He's fucking back
Monster Hunter
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I'm so fucking happy Stevebros. Now please bring back gunner/beta armor
>bring back gunner/blademaster
>bring back Normal-x-r types
>make alpha's have sets just like GU
>let any weapon get to max rank like GU
>give us some kind of end game thats not a push over
there I saved Sunbreak
Not a bad start
Awesome. Now put him in MH6
Average GS Enjoyer
>no gigginox
cmon guys the armor would be perfect
Can defender weapons be upgraded more than once in Rise?
Why is malzeno SO FUCKING GAY BUTTERFLY FLAMBOYANT HOMO now? Even velkhana isn't that gay
He has regal class and he’s gonna kick your ass
He's a Vampire Dragon. He just loves the MAD SUCC.
Extremely homosexual post
I'm actually surprised he made it
Magma Almudron better have good armour for stealing Agnaktor’s gimmick again.
All I need is Odo and then the game will have all my favorite monsters
Now I just need them to not bring back Uragaan and it's perfect
Nope, they become obsolete by the end of low rank.
Rearrange them
t. Lunagaron
oh, bummer. Guess I'll have to grind through the whole game the old fashioned way
Anybody know if this glitch was ever fixed? Does it only apply to uncapped framerate, or does it apply to any framerate above 30?
So do we know if PC is getting the cool layered set from the amibo as optionable DLC?
It’s free with mods
what a terrifying move wouldn't want that to happen to me haha
did they even ever port the old amiibo layered? seems unlikely
>Even velkhana isn't that gay
Lol, at least Malzeno is brutal unlike fagkana anh his shitty tail stab.
It's over. You'll get your dog and it's armors and you'll like it.
user there's one trailer left, they don't have much else left to show. All but confirmed they won't unfuck Rise's gimped roster with Zamtrios, Gravios, Agnaktor, etc.
*2 but yes
Base Rise had its fair share of unshared mons so I'm not really too concerned
We definitely knew most of Rise's roster by the time the game came out, with Narwa being the only secret. Our only hope left is switch skill weapon vids. They showed some minor reveals like Jyura, Kulu and Anja last time.
fuck steve
Hi Steve
f-fuck steve? >//w//
I dont remember narga, zin, monke and bazel reveals desu
me and based
Dangerously based
No, Steve fucks you
literally no one confirmed this "glitch" and you can stop shilling your garbage yt channel now
So how exactly is Magma Almudron an Agnaktor ripoff again? They are both Leviathans, they both dig through the ground and…
Then you must have really bad memory because Narga and Zin got their very own trailer
Rajang appeared in the Rampage trailer
Bazel came with a title update
stfu you faggot it's name is seregios. you want to be random faggot spouting meme shit then fuck off to some other shithole. I dont need to read your retarded vernacular. fuck off and never EVER post on this website again or I will personally hack your IP fly to wherever you live your pathetic little life and piledriver your fucking scrawny little face into the ground. ITS NAME IS SEREGIOS.
They both use the same heating mechanic. You know, the one they also recycled on World Lavasioth and Rise Gravios.
They hate Agnaktor.
Haha whoops. My pants dropped.
>magma leviathan with the heat gimmick
>hurr how are they alike?
Did they specifiy its the same mechanic though? Could very well be the case, but it could also be some mechanic tied to him dealing extra damage/ fireblight or chip damage ala Teostra on heated parts.
>Yian Garuga
>Shogun Ceanataur
This is your returning monster roster
Say something nice about it
never ever but would be insane
Can’t wait for ice element Tetranodon that can inflate itself and roll around and also make ice armour.
>big new feature is hanging out with npcs
They knew what they were doing.
They could make it a superboss like Iceborne Fatalis.
I just realized that, odds are, Followers will mimic your poses like cats and dogs do
Imagine the photo possibilities
egg laying quest when
>yfw the reason Agnaktor didn't come back is because they can't figure out where you put you for the wyvern riding animation because of the fin
They've really only announced two subspecies?
He never left
Three: Bishaten, Somnacanth, Almudron
At this point, it feels like they didn't bother giving the early game monsters like Aknosom and Tetranadon subspecies
I'm still feeling pretty confident that Goss, Rakna, and Magnamalo have something in store
I don't care. 4th gen mons are soulless garbage. Bring back Congala, Blangonga, Bullfango, Velocidrome, Kut-Ku's, Gravios, Gypceros, Plesioth, and Lao-Shan Lung
Probably my favorite color scheme. Silver, gold and red? Perfect
Man i wonder why rakna wasn't in village
He's such a cool monster
Haha good joke user
I agree with this post about bringing back old soul but I actually like seregios.
a glob of jizz involuntarily flew out when I started to imagine the mixed armors sets were're going to be able to make from these
Give me that Gunlance already!
Let‘s say Almudron really got Agnaktors gimmick, wouldn‘t that be pointless? The only part that looks hard and actually uses hardened magma as armor is the tail.
I want more of the older monsters back. Where the fuck is Malfestio or Gore Magala? Tons of flagships get to come back but the Gore family gets cucked? Bullshit.
this is what they took from you
If they come back, they'd be title update monsters like Alatreon and Fatalis in Iceborne
gore magala will be sunbreak's valstrax
>It's 2026
>MHP6rd central africa borne expansion comes out
>Still no lagiacrus
>Poison khezu in dark caves
>Ice armor plesioth subspecies
>Glacial almudron subspecies
>New kut-ku sub that calls Monsters with his Sonic ears
>Tetsucabra is a Quest girl
>Velkhana and Lunagaron stole Zamtrios gimmick, it is doomed to never ever return