Oh yeah, that happened

Oh yeah, that happened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks doc

if only it went in the correct direction

name the bully.

Still living rent free in your head in 2022?

I can't tell what's real or what's a game anymore

Most important event of the 21st century so far.

a brilliant knife move, very difficult



You know as someone who used to post in the GG threads in these very hallowed halls, thinking about it now, in hindsight, all of it was very cringe.

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The best thing that came out of this was Vivian's thick red bush and hairy armpits

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The end of the internet. We all now live in purgatory btw.

Better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack

damn GG was the direct cause of the war in ukraine if you think about it. crazy that such an important sociopolitical movement happened here

>nerds put proof of game "dev" having relationships with game "journalists" for positive coverage of indie "game"
>Nerds have proof of a tight knit group or "journalists" who all work with each other on different sites to make reviews, often not even playing the games or collaborating on stories to publish with agendas, accepting "goods", "prizes", and "gifts" from publishers for positive coverage (see Kane & Lynch fiasco)
>"Journos" find out and spin "gamer gate" as a harassment campaign created by Yea Forums, incels, and "gamers"
>"Journos" all start publishing articles that "gamers are dead" as damage control
>Create an Eight chin group to harass females and trannies
>IPs from death threats and harassment match "journos" IPs and anti gaymer gayters
>An episode of Law and Order is made cementing that gamers are evil and "gaymer gayte" is a bad thing

Every uprising to censorship has been depicted as cringe because you're gaslit. Before Gamegergate there was the Scientologiy shit, and Yea Forums flipping out about Youtube removing videos of Tom Cruise. Then there was Gamergate a few years later. That's why we live in this shitscape where you can't say anything online because fighting back against it is cringe.

there are literal nazis posting on instagram and facebook dumbfuck

>>IPs from death threats and harassment match "journos" IPs and anti gaymer gayters
sauce on this?

really? members of the NSDAP from the 1930s are literally posting on facebook?

Oh noooooo, not nazis! MSM said they're the ultimate evil!


you actually believe gg psychos?

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Anybody got the screencap of Brianna Wu forgetting to log out when talking shit about herself?

they're posting on your mom's facebook, might want to alert someone

lol so what

I think the actual problem was that it was conducted by Yea Forums nerds and incels who didn't understand social media and thought that harassing individual people solved anything.
People on twitter make less of a fuss evruday and make a bigger impact than GG. If anyone actually used twitter correctly than it would've worked.

No, the original message of fighting back against proven collusion between games journalists wasn't cringe. Then they fought back by painting everyone on GG's side as a misogynist whose only motivation is hating women and minorities, which was cringe. And Yea Forums eventually decided the best way to fight this, was to agree with them and be as hateful and petulant over women and minorities as humanly possible just to spite them, which is omega cringe, and shouted over anyone left in the movement who still fought for the original message until they got written out of history.


Well the only guys the FBI picked up didn't even know what 8/Yea Forums even was. They just heard on the TV that if you harassed some women online you're a gamergater and were like "yeah I'll do that"

That FBI report is fucking hilarious.

you actually believe anti-gg psychos?

>was to agree with them and be as hateful and petulant over women and minorities as humanly possible just to spite them
this never happened

what is an anti-gg psycho, a web browser?

Who was that harper lady that pretended to be her own son that she didn't even have?

There's actual communists promoted on twitch and youtube and signal boosted on facebook, tiktok, and writing for major media.
"Nazism" is dead/dying and is niche as fuck.Not even /pol/ revolves around being nazis as much these days.

That's not what happened, though
The main force was redditors doing gay ops targeting media outlets and advertisers

Not op, but Zoe Five Guys and Phil Fish were caught 'hacking' Phil's website, while blaming Yea Forums's "Yea Forums" for the hack.

I think it's a special move from some anime

>rent free in your head
That'd be a solid insult if anti-GG didn't still bring up GG.

there's one communist country on the planet and twenty fascist ones

>And Yea Forums eventually decided the best way to fight this, was to agree with them and be as hateful and petulant over women and minorities as humanly possible just to spite them
I was here for it and this didn't happen. There were articles this happened but the only proof presented was Anita sending herself mean rape threats calling herself sexy.

