>literally Dark Souls II all over again
>Yea Forums is too stupid to notice that Elden Ring suffers from all the problems that Dark Souls II is known for
elden ring is no masterpiece, it's mainstream trite.
>literally Dark Souls II all over again
>Yea Forums is too stupid to notice that Elden Ring suffers from all the problems that Dark Souls II is known for
elden ring is no masterpiece, it's mainstream trite.
Other urls found in this thread:
what are you hoping to get out of this thread user
>good gameplay
>massive amounts of content
>works at release
>no mtx
by today's standards it's a top tier game
엘든링은 스꼴라다
You’re not wrong but the fact they added so many repeating bosses makes me think fromsoftwares b team is a bunch of nigger lovers
Elden Ring is both the worst souls game of all and the best open world game made in the last decade.
>>good gameplay
>>works at release
dark souls 2 mostly felt off because of the roll animation to me, which is fine in elden ring, also the art style looked cartoon-y and didn't have the same fidelity as the others
Ah yes I remember Elden Ring have torch problems, graphics problems, enemy spam problems, enemy placements that don't make sense, shitty square rooms everywhere, horrible lighting, soul memory, etc
Shazam lost btw. Never have I seen such magnitude of seething for a game just doing well.
Don't forget about the weapon durability problems that Elden Ring has!
elden ring suffers from a multitude more of problems that ds2 doesn't have
the atmosphere is far superior in ds2, for example
i might as well shill my video on it instead of repeating myself youtu.be
Elden Ring doesn't have shitty less health when you're "hollowed"
yes it does, you're just not aware of it existing
>It doesn't have clunky movement.
>It doesn't have soul memory.
>It doesn't have ADP as a solution for the shittiest hitboxes of the entire souls franchise.
>Has far more better enemy and level design than whatever DsII tried to do.
Are you perhaps mentally challenged?
>literally Dark Souls II all over again
A good video game that most people liked?
Yoo cheddar is that really you
I love your vids bro
Your fez video hit the algorithm and I think your channel could blow up soon
I think you should cover Banished (2014), it evokes to me that majula feeling
and here we see continued proof that mental retardation and ds2 hating go hand in hand
Heh good one.
>system that 99% of people ignore that isn't even health related
Next thing you'll tell me is that DS3 had the same problem? Wrong they fixed it.
Both 3 and ER do but they frame it as having "extra" hp when you're buffed whereas DS2 frames it as a penalty
>>uhhhh actually getting less health for dying a lot is really uhhh shitty and problematic
whats the difference you low skill cuck
And I presume a bright mind such as yours can refute such facts, Am I right?
Completely overshadowed by the amount of unbalanced and broken shit trivialize the entire game. Bleed, rot, "downscaled" phantoms, broken summon ashes. The game can be beat by a 12 year old girl. It's sad.
i liked the ds2 health thing because it punished shitters fuck em, dark souls 3 ember system wouldn't be annoying if it didn't mean you were getting invaded after every boss
>the atmosphere is far superior in ds2
simply not true. ds2 is the very bottom of the barrel souls game and comparing it to any other from game, even king's fields, is just baiting.
getting invaded is fun fuck face
>faults of dark souls 2 with the boring gameplay/shitty writing of 3.
I cant bring myself to play this game for an extended duration.
Load game, wander for 20 minutes, kill boss for shitty reward, and repeat.
oh yeah it's really fun to have your exploration of a new area put on hold because some clown comes in who rans back into mobs whenever threatened and has infinite siegmeyer drinks, i just killed myself after every boss
>single cave only gets you 1 or 2 items tops
I really hate how spaced out equipment are in this game. and looking at a purple glowing item only to find out that it's a shitty crafting ingredient sucks.
are you some kind of nigger lover hater?
It's sad that you think other souls games are in any way difficult.
the concept of a rushed game with unused assets and concepts literally buried underneath the gameworld, stitched together into an overworld that only a schizophrenic would find continuity in, is the most true soulslike atmosphere possible. the very fact that ds2 is the blacksheep out of the entire catalogue, makes it the most dark souls of any dark souls.
ds2 is the ds2 of dark souls, and thats why its my favorite
in summary
2Chads are unstoppable
I felt this too, even the 'legacy' dungeons only had a couple unique items each and then were just filled up with runes and consumables I won't ever use.
