When did gamers become majority female?
When did gamers become majority female?
When match-3 games were released on smartphones.
women can be more autistic than men
Men's Hearts are a game now?
candy crush doesn't count
when we all transitioned
of course a fucking woman wrote this shit...
Source: Dude trust me
Cis women only made up less than 10% of that number, the rest are trans folks
>article is from 2014
Nice try, niggerfaggot
>Having a phone makes you a gamer
Sounds like BS.
Hey now, Tinder is a real game
It must be even higher nowadays. Close to a 100%
That's just the mobile and pc market. Most console gamers are males.
When all the men grew up and got jobs
Not even close, fucktard. it's like 36%
>pc market
cmon, the sims fanbase isn't that big
>cast aside the old stereotype
every gurl gamer has a pc and a dumbphone
only og gamers are console nowadays
Is this true? Name real female protagonist games that don't get the boot to this day.
>but as characters and creators they are still largely absent
At least they take after their fathers.
>pc market.
Are troons considered women in the pole? I feel like the number of players with a penis are the same as before.
When they counted phone games as gamer
Let me guess, this is by the definition where my grandma is also a "gamer" because she plays bejeweled.
blizzard unironically believes this
When they all started getting phones and playing "games" on them.
It didn't. Don't listen to hype.
>journos act like they know the industry better then the industry
>part 15 of 15 years
Why did this make twitteroids angry? I don't get it.
I hate them so much it's unreal
Let me guess, they want companies to make games that cater more to women? Why don't more women start a game studio and get into coding and gamedev? There's no patriarchal wall stopping them, especially in the west coast. If 52% are women why are their companies and games failing? Because 48% are sexist?
Now remove mobile games and watch the percentage fall to 5%.
>post a literal industry report on what women are actually playing
>"perpetuating a harmful stereotype"
Trannies are not female.
That means Im a minority then right?
So I should be immune to criticisms and anyone who doesn't pander to me is discriminating.
Make me a sandwich
>industry doesnt know its own demographic but Meg does
Not everything has to be about your Congalala-levels of unfuckability, Kevin.
since people started bullshitting on internet surveys.
Trannies don't count, neither do phone games. Readjust it for that and the number would fall to probably below 15%.
You're not a real gamer unless you have an arcade cabinet.
>harry potter at #4
Didn’t that game fail hard? If that’s the fourth most played game among women there must not be many women gamers then lmao
Really makes you think...
50% of humans are female, but the planet doesn't know it
explains why their games are so shit nowadays.
all their devs were hired because they think they're programmers and artists
That shit really shows how empty headed women are
Even as a child i could not enjoy something so mind numbingly boring
I love this gif
>chud reading comprehension
52% are females
i bet majority of them aren't even biological females.
fucken trannies pretending to be women.
Make me a sandwich bitch
why are women mad at this
Literally only 4 non-mobile games (Overwatch, Sims, Spelunky, Just Dance)
And one of them is fucking JUST DANCE.
When 10% cut their dicks off
>posts on Yea Forums 5 hours a day
This is like an average temperature in a hospital.
Doesn't acutally mean shit.
You need to segregate by the type of games.
Incorrect actually, there are more males, so it’s 49% (although this is literally entirely because of the chinese and their one child policy)
When retarded disingenuous journos count everyone who plays mobile shit.
This. Mobile makes up 54% of gaming industry revenue, unfortunately. The rest is evenly split between PC and console. They need to divide it up between mobileshit and PC/console gaming.
Isn't that contradicting itself? If 52% really are, even if they play casual mobile shit, that DOES mean industry found a way to get them in and keep them playing. How else would you count that 52?
I don't fall often for ragebait, but I want to gas whoever made this post
user 49.5 rounds up and less than 50.5 rounds down
birthing person*
damn dude
statistically, saying 49% is significantly more inaccurate than saying 50%
When everybody started carrying mobile phones
>52% are women
what happened to the other 41% ?