Not that user. But, seems reasonable to me. You'd literally need to believe that nobody in games journalism would stoop to doing sleazy things for personal/company gain otherwise. If you do believe that, then maybe you should stop reading popular media outlets for a while and talk with some people IRL

Go to bed, Phil

Wasn't that even after moot stepped in and banned all discussion of it here, or am I misremembering?

Not to mention that it's socially acceptable to say "kill whitey" or "die cis scum" on social media.

The other problem was the message. The entire thing was a slut shaming scandal rather than "woman needed to facilitate sex just to get her video game noticed"
That's a better angle, you demonize the review sites more that way rather than saying they are easily seduced by succubi for cheap 9/10s and awards.

Again. The entire thing was conducted by incels.

whirrrrr posting feels like just yesterday.


I wish.

You didn't follow the entire thing, because that's literally what it was about
You, at best, saw a couple posts about it here before it took off elsewhere

>You'd literally need to believe that nobody in games journalism would stoop to doing sleazy things for personal/company gain otherwise.
I don't get it. Bad shit happens in the game industry on a daily basis. Why is the hypothetical here a serious problem to consider? Have you never read a Schreier report before?

This never happened

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Sometime between that and moot getting cucked by the girl he tried to impress by setting up a meeting with Anita Sarkeesian at xoxo

All I learned from GamerGate is that you can make a shit ton of money by keeping your online audience perpetually angry.

That's not true, there's Cuba, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, and a bunch of socialist countries/ Non Marxist/Maoist countries.
>But that's not real communism
Whatever you're calling fascist probably isn't "Real fascism" either.

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you're not going to wake up anyone with this comment and that's sad

>Well the only guys the FBI picked up didn't even know what 8/Yea Forums even was.
>believing this
Yea Forums has a close working relationship with the FBI

Yes, and it turned out his gf had connections to these people.

During the initial months many of the aggressive KILL ZOE QUINN KILL ALL WOMEN posts here were correctly identified as obvious falseflags. It just so happens, this also provided a VERY convenient scapegoat for those whose lives feel empty and unfulfilled but don't want to take any personal responsibility for it, and don't make me pull out the Descartes quote. Now we're at present day and it's actually considered Yea Forums culture now to unironically act the same as those falseflag posts.

That's not what it was about and not what people said at the time. That's what the journalists damage controlled it as being, at the time it was blowing a lid off the journalist mailing list that created internal collusion.

>there was a time when "journalists" colluding behind closed doors and organizing to control the narrative was seen as a shocking revelation
>people have since forgotten about silverstring media
>they are allowed to bully people into suicide and perpetuate rumors of false rape allegations, because GamerGate was shouted down by the powers that be

I'm not tired enough to stop noticing yet.

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Everyone forgets the kickstarter angle and I don't know why.

when you decide to list a bunch of countries that aren't communist but 'socialist' and then a literal dictatorship, i feel like you're not actually serious about rational thought as a concept

Reddit on Yea Forums's shoulder should not exist.

The women became known as Literally Who 1 through 3 because they were that unimportant to the whole thing.
Did everyone just forget this lead back to DARPA and shit?

This. Should have added to That moot starter censoring and deleting posts because he was dating one of the journo bitches friends or something.

I did follow it. I know 4chans perspective, but news sites had a completely different opinion. And who was going to dispute them? If you go to war with the press you aren't going to come out on the other side looking good. It was a dumb peasant protest and none of you had any foresight into what you were getting into

>In these very hallowed halls.
Bullshit, the real threads were moved to 8ch because the threads kept getting deleted and then Moot and his cabal of faggoty mods said it was going to be a banned topic, that's why the exodus happened.

(You) are not the only one user

>"nods respectfully towards you" is over 7 years old

these nazis?

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God gamergate was so much fun. Condemned by the UN, hacking every websites, having members in every institution somehow and traveling back in time. Every day someone was doing something hilariously dumb, like nodding politely in someone else's direction.

Ah yes. The thing that dared to call out game journos... Name a better example of leftoids going full autist and claim something is racist, bigoted, ect in order to save face.

She wasn't even his girlfriend, he wanted her to be and he spent money on her traveling around the world but then it came to light she already had a boyfriend and he was a complete Chad compared to Moot.

It was made by a redditor.

>No idea counter to media narratives can ever be right because they decide what the truth is

That's irrelevant to what i said. You said they should have focused on the websites and the people involved and I'm saying that is what they did.