Dark Souls 3 is Dark Souls 1 2
Elden Ring is Dark Souls 2 2
Fromsoft fucked the online system to death. I get into spots that you can only reach by horse and then use the tongue, fuck all invaders. I WILL keep the game on 24/7 and afk somewhere wasting your time, retards.
>words that make no sense stringed together
Yeah, we knew only schizos can enjoy DS2.
the difference is that you don't have to waste a ring slot just to have a decent amount of hp.
the difference is that you aren't penalized for every single death in a game that is supposed to encourage throwing yourself repeatedly against a difficult boss until you overcome it with knowledge and skill
the difference is that getting the buff after you beat a boss allows you to explore the next zone with a bigger safety net, allowing you to actually enjoy going through the zone for the first time instead of fretting because any random ambush will kill you.
the difference is that the mechanic is properly explained instead of just hoping the player realizes why their health bar is shrinking.
>b-but git gud!
yes, we all know you fromdrones would lap up dog shit if someone told you that it was part of a hard game for hardcore gamers like yourself, we're all very impressed with how good you are at a game that encourages you to let other people beat it for you.
Yeah it's so awesome just being in the middle of progressing through an area, especially a castle building with tight corridors and elite enemies all over the place, and all of a sudden some dude shows up in your game and now all of your currency/exp and progression is in jeopardy!
I think the best part is that it's usually some twink fag with a min/max build with end game weapons/spells that someone probably dropped for him. So fun!
>Going through dungeon
>See a purple item glow on a body
put another way:
in fromsoftware's efforts of constantly reusing their (software) (from) previous games,
ds2 remains "their" most unique effort, the 1 game that actually stands out now... still to this day the only game since demon souls with a new engine
We've come to a point where DS2fags say other games are exactly like their game so that they can believe in their own made up fantasies that people love their game over every other game. What a world of cope.
I knew these things are rare and yet I still haven't bothered to look up what they're actually used for.
FUCK crafting.
more retardation from ds2 haters
in ds3 and elders ring, you're base health is literally nerfed, look at any HP comparisons.
losing your health buff after dying is literally equivalent, if not worse, than getting full hollowed in ds2.
you're low IQ and getting placeboed by cheap tricks
Since when does DS3 and ER bring your health down to 50% for dying a few times?
it's literally a cuck mentality. you have a cozy single-player rpg. a world that is designed for you to enjoy. go where you want. fight who you want. take your time and admire the scenery if you want. and then someone named xXxfartmuncherxXx shows up, preventing you from exploring the area, forcing you to stop playing your game and allow him to play around in your world instead. they actually want these faggots to ruin their immersion. they have something lovely on their hands, and they want to see it get raped by some stranger. if you play souls games with online enabled you are literally a cuck.
how are you so room temp IQ that you don't get what im explaining, after saying it in 2 different replies
you just said a bunch of nonsense affirming your opinion, not anything that actually makes sense or is a real positive lmao
>bubbletear + 10% dmg boost
>20% phys damage
>35% phys damage -25% abs
>reddit cries the item isn't good
each leaf is literally a free "I win" consumable
>DS2fag giving up on the only thing his game has going for him, PvP
Sad state of things isn't it?
Doesn't matter it's a bonus, no bonus gives you +50% health, because the game expects you to be able to beat it without a bonus. DS2 doesn't at your minimum of 50% health, so it punishes you. Kill yourself.
Trite is an adjective, not a noun. If that was intended as an atypical construction and not a simple error, then I don't believe I'm in possession of a style guide that supports it for a general descriptor.
I never once used a rune arc in elden ring and I just got the plat
Bloodborne had a new engine, it's been used ever since since it's way better than DS2's.
Eh, I didn't need them I guess. I had 999 crab and shrimp meat by end game because you could just buy them but I would never remember to use them before bosses.
Don't compare scuffed ds3.5 with ds2 please.
>if you play souls games with online enabled you are literally a cuck.
