is the market really so bankrupt creatively that games have to have bloated budgets to justify a game existing?
Sony CFO: AAA Games on PS+ will require to reduce its quality
Microsoft is literally playing 4d chess and planning on a market 20 years in the future, Sony can't compete.
>subscription services
gaming is dead
The Netflix-ification of video games will be its ruin. Just endless crap pumped out to inflate the number of titles of their "service". Oh and you don't own any of them, either.
Why can't they just invest more in AA game development instead? Nintendo did it and they're swimming in cash right now.
aka "we have to stop spending shitload of money on games like TLOU2 that have incredibly underwhelming sales when we can make a dozen games that people actually want to play instead"
Even Netflix model didn't work as it turns out.
both are fag
God damn, Sony truly is fucked.
but it seems gaming companies didn't get the memo
i thought those movies did well
i hope a white man tells you good job, jose
Netflix is failing because too many competitors popped up who then got exclusivity deals for titles that Netflix didn't have and also sniped things from Netflix, and then Netflix made things worse for regular consumers to drive up their profits because everything needs to endlessly grow.
The Netflix model can work for TV and film, but it's heavily flawed and requires a minimum amount of competition. With the console market there's a lot less competition, but games don't work like TV and film so I don't think it'll work out anyways
Netflix didnt work out because Netflix started to just produce fucking garbage originals and the TV subscription model is based around an open market where all you need is a device that can run the app.
As of right now, the Gamepass and PS+ method have a better chance because its tied to closed hardware. If you want to use Gamepass you have to either buy into Microsofts console or PC ecosystem which makes it much harder for a competitor to come in and steal your install base.Like Nintendo can't just come in and make their own gamepass and start stealing Microsoft's gamepass users immediately because Microsoft as a platform holder can just prevent Nintendo's competing service on their hardware. This will always be the case until cloud gaming becomes good enough and more importantly; accepted enough to become the norm when it comes to playing games, which is almost likely to never actually happen.
How much do you think they spent making Aloy's facial hair look just right?
Nobody asked for the 50 million cost for contracting a-list celebrities for 2 months for mo-cap. AAA needs to fuck off trying to get consumers to pay for their Hollywood wetdream and ridiculous marketing campaigns.
Netflix also failed because after every other network start taking their shows and movies off Netflix, Netflix had nothing but low budget low effort garbage that nobody cares about to fill up the catalogue that nobody wants to watch. Up to this point the shows that were doing well on Netflix and could be considered a massive audience drawer were all murdered and cancelled after a few seasons in because Netflix stats said that people dont watch shows as much beyond a few season, this is absolutely retarded since all it does is murder quality shows while letting cheap garbage thrive.
But it makes paypiggies do the soiface! How else can they hype up their overpriced cookie-cutter soulless entertainment product that over 1000 people worked on?
Nintendo owns some of the most recognizable gaming IPs user. No company can do what they do in such a short time. It takes time
>you don't own any of them
Don't worry, there's always a way.
>We will continue doing things the old way, like dinosaurs, never changing, until we die out
It is the japanese way.
>The Netflix-ification of video games will be its ruin. Just endless crap pumped out to inflate the number of titles of their "service". Oh and you don't own any of them, either.
its a good side hustle, but it will never be the norm, no unless ISP stop being shit
>for 2 months for mo-cap
2 weeks*
>It is the japanese way.
show some respect, the Top Dog is a Dinosaur and its working.
Sony just fucked up
>show some respect, the Top Dog is a Dinosaur and its working.
the top dog in gaming right now is literally Mihoyo and Genshin Impact will steer gaming's future, having discovered its formula. not necessarily in the future of what they will do, but with the formula they already created.
>the top dog
No not even close
>No not even close
genshin impact's 2021 was the most profitable year of a game in gaming history, and the game is averaging around 50 million daily players this year. in 3 months a new archon and region are going to drop. it's not going anywhere
Why does this read like an ad?
because you're coping hard as fuck with being wrong and thinking nintendo is the top dog in gaming when they're actually like seventh place
Nintendo? Where the fuck did I mention Nintendo?
The future is a Microsoft monopoly where you can only rent games and they're streaming only. And there are only singleplayer and multiplayer gacha vehicles, no gameplay oriented games at all.
>Why can't they just invest more in AA game development instead
They don't know what that is, that's why Japan Studio got axed.
I assumed thats what you meant, but it doesnt matter
the most profitable companies in gaming are live service companies- and that is where gaming is going
and i dont know how to feel about that...because while I am very happy I got to take part in "Unreconciled Stars" in genshin impact, all the players since then have not. and that seems bizarre to me. Is the first or second best quest in the game's history now lost to time? In some of these huge games, things will go that way, it will be an experience you have that can't be repeated
which is horrible, but at the same time, makes it real?
>gaming companies didn't get the memo
I don't think it's anyone but ms that's pushing this in any earnest, and they're doing it because it's flows with satella's walled garden / network effect / ecosystem lockin obsession. Nintendo is completely absent, and every single signal sony is putting out is that they don't want to do it, but they're forced into keeping up, due to market pressure / fear / investors.
