This is why PC cafes in the western world is dead

They don't server GOOD FUCKIN FOOD!
Imagine playing a game with the boys then eating sum GOOD FUCKIN FOOD!

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No, it was because people were breaking and stealing shit.

>TWO hot dogs, 1 with cheese
>fries with cheese
>probably some pop for a drink
how the fuck are Koreans not fat; they eat just like us

who the actual fuck dries their instant noodles instead of just turning them into delicious soup?

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Probably because they eat shit like that once in awhile instead of every fucking day.

Holy fuck that's a lot of carbs
Eat some damn meat or vegetables or something

when i eat i get sleepy and need a nap

it's the only thing he's eating that day, and he probably only ever eats a meal like that once a month

fat people will eat that portian 4 times a day, usually bigger portions and refiles to the drink, retard

>OP looked at this and thought NOW THATS SOME GOOD FOOD

>clean every keyboard of the gamer food crumbles and boogers wagie!
>noooo you can't use a dishwasher with these keyboards wagie! chop chop
>take all the keys off individually and clean all the hair and scummies! i want them sparklin!
>faster wagie! faster! we have 49 more keyboards!

>spaghetti confuses user

I'm pretty sure its more to do with the fact a good portion of westerners already have personal pcs by this point so why bother renting on in a place filled with sweaty retards when you can just use your own in the comfort of your own home

Because they dont eat this twice a day everyday, you fucking americoid whale

because you fags will eat that for lunch when you ate some shit like steak and eggs for breakfast lol

mandatory military service

the only good gook food is the shit they stole from japan

Weirdly, they also circumcise their kids after WW2 with America. IDK why they decided to do it.

>when you ate some shit like steak and eggs for breakfast
the third worlder has confused filling with fattening

>oh its been 4 hours guess everything is now digested, going to shove an entire dinner down my stomach yet again and then again in 4 hours and then a final snack before sleep. also i need to constantly be drinking something at every moment

That too.

Because PC cafes are only popular in shitty poor countries where people can't afford a PC

>Seething hungry 3rd worlders ITT

pc cafes were never even a thing here

fuck now i'm hungry

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>dies from diabetes

>shitty poor countries
LOL post hand nigger

that looks really good to me. forgot to eat dinner today.

the absolute state of amerifats

based fat retard

>disgusting amount of cheese
>fast food
why does OP think this is good food?

>3rd worlders have such shit medicine they die from diabetes

Also in places that are more compact than the states. Imagine having to DRIVE to the PC cafe? lol


Do you know this country called Japan, where Internet cafes are widely popular?

potato is vegetable.

you know exactly why

You will genuinely never get fat eating meat unless you eat so often that you barely even sleep

>amerilard bringing up healthcare
had a good laugh, thanks

>protein cant turn into body fat

>waits 6 months to see doctor
>not laughing anymore
LOL I am though

Funnily, PC cafe is viable in japan because their people don't buy a high end PC at their home.

>dies from heart attack

Public libraries are PC cafes.

>PC cafes
Imagine living in some gook hive country where you have to go to some public place filled with 100 pan faced smelly chinks when you could just chill at your bros house with all your PCs in the living room and make whatever you want to eat.
Guess that's the price you pay when you live anywhere but the best country on earth, America.

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Based blind obsessor.

Protein doesn't turn into body fat nearly as much as carbs

this person believes the sensationalism of media websites where its all just made up bs because everyone there is a wageslave and have to pump out bs every week to afford rent.

No it's because the "western world" is the first world and even the poorest faggots in the first world can afford a PC.

What is the point?
Mediocre food, with a dirty public computer?
Why not just go to a good restaurant and then go home and use your own computer?

you don't live in reality

what are PC cafes even for at this point? The tiny minority of people who don't have internet, or a basic poverty computer to type word documents on?

that's a very different statement from the previous one

>He doesn't know people that live in bongland or canada that have to put up with that system

Food has nothing to do with it, pc cafes dont exist in the west because of thieving niggers and crack fiends beaking and stealing whatever isn't nailed down.

To restate- you are not going to become a fatass eating just meat, the amount of effort required would be ridiculous

Then why is the picture from some place in korea?

i hope someone from britain tells you good job, jose

>best country on earth, America
I must admit that I'm jealous of the autism neet bucks in USA.
Wish my country can pay me to shitposting all day everyday.

what is the deal with that tiny afternoon snack?

More fiber in their diets. It's all about fiber.

god i wish i ate more fiber

God I wish I lived in a big city away from my parents or travelled about on business so I would have reasons to go to internet cafes like this

>a hotdog
>some soda
>some weirdass fries with cheddar
>dried ass noodles without soup?
What the fuck is wrong with asians?

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>dried ass noodles without soup?
Don't tell me you americans flood your spaghettis with soups?