Blast from the past. While it may not have done much more than make journos even more obviously vitriolic, it did throw back the curtain onto their underhanded behaviour.
Still feel sorry for that Eron guy. Does anyone know what happened to him in the end?

It wasn't a protest, it was an awareness campaign that was co-opted by antiGG as a protest by harassment.

There was a time when Yea Forums was shocked to see threads about it being bumplocked.

>It's not real communism because they only call themselves communist and are ruled by a communist party pushing communist goals and talking points and following the Marxist framework of transition into a communist state with the slated goals of communism and in the process of communism through the pursuits taken by every communist except the ones taht got fucked and left in a ditch to die 2 years into their retarded misadventures in communism
>But there's many fascist countries despite them not calling themselves fascist and not abiding by Mussolini's tenets of fascism

I listed the communist countries that explicitly are run by a communist party and explicitly refer to themselves as either Marxist/Maoist or Juche, because I doubt you're asserting that some African warlord promoting tribal supremacy is an Italian fascist that's well read on Mussolini's works.

I still have a folder on my computer literally called "Cringegate" with some shit I actually was making "for the cause" like fucking twitter icons.
I was full on into that shit, and looking back it's just sad how much it roped me in. Sentiment on the face was nice, but it was a complete mess of a "movement" without any coherent optic management and just trolls all over it killing any chance at legitimacy.

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You guys listen to game journalists?

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Remember that time Zoe Quinn spread vile lies about a game dev, made his family renounce him and eventually bullied him into suicide? U go girl!

If Gamergate was more successful, it might've saved Alec Holowka. Besides that, I don't think things would be much different. I 100% agree that Silverstring Media getting off the hook is still a fucked up deal.

No but developers do

That was the 2nd exodus to the chan whose name I think is still banned here. The first one happened after moot sperged about about /news/ (/pol/) and he probably just did that because his SJW girlfriend pressured him into it

user, optics cucks were so prevalent within it that they were a meme to everyone on the fringes
There were entire campaigns focused on optics, huge ass hashtag movements trying to rewire the narratives, and constant vigilance and research into anything that could ever be construed as "harassment"
Playing into their game didn't help at all, they just ignored it

>muh false flag
puhleaaaaaase, even back then people would unironically agree and repeat the sentiment, don't forget that the whole thing that kicked off the entire shitstorm was precisely a bitch cheating on some cuck
the only reason people tried to exercise the barest amount of self-control was because they realized they were under the microscope of public media and thought they could own the libs by showing the media that the infamous anonymous image board wasn't as bad as everyone thought it was, which is one of the most futile acts imaginable in history, especially considering half the people here made sockpuppet accounts on Twitter to call journalists niggers
it fooled nobody

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I got junk mail for like, three years because of that donation to the WWE.

She tried to do that with Eron Gjoni after he put out the "Zoe Post" but, thankfully, Eron had enough people supporting him to prevent that.

Nearly 8 years later and 8cuck still has a fucking Gamer Gate general. Le evil luggage lad was in the right after all.

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I miss it and remember the good times, even the bad times on there are like the good times on here.
Imagine also being able to post more than one reaction image at a time, having webms with sound on every board, we didn't know what we had until it was taken from us.

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And yet not one single legitimate example has ever surfaced

>Yea Forums never harased anybody before
This site, pretty much invented online harrassment, online mobs, and stuff like doxing. Yea Forums was like Twitter is now, just harrassing a bunch of people with impunity. Like Jessi Slaughter, that was a child rape victim, only she got harrassed online and made into a joke.

The absolute idea that Yea Forums never did anything wrong, with Gamergate, or anything else is a joke.

Actually the worst thing to happen to this site right beside the 2016 election. Introducing people from reddit, twitter, tumblr, and actual boomers to this site

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>they used a pedophile symbol


the darpa thing was always a bit of a meme. darpa gives out awards and grants all the time. iirc darpa was giving out grants to anyone who was trying to make educational video games for adults or doing anything related to the "gameification" of education, digra recieved a darpa grant because they were making something, then digra hired a guy from silverstein media group, then anita/zoe/someone was working for silverstein media group. its an extremely flimsy connection. its like saying a walmart wagie is connected to the government because the government gave walmart corporate some fed bucks

the actual interesting government conspiracy is how steve bannon's previous job was running a company selling world of warcraft gold, noticed all the ruckus caused by gamergate, then used similar tactics to get trump elected