What exactly were they doing to the babes? This isn't a coomer thread. I thought they were just taking the babes to fuck them until I got to this part.
Do they ever say? Or is it just sci-fi body horror stuff that doesn't have an explanation?
By the way I fucking love this game. My cousin had it, but not me as a kid, so I only played the first level until recently. Duke thread.
What exactly were they doing to the babes? This isn't a coomer thread...
Other urls found in this thread:
its just rape-based alien reproduction
yeah i'm fine with that. kinda weird for bebop and rocksteady from ninja turtles to reproduce in such a non-standard way but sure i'll take it
It's basically just a ripoff of aliens, except instead of facehuggers it's rapecritters and they fuck the captured girls that then generally die giving rapid birth to more aliens. In the case of the invaders though it's more of a utility biotech thing, like for them they're using human women as single-use printers. They can get them knocked up with those octopus fuckers, or the main alien species shock trooper guys, random science experiment creatures, you name it.
>"oh fuck man we need a giant garlax beetle shell for that laser reflector array like right now"
>"right, go grab that human chick and load the penischnitzel beast with a beetle pill, we should be good to go in like two hours"
i was kinda surprised duke didn't say anything funny when i found her. it was pretty cool and it would ruin the effect, but it would be way too funny if douk was like "damn that's stinky"
>I thought they were just taking the babes to fuck them until I got to this part.
>Do they ever say? Or is it just sci-fi body horror stuff that doesn't have an explanation?
It's a throwback to Alien, they even have the knockoff chest burster.
yeah, i only just got to that part on like level 2 or 3 or something. it was really cool and i actually thought about whether i should kill her or not. i did, and then realized probably nothing would have happened if i didn't. it's fucking duke nukem, what is gonna happen
He does in the DNF from several years back.
None steals our chicks... and lives
It's kind of vague until you get to this cinematic which shows they're definitely using the women to reproduce.
Prepping them for the Duke
press space on geishas in that restaurant
Duke3D had the Protozoid Slimer enemy, that crawls into your head, eats your brain and somehow impregnates women.
Keep making Duke threads until we get September 2002 build, boys
always bet on duke
I'm proud of you Yea Forums, constantly making duke threads to bump limit and collectively chasing off braindead underages for days straight
Yea Forums may be a cesspit, but this is a real diamond
it doesnt even launch anymore after a partial megapatch wihtout the system folder copied over
just tried setting this up with no luck, im pretty sure i set up everything correctly but im guessing i messed up on the "[dnWindow.UDukeMultiRulesCW]" part since i didnt have it in the first place, im not entirely sure if anyone else has had the same problem but do any of you know where that part goes exactly?
If you kill them Duke says "Damn it" in a very depressing voice, as if it needed to be done but it is fucked up nonetheless.
He also says something like that in Forever to other impregnated women in Forever (the "I guess youre fucked" as an exception). Something like "Im sorry babe but its the only way". He sounds pained when killing them.
That random woman at the bar is not impressed by your money.
Happens In the PS1 games too. Aliens teleport and ambush you when you kill them.
On pc that only happens when you kill stripper or non-coccooned girls, when you kill the later the game does not punish you
i wouldn't feel good about killing a buncha hot babes either. that's not what you want at all!
I remember seeing a cucked review online that was like "rape isn't funny"
>that's NOT okay
just go away
I saw this problem on duke4.net but the I can't remember the thread. The user apparently managed to fix this with Crosire' Direct3D 8 to Direct3D 9 wrapper. You can find this on GitHub, the download is under the Releases page. Make sure you have the latest DirectX 9 version for XP installed after moving the Crosire wrapper to the System directory.
Man I must have fapped to almost every girl in D3D lol
so is oldunreal working on douk 227? is it going to be fixed?
Jill Valentine?
Works fine on Win10
It works on Windows 10. Actually, the game seems to shit itself on XP, since at least one user can't seem to get it to work on XP.
The pigs aren't the aliens, they're humans turned into mutants by the alien invaders.
Im on Win7. Also I'm really fucking stupid how do I unpack this? Do I just extract the 18 parts of the folder's October build to the same folder and run the megapatch with that?
Oh so that was a punishment?
>Also I'm really fucking stupid how do I unpack this?
You really are my little zoom zoom.
Just open up Part 1 in Winrar, make a Dook folder, drag the folders from Winrar to the Dook folder.
That's it, it'll know to extract the rest to the same place automatically as they're all part of the same archive.
Then just drag/replace the files in the MegaPatch over the top of the October build files keeping the same folder structure.
Then in the System folder of the October build you'll find "DukeForever.exe", run that to play.
oh. that's cool.
Dat monster launching rockets from ass > Cacodemon
Thanks bro, it works. Not very fucking well though. I applied all the patches and the title screen still runs at sub 1 frame a second and tries to kill my computer every time I run the .exe
Try throwing the D3D8Wrapper patch over the mega patch?
Other than that, maybe check the general for anyone who's had a similar problem.
try coping the system folder and then just deleting d3d8.dll and dsound.dll
delete d3d8.dll and see if it runs any better.
>That guy at school who told me she lifts her skirt if you give her enough money.
Fuck you Derek.
The kid that borrowed me duke nukem 3d in school told me that he saw all the cheat codes for a donic game when his cat pushed his sega off the counter and hit the floor. I was complaining because i couldnt beat sonic 3 and he recommended i drop my sega. I tried getting him to specify exactly how it happened in case i got desparate enough (the internet wasnt so useful and accessible in these days even though myself and family members were all up in computers). Anyways, i settled on the thought that he was trying to get me to destroy my sega
>hehe user's an idiot guys, watch him break his own sega
So i never tried it. But just a few months ago someone demos something just like this
It's just something they ripped off from Alien
dude my question has been answered like seventy five times
Did Randy say that to you? Omg call the police
well maybe you needed more affirmation for that response my dude peace bro
I think its from a movie called aliens iirc.
Can anyone confirm?
It's from Predator, ya goof
What the fuck
We all know what happens later.
>it's rapecritters and they fuck the captured girls that then generally die giving rapid birth to more aliens.
This isn't really established until Forever, which I don't buy as canon because it failed to understand Duke as a character.
It's safe to say they're being used for reproductive purposes, but dickmites and the girls popping like balloons is just shock value garbage.
>because it failed to understand Duke as a character.
He has a character?
Predator vs aliens! Thats it! Thats the movie its from
Why are men creepy weirdos?
You'll never women making games about an alien invading species desperate to suck and fuck human men.
Isnt that wild?? Fuckin' turned it all around fucking decades later
Yeah. Duke loves ladies. Duke hates aliens. And he wouldn't tell dying babes "LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE... FUCKED"
See: Duke cares and only someone who never played Duke 3D would write a line like that.
A walking caricature has character
>He also says something like that in Forever
Yeah, a callous line about on par with "HUH HUH, U DEAD, BUT THAT OK, ME NO CARE"
Forever is garbage.
>You'll never women making games about an alien invading species desperate to suck and fuck human men.
Because, contrary to incorrext beliefs, women arent as horny as men but rather sexually inert material to be shaped by men. This is still happening in the age of strong wammins as men are the ones encouraging women to report other men, who're competing to have sex with her, to the police for minor issues or falsely rwport men for rape. Things like that. And its the men that mould women into who they become
Duke Nukem Forever (2011) was written by women.
I thought they were just police
No idea, just found it in /inf/
where can i get a patched version of this rom?
mahou shoujo berry berry
extremely impressed
ah found it, seen better.
Are you okay user?