Is censorship in old games going too far?
Is censorship in old games going too far?
Ok dung truck. You are built to transport dung
Basically, americans are fucking weaklings mentally and physically and have to censor stuff because they want to live in a fluffy no hurt feelings world.
They then have the audacity to export these ideals and cucked media to everyone else, spreading their aids.
Pic is indeed me. I will never let you fuckers have a quiet moment without being told how GAY you are.
Imagine being so insecure about being from some country no one can point out on a map kek
You are correct. Nobody can point my country out on map, so no immigrants come here.
I look out my window, everyone looks like me. Is nice.
You look out window, see 4 niggers, 2 mexican and a gang rape, aha
>everyone looks like me.
So niggers?
>Reddit screencap thread
No. I can type somewhat correctly English and do the captcha.
Censorship is vile and the incresing argument of how much is "ok" disgusts me
Liberals, not Americans. The vast majority of real Americans hate it just as much.
And the Twitter minority that likes it is made up of plenty of Europeans too.
>Liberals, not Americans
aha you are all "liberal" when compared to non cuck countries
>hello i am american woman i have sex many men, have 3 abortion and get fat, why nobody marry me?
ahaha imagine
>non-cuck countries
Name 5
How the fuck would synonyms for tents be offensive to humans anyway?
What kind of person is offended by that joke
Or more importantly even thinks other people will be offended by that joke
It's just a pun. Literally just deriving humor from two words sounding the same.
Can natives even go for one minute in their lives without obnoxiously and immediately talking/mention how their casinos "take the white" mans money olololololol"
majority of these countries do not allow american marriage (gay marriage) aha
No, they're ungrateful that we let them live after losing so bad against us
They should have fought harder, or admitted they were inferior and worshipped us
>Butthurt belt trying to agitate for global thermonuclear war
>Mexicans who still live like it's the 1800s because their North Korean style government won't give up any inch of power
so you want homosex and slut women instead?
is buttsex really so good you want dead society for it?
You really think niggers don't buttfuck each other and their women don't fuck around and get aids?
Unironically, the removal of the jokes/flirts/emotes/spit is the reason why i'll never play wow again. I played that shit through my childhood and won't debase it by playing the twisted woke trash its zoomer devs are turning it into. And I know they'll never walk back the censorship, so that's all there is to it. Shame tho, i actually liked the world pvp and arenas/bgs.
Figures. Here, some video game related stuff before i veer too far off topic.
Yes but not as bad as you. Your TV make it seem good, you allow homosex marriage and say anybody normal who no like it is "evil" or something silly.
You then export this attitude to everyone else. You are homosex cancer.
if your average /pol/ user was getting x amount of money a month from their oppressor, da joos, just for being an incel, then they would probably wave it in your face too
>le enlightened conservative amerishart has entered the thread
don't you have something better to do
you got served about 5 posts ago by a third worlder user, let it go
No but they aren't as obnoxious as the Negroes, so it doesn't bother me as much.
>by a third worlder
we prefer term "based worlder" aha
lmao I will never not laugh at dumb fucking arabs seething at americans on this board ever
>Yes, they buttfuck each other! But... they still say it's le bad!
How about you do something about that minority then? Isn't that something you are good at historically? Why did and other like-minded people let this fester for so long?
>vast majority of real Americans
You mean the ones who voted for a demented pedo?
I thought my English bad, but you didn't even read what I said, aha
I say: not as bad as you
you are king of the homosex, i am but a low status knight of homosex
you demand all kingdoms allow homosex marriage because your TV told you to, aha
It was a long, long, loooooong time ago, man. Blaming modern American whites for beating Natives is retardation.
But it is America we're on about and retardation is their currency.
I mean, I hate Americans so much and all, but there were some clear shenanigans at play there. Trump was winning until they paused the count, then when it restarted, Biden was leading? Polling centers getting boarded up to stop people seeing the shadiness? A super-corrupt "Democratic" system pulling more manipulative shit.
have Tauren done anything cool since Legion?
Lets be real, natives are so bread out it's hilarious. 1/16 counts in places like Canada. It's white people laughing at taking other white people's money.
To be fair to them that is kinda funny
Reminds me of the grid girls who lost their jobs and model opportunities becuase fat twatter cunts couldn't stand seeing them on tv, if they ever even watched any motorsport to begin with.
How fucking young are you that you don't remember a time when it was christian conservatives leading the charge on censoring children's media because it upset them?
How fucking retarded are you?
>omg guise le ebul white christians maymays wanna take muh doom away!
>haha yeah so what our games are trash loaded with woke political statements, and tranny bullshit targeting kids, those evil christians wanted to ban doom 25 years ago!
Get fucked by a knife nigger. You deserve to die.
>it is made up of plenty of Europeans too.
Oh I wonder how that came to be... I've seen the mentality devolves in real time, it lags behind america but it's slowly but surely being imported here through medias and universities.
Yes, it's always been a good will points move by shitters trying to leave a mark on history
>I'm not mad, you're mad!!
>christcucks wanted to ban everything they don't like and induct kids into their child molester cult by force
>trannies want to ban everything they don't like and induct kids into their child molester cult y force
It's still happening today. It's just that far left retards have finally caught up on the act.
Too bad they blow all their casino money on booze sold by white people.
>somewhat correctly English
Damn where you got a comic of me
I can just picture some fat 23 y/o indian typing that out from his $8k trailer in indian reservation trailer park #267 after cracking a fresh 5th of firewater
Modders have changed. In the past their only motivation was to make a certain videogame community happy.
>As a
Easiest way to spot a fraud
>It's white people laughing at taking other white people's money
It's Mexicans, they all have Mexican names.
american movies killed european cinema by flooding them with cheap hollywood garbage, now they're ruining games too. thanks a lot
That's because Europe is a cultural colony of the United States, and has been since WW2. Any "dislike" of America you find in Europe is, in fact, hyper-Americanism, since it's based on America not living up to liberal American standards.
>that passive aggressive redskincel
you love to see it
Don't forget they will bomb you and your children if you don't accept their help
The whole world laughs at you though
The Wigwam/Teepee thing isn't offensive. They are two tents.
The fact they removed that makes no fucking sense.
are all injun chicks chiseled like this?
She looks like John Redcorn's daughter
Yeah, most natives have very strong bone structure.
Why do so many Americans believe they aren't liberals when libre literally just means free?
Why do so many Americans believe they aren't republicans when they elect their leadership?
Why do so many Americans believe democracy and federal republicanism is mutually exclusive?
Best part of this is it applies equally for both of the last two presidents.
>make israel great again
>zogbot 2020
>"so many choices...which one should i vote for..."
>liberals when libre literally just means free
yeah that's in french, it's a bit different in english. there's a saying in cooking that goes, season liberally or conservatively with salt, you should gauge out the meaning from that. I still think it's retarded
>inb4 food analogy
Yeah. Honestly, if I was living under that system, I don't know how I could cope. Clapburgers really have to deal with some serious shit.
>Yea Forums: This generation is so pathetic! Bunch of snowflakes can't handle harmless cultural jokes, pff
>also Yea Forums when they see pic related:
i have no idea why they don't vote for a third party instead of Dems and Reps
Because words mean nothing, actions do
Liberal politicians care not about freedom
Is he wrong though? the exporter of retarded complaints and SJWs is Muttmania and western Europe.
I want to coom in a lakota squaw