Jesus loves you
Jesus loves you
Sorry, I love Reisen!
>rabbi travels with 12 men and 'loves' one especially
>likes being around kids a bit too much
>talks about how jealous he is if you like anything else other than him
>apocrypha says he took his own rib out and made a woman blowup doll for himself
Sounds gay and questionable.
>reisenposter was fueled by satanic desire instead of based wholesome autism after all this time
sorry jesus but i cant reciprocate you're like a brother to me, we can still be friends tho
Probably not. He knows I've been masturbating to yaoi.
Thank you Jesus.
arent these threads technically instilled to be the momentary church?
I love you, Jesus. Even during the hard times, I don't mean the bad things that I say. I say them because I am upset.
Gay pedophile projection lol, can't make this shit up
>Jesus loves you because.......he just does ok?
Jesus loves jews.
Goyim are dogs to him.
>Love can't mean anything other than something sexual
By this one assumption alone you give away the fact that you've never had friends in the first place.
So he's Christian?
Jesus isn't real, stop shitting up my board.
He has a funny way of showing it then
well this is definetly not Jesus he never looked like this. Jesus's name is different for muslims called isa so i say jesus has 2 names, jesus isa or isa jesus. I like him too
I love Jesus too who was a Prophet of God!
Prove it, tripfag
based and christpilled
Thanks for making me feel better I guess
Jesus is fake news and created by sinners to normalize their sin!
The only love that matters is from God.
I love him too.
>eating bread and being a good boy is crazy guys
fucking zoomers
I haven't seen such cope in a while
If we put a scary monster face on jesus...BAM you folks would call it satanic or something.
If you're going to worship a fictional character, why not one that doesn't look like a homeless drifter? I suggest Superman. He cares about you like Jesus does and he has a cool outfit and has the first letter of his name on his chest in case you forget his name. He's way more awesome.
i do want to point out that the bible was rewritten and the original was burned in the medival times by the knight templars. So we will never know what the real bible was about, this means everyone who blindly believes the rewritten bible that still get new and new versions practice nothing but sin. The same can be said about the Qran which was also rewritten, buut Sheepfags don't want to hear this truth and rage when you tell them this one. But the Qran was rewritten by the Syrian Assassins as far as i remember not the Knight templars. But the freemansons who existed since ages were helping from both sides as far as i know
Any good games with jesus?
*tips back*
Superman goes fucking postal in several continuities and fucks shit up, he's nowhere near jesus tier
Based Jesus
(based on God)
Any games where I can play as Jesus?
Amen user, God bless you.
If we say God created everything...BAM you folks would call it simulation or something.
Pretty sure Jesus went postal when he made a whip and cleared out a temple.
Yeah but that was against oppressive jews. In Injustice Supes starts fucking up literally everyone.
Why didn't they make Jezus a woman? The church would have simps out the ass.
The game of life.
>knows im right
>does a false equivalent
Thanks Jesus, love you too
"Jesus being nailed to the cross." Would have a very different meaning if he was a she.
Would a femJesus tho
>knows I'm right
>strawmans saying every christian acts the same way
God Bless you.
Based Reisenfag
Dont worry my dude, once i murder a million people and say im sorry to your pal jesus and get into heaven i will keep telling you how fucked up your cult is.
Me too
Not him and not even a christian but that's literally not how that works
I think you're too galaxy-brained for my cult, pal.
It is exactly how it works
The best thing Japan did was kill all the christcuck converts and missionaires. The based Shoguns refused to let that (((abrahamic))) semitic cancer infect the country like a plague and pozz it from the inside. Kudos to them for defending their country, culture and religion from that dogshit. No wonder the Nazis considered them honorary aryans. Japan is 98.5% Japanese, and they kept their based warrior Shinto religion that extols loyalty and honor above all.
thats literally how it works for christcucks
you can sin your entire life but you are going to heaven as long as you worship jewsus
Thanks Jesus
Meds schizo
Yes, but do you also love your fellow brothers in Yeshua? These people make up the great majority of Christians now.
If Jesus loves me, then how come he doesn't let me die in my sleep?
Checkmate, Christians.
he does not prevent because then we would not have free will
I love everyone in this thread, amen.
So is that why so many priests end up diddling kids or whatever else, because they think they'll get to the pearly gates anyways since they're cool with Jesus?
which part of our free will requires satan to exist?
I love Jesus too but we shouldn't worship him, he is just a mortal human like you and me. He is a very good mortal and a prophet that is undeniable.
>No wonder the Nazis considered them honorary aryans.
They declared them honorary aryans because of their military alliance - same with the finns, they'd have done the same with the chinks if they stuck with them.
Religion is basically MLP for boomers.
neuroscience studies and experiments have btfo'd the concept of free will
so what excuse do you have now?
>because they think they'll get to the pearly gates anyways since they're cool with Jesus
Its not that they think this, they believe this and tell it to others too.
Its why deathbed conversions are a thing
Want to know another hellish part of christcuckery? If you are not aware of jesus or the bible in your life you go to heaven anyway but if you are aware of jesus and the bible and you reject it, you go to hell. So by spreading the word of christianity, christcucks condemn you to hell.
That's not what they teach. God is an all-knowing bullshit detector and you need to be genuine in your desire for repentance when you confess all those mortal sins you committed. I don't believe it but I had to suffer through 12+ years of that catholic school shit.
abrahamic faith is the foundation of globohomo so fuck off.