Sony fans rave and rant about bloodborne

>Sony fans rave and rant about bloodborne
>only a million of them have actually played it

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>only reason Bloodborne hasn't come out on PC is that it completely flopped

That was 5 years ago and I bought it years later myself, it's a stupid chart

It's from Sonya financial report yesterday user

>(as of Numbers of Day in Release)

>ps5 games in the fucking list that only came out a few months ago

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>the numbers are so bad sony hasn't bothered updating them
Jesus no wonder their porting all their games to PC and switch

meaning they didnt have enough new sales to report them, whats your point

tendie thread

>GoW 19.5
Fucking Mario Party cost Nintendo 500k dollars vs the 500 million GoW cost snoyny and it sold the same lmao

After Elden Ring they must start considering it. They just need to build hype around it and normalfags will boost the sales, I bet they would think something like:
>omg it's a new game from the devs of eldy ring! can't wait to drop it 10 hours in!

>Horizon 2 and GT7 did so poorly in launch window sales that they didn’t bother to add them to their metrics
Kirby is now a bigger draw than Horizon and Gran Turismo. What a world.

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Horizon is an artificially pushed brand. GT was and still is a cornerstone of racing sims but Kirby just has mainstream appeal and naturally at that too.

>GT was and still is a cornerstone of racing sims
Next you are gonna say Killzone is a cornestone of shooters

It's one of the 2 biggest titles in the racing sim genre, is it not? I'm not even console warring here or what have you.

That's retarded, Bloodborne has clearly sold a few million since that date. If you don't believe this you're a moron.


nobody cares about bloodborne. they will never port it because it flopped.

The same way that Bing is the second biggest search engine and Sony is the second biggest console manufacturer? Sure, but everyone knows second is just another word for sorest loser.

Do you no life Niniggers, Xkikes and PCommies have nothing better to than seethe all day while you fap to taker POV in another tab?

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And only 45% of them even liked the game enough to bother finishing the first boss

What's the source for this?

And how many of that 14m is actual sales and how many are users who got it when it was free on PS+? Also
>Using a 3rd party site as proof

I'm literally one in a million

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>how many are users who got it when it was free
It was only free for a month and you can't see where it spikes.
>Using a 3rd party site as proof
But you have no problem ignoring your fellow coper's claiming 1 million lifetime sales when it passed that in under 2 weeks.

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you can see where it spikes*

Sony says its sold 1 million user. Sony. Also PS is the tranny station user

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By Sep. 2015, Bloodborne had sold 2 million. This was 6 months after release.
Comparatively, Dark Souls 2 had sold 2.5 million on all platforms combined after 1 year.

Not what sonys claiming in their investor report

It's their own words.

Are you really suggesting that Bloodborne on PS4 outsold the entire multiplat Dark Souls franchise.

>2 M
FUCKING KIRBY outsold it in 2 weeks

Which means it outsold Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 in the same timeframe.

>1 million 11 days after release

>toddlers can’t read
It’s fun to see these retards unironically live up to their name, but it doesn’t make for any quality threads.

You cant read becouse these are the latest numbers from Sonys investors report retards.

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The team can be proud, not every dev can claim that they made a game that sold almost as much as Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

nobody's reading this fucking chart right
It's 1 million copies sold "as of" 4/5/2015. Bloodborne was released on 3/24/2015 so that's 11 days after release, hence the (11).

The chart is from a recent report, but the number itself on the chart hasn't been updated in 7 years


why are they putting antiquated numbers on this though

>bloodborne was such a FOTM thing sales dropped of nearly immediately

They only update the numbers when they reach 100k
So since 2015 Bloodborne hasn't sold even 100k to be updated

souls games are shit and I'm tired of hearing everybody talk about them

its not my fault Sony refuses to stick to transparency on their reports

>They only update the numbers when they reach 100k

Imagine being this mad you can't afford at least a Playstation Quadruple in 2022

>he thinks a few hundred bucks is a lot of money
Tell me you live in the EU without telling me you live in the EU

You definitely have a warped perception if you think management have taken meticulous note of where random game B-87 came from rather than just when it came out and how it performed relative to game C-49, game A-121, and Uncharted 4.

>Sony can't even grab one number from their sales Excel spreadsheet to throw in their financial reports
The additional sales must not be worth the effort in getting that single value out of that spreadsheet

Yeah yeah, just port it and DeS to PC so mod autists can fix them

>11 Days after release
Absolute dumas

I'm not Dumas user, he died century's ago

Every meme I see on /pol/ seems to show everything but PlayStation and if you go look at tranny subreddits it bears out.
Sony chads can drop countless fresh examples of everyone else being trannies but you guys have been posting the same images and copypasta for like 7 years, it means nothing.

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>muh cherry picked examples show your the tranny
Kill yourself honetly

>every meme I see
Lol that's data starring you in the face user but you belive some maymays online?

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All me

>as of 4.4.2015
>north america and europe
op confirmed retard

and sony didnt include these extra few million sales in their latest report because.....?

It's "cherry picked" because you don't like it but your lazy images and cope responses I've seen thousands of times are totally legit?
You're "data" is nothing but text in a JPG, you booty blasted faggot. My graph, link and meme stands up to way more scrutiny than anything else in this thread.

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>OP tries desperately to make PlayStation bros look bad
>ends up looking like a massive retard instead since he can't read a graph
Many such cases

>My graph, link and meme stands up to way more scrutiny than anything else in this thread.
Not the OP which is Sony's own word on the matter. That you're painfully in denial of

>This thread again
You don't get tired of this shit eh