>Nintendo lives rent free in every Genshin fags head
>you paid the online
>you paid the dlc
>you paid the mmo subscription on pc
>you paid the season pass
>you paid the faulty system without exclusives
>you paid the game on hd
>and its re-release
>you paid for yearly sequels
>you got a hdd for the bloated uncompressed game
>you paid the microtrasaction
>you paid for the bloated budget game
>you paid the digital game
>you allowed all to happen
This is the future you chose, you deserve all the shit.Yea Forums is cope
I, for one, since I'm damned to this shit because retards paid for it, will enjoy seeing them collapse and suffer from their own incompetency.
let me guess, you're also the kind of retard who unironically believes indies are all low effort pixelshit, right?
The top gaming companies according to
Mihoyo isnt even on the list user
Microsooft still winning. Cope, gaylifornian.
>Netflix didnt work out because Netflix started to just produce fucking garbage originals and the TV subscription model is based around an open market where all you need is a device that can run the app.
>Netflix bs bite them in the ass like it should
What happened with Netflix? tl;dr, please
>Nobody asked
Kojima and their bootlickers whonpost in this board daily did.
I think what Sony needs to do is just stick with their old method and have the old games (PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4) catalogues be paywalled. Then after a year when sales have dried up, then add some of their ps5 exclusives. Problem is, whether we like it or not, cancers like Battlefield, CoD, sells and zoom zooms will flock to Xbox and goypass simply because it have the latest and newest CoD. Sony needs an IP of that scale to even stay relevant. Even against Nintendo, their IPs aren't up to snuff to the likes of Zelda, Pokemon, Mario and etc. Unless they struck an exclusivity deal with Fifa or EA's Soccer 2023, I don't think Sony can even last that much longer.
Worst scenario; true. That's why MS should get destroyed, they are already with half foot out of videogames but still cause more damage.
This quotes also hint to them focusing on exclusives....which is odd.
Stock and subscription figures dropped like a brick last week or so. Apparently they made account sharing even more annoying and increased their prices. So people just fucked off.
Snoy's AAA games are all colossal money-losing flops, imagine how much less they'd make if the handful of people who'll actually pay $70 + $50 Season Pass tip got all the content for just $1 on Gamepass.
I'm not paying $70 for a video game btw lol
Not everyone's poor as you, pajeet
$10 a month, the cheapest streaming option for......480p streaming. Im not kidding. 10 a month for fucking 480p
people were royally pissed
Fucker put their HQ in fuging commiefornia of all places
That was it? I remember they using Chile (among others) as a laboratory and while twitter npcs got riled up only to slurp it in the end they would accept or completely back off on that. Seems like they actually did it.
Deserved, it was a bad idea.Now everyone else has a free pass to pull it
thats total assets not current revenue. mihoyo will appear on that list in 2-3 years at the current rate. many of those companies are clearly on the decline as well.
in terms of current revenue mihoyo is #1 in terms of software.
How about instead of making one horribly bloated game, you split the budget five ways, and make five modest size games, targeting different markets.
How much would it cost to make a new fucking Ape Escape now? Twenty dollars?
Any budget spent on a different game is one less perfectly rendered hair on Aloy's body
You wouldn't want to deprive gamers of that would you?
no complaints with me.. if that's what it is.
lmao they're too fucking stupid to make games people want
they could make a game called legend of dragoon with a 14 million dollar budget and sell 3-4 million copies of it for a total profit of over a hundred million
Not even close, Nintendo sold 235 million units last year sony sold probably the same.
they're gonna put ads on netflix to combat people leaving
>reduce it’s quality
that’s possible?
He's right. MS has game pass and the games have taken a steady nosedive in quality since then. Doesn't help that most of their games are multiplayer focused and almost all of them have microtransactions. There's no feasible way for a company to put all their AAA games a cheap subscription service. The only reason MS can sort of do it is because they're a trillion dollar company and they've made game pass their entire strategy
not the point, we weren't talking about totals to begin with, we were talking about per game. that was the original claim, and it's still correct. i don't get why the goalpost keeps moving :)
announcing/leaking this is intentionally cratering the company so investors can get out and then the company will divest its assets into a few individuals
western companies are designed to collapse on purpose in cycles like this.
>"the games have taken a steady nosedive in quality since then."
>Meanwhile MS were the top ranked publisher on Metacritic in 2021
This is some quality cope.
>in terms of current revenue mihoyo is #1 in terms of software
Not even close user. Minecraft, tetrisand Mk still have it beat by miles
>why don't Sony put new game in $15 service?
I swear I had more common sense and knew more about economics when I was in the third grade. How dumb are you people?
>Even Netflix model didn't work as it turns out.
HBO and Disney are raking in cash because they actually have a huge back catalogue of content people want to see. Microsoft is savvy enough to know it needs a constant stream of first party stuff that won't leave it's subscription service due to licenses expiring. Game Pass is already in a much better position than Netflix ever was because Microsoft has and will continue to buy up studios to make games for them.
netflix spent literally several billion dollars making movies and shit that collectively nobody watched
i remember bird box. thats it. out of like 2 billion dollars of productions. and i guess castlevania, though it sucked, the fucking garbage quippy california writing really ruined it
>citing metacritic
Plus Microsoft have what both Disney and HBO have, a large amount of back catalog games to play this is why Game Pass is a success and it also helps in sales as well.
Would be funny if their games were actually fun after cutting their budgets by half.
just to be clear: are you saying this to shit on xbox or cope over the shitshow that is GT7?