No no no now you've got it all wrong. You just don't run around with a humanity/ember/whatever the fuck burned so faggots can't ruin your experience. The rest of the online aspects of the games are fantastic. It's such a feel good gaming feeling when you can see other players just popping up in the form of ghosts so you get glimpses of what other people are currently doing and see what gear they're wearing. Same with bloodstains and how people are struggling in certain spots. Although the dumb troll messages get tiresome, seeing other players messages is so enjoyable, you get get good info sometimes and get a little laugh at other times. Having the option to summon and join other players for assistance or simply to have fun co-oping a boss is honestly so enjoyable.
Elden Ring fixed the issue of faggots being able to invade you for simply having your health/stat buff active.
ok... you have profound brain death
im screencapping this one into my diagnosed retarded ds2 haters folder, i'll send it to your doctor to make sure you get checked up on, check your place of residence to make sure you aren't drowning in your drool or something
here, one final time: whats the meaningful difference between a base of 10 on its own, or 15-5=10. you are literally getting tricked by a placebo effect that from put into their newer games to make retards like you feel better... this is why the majority opinion doesn't matter, the majority is majorly retarded
it doesn't matter how many health points you start with, what matters it that DS2 punishes you for taking several runs at a boss, when throwing yourself against a challenging boss until you finally learn how to beat it without upgrading is the best feeling in these games. DS3 punishes you once for dying, which is enough to incentivize you to not die, but doesn't punish you for trying to fight things beyond your immediate level, and it also makes exploring a new zone way more fun because you can take more risks while simultaneously being strongly incentivized to not die.
the fucking HP values don't fucking matter, what matters is that DS2 literally tries to stop you from having fun and force you to go gather more levels/gear. DS3 encourages you to avoid death but doesn't punish you for tackling difficult challenges. calling it a cheap trick or a placebo only makes it all the more embarrassing that DS2 can't get such simple things right, it can't even provide the illusion of fun gameplay.
Nigger. No game except DS2 has a difference of 50% let alone 75%.
yeah and I've beat ds2 full hollow, see we can both beat a game handicapping ourself, its a fun challenge right
This, I love co-oping in these games even though I always clear my world solo. Feels good helping people with a tough boss and I get some souls/runes for weapon upgrades in the process.
>massive amounts of reused content
>regurgitate opinion already parroted on Yea Forums
hollowing caps at 50%. and if you knew anything about the souls games you would realize you usually have around twice the amount of HP in DS2 than you would have in DS3, not even mentioning that armor is more effective in DS2.
you are a true nigger, i feel sorry for anyone that has to interact with you
>massive amounts of reused content
video games
Which videogame do you consider "hard to beat"? I see you fucking retards over and over and over again, complaining about "this and that makes it too easy". You know what makes things easy? Human pattern recognition, maybe shoving an icepick into your brain is truly the auteur way to play.
let me explain it for you in retard baby language then.
if you have five apples and I give you five more apples, you'll be happy, because you're a pathetic little poorfag bitch who should be fucking grateful he's got ten apples total. it's not a lot of apples but you're still happy because they're free fucking apples.
if I have twenty apples and you steal two, then I'm going to be fucking pissed off because those are MY apples you little faggot cunt.
it literally does not matter to me how many apples I still have. I don't fucking care if my eighteen apples are far more than some other poorfag fuck who's only got five. those are still MY FUCKING APPLES and I will murder any fucking apple thief who thinks he can take shit that belongs to me.
when you GIVE people nice things they become HAPPY, when you TAKE nice things away they become ANGRY. which is why taking things away is a form of PUNISHMENT while giving things is a form of REWARD. and video games are all about punishment vs. reward, encouraging the player into certain actions, taking certain risks. when you punish the player for playing the game in a fun and challenging way, your game design is SHIT.
look at this fat fuck talking about food
Kill yourself.
All of those apply to Dark Souls 2 you retard. It also had insane amount of bosses and enemies. It was just all copypasted humanoid tracking retards though, same as ER.
ok so you admit you are a mad baby raging because they don't understand the difference between a bigger number and a smaller number, you just respond to your feefees and tantrum while you play ds2, tainting any possible enjoyment you would get. so i also understand there's no point in trying to communicate with a total raging midwit like you either, so cya