie starts
>Red Ribbon continues with gero's legacy
>kidnap Pan to bait Gohan and Z fighters
>Real villain appears in the movie
>get defeated
>"We did it! Red Ribbon is done for sure now."
>somewhere in another lab on Earth
>some green screen data
>Girl with glasses :"That's a lot of data, I can proceed with phase 2 now."
>Another transformation is seen, surely implying Android 21 Majin
If she doesn't appear here, she'll never be canon.

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>super nerfs enemy damage by 21%
that's pretty great to be honest.
Anyway tag fighters suck anyway so i'm not surprised this happened eventually.

>doesn't have a DP so his defence is bad
Lol, Jack-O and HC both of the same downside here, so why is it only Jack-O completely lacks any upsides in exchange for it?

I know what you mean but not really, it's just semantics

you're gonna make me pick up Lili

God I wish MBAACC got one last update.

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Because people will buy Jack-O purely off of her animations and art design, while people will buy HC pbecause he's good. Jack-O doesn't need to be good to move sales, HC on the other hand does. Simple semantics.

I don't really buy that when most people just buy the whole battle pass, at least for the first set of characters. The real problem is they have no fucking clue how to balance minions so they err on the side of retardedly underpowered.

jack-o is the least played character in the game

Maybe not broken but she is way too good in what she does and sometimes forces you to take her for the sake of healing.

Forgot pic

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Luke is nowhere near as bad as a LC21 or HC. Luke has no bad matchups but he doesn't invalidate the rest of the cast; at best he's the ideal pocket character. 21 has moves that break pre-established design philosophies of DBFZ and make her almost necessary in any competitive team due to their strength. HC inherently makes a handful of characters nearly unplayable against him and his intended drawback was just being hard to use which means jack shit if people put in the work to learn all his meter management.

Fuck Bamco for souring an incredible character design like Leroy by making him intentionally broken. Nobody likes seeing him anymore when before he launched everybody was excited about him.

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imagine thinking people wouldn't buy the edgelord-but-actually-chill-dude with a gun

Fighting games doesn't need to be balanced.

They confirmed one final balance patch and mentioned Lab Coat 21 by name, so she's getting hit before the game sunsets. That being said:
>some of the best normals in the game
>Lariat that makes Bardock's look average
>meterless OTG stomp that allows combo extension with assists with an EX that lets her extend solo
>only 1 meter grab super in the game, is active BEFORE THE FLASH
>said command grab gives her a PERMANENT 21% DAMAGE BOOST
>said command grab ALSO gives the character grabbed A PERMANENT 21% DAMAGE REDUCTION
>multiple Level 3s for the sake of easy confirmation into HKDs
What in the fuck were they thinking

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Yeah I bought her because I mained her in Xrd and I loved the snowball effect but they changed to her to a bootleg Zato/Venom

What's his weakness?

In BB Tag, I assume.

I can't imagine how fucking bad one would have to be to complain about him in Ultimax

Between Nago & HC I think it's become obvious that designing a character to be absolutely busted as long as you can maintain extra resources isn't actually a good idea. Extra meters and ammo mechanics are cool, just make them part of the playstyle rather than the floodgates that hold the character back from being unstoppable.

Whoever thought up ribcage should be killed, but even without she would be really fucking strong.

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