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I'm a Soulsborne fan. Ask me anything.

What's your favorite thing to suck?

I'm conservative and I'm pro-abortion, what's the problem with Americans exactly

Did he at least call you back, user?

Why did you do it?

Aren't abortions completely legal in Washington State?

they are literally killing off their playerbase

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Religious fundamentalism/the South

>Microsoft aborting future Snoys.
based as fuck

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This is the progressive woke way of saying "It's cheaper than maternity leave."

I was going to ask that. Should be cheap for MS.

>be a huge corporation
>woman you're forced to hire is pregnant
>has option to either take paid maternity leave or kill the kid and be a loyal corporate slave

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>their playerbase
user I don't know if you know this but microsoft is more than xbox.

You know, I bet thats cheaper than having someone 6 months out and still having to pay

did you take turns

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>we'll pay your bus fare
Okay. I'm sure that'll set them back, and totally isn't just virtue signalling.

That's true. They're pretty much paying a pittance, just to have their employees not go on maternity leave.

Js really like killing babies huh

So brave

I love how chuds realize capitalism is actually dogshit when we leftists pretend to like it for 5 seconds to get the reactionary response out of you

Abortion is the only think keeping the black and brown populations in check. Its like defeating the antagonist only to find out he was protecting the world from an even greater threat.

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>corporations are soulless!
>corporations shouldnt be "political"!
>businesses shouldnt seek profit!
>businesses should pay employees more and offer tons of benefits!

>Abortion is the only think keeping the black and brown populations in check
Not really. Even with abortion minorities keep increasing, it's unironically white people that are having their population decrease because of abortions.

Well democratbros now that the midterms and 24 are basically guaranteed how are you celebrating?

>literally keeping a record of all women who had out of state abortions
Surely the courts wouldn't dare subpoena the company to get those records, now wouldn't they

Faggot, we didnt say "its bad" we said that there is nothing progresive on their decision, and as always, you are just the puppets of your bosses. You have no real decision, you are just a number. And the faster you realize this and accept it, the happier you will be. Faggot

did you swallow

States have no jurisdiction to say what anyone can or can't do in another state

yeah you really owned the chuds by dicksucking billionaires good job you 20IQ faggot

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>evil billionaire corporation is all for abortions

damn these dude really don't want to pay for maternity leave.

Was he hot? Are you?

the average American cares more about $5 gas then a whores who can't use contraceptives

That doesn't sound like a capitalisms problem, it sounds like a horrible mistake in the way we structured our society problem, we have many such horrible mistakes and most of them relate to women in some way

nah unfortunately its not going to work out. leftist are using this whole thing to attack liberals because they cant cope with such a blatant and in-your-face example of why voting matters, even for Hillary. the party will just become more divided over time.

>Too much of a coward to deal with the problem at it's source
>Instead dedicates time and effort to instead fight for the right to murder children because maybe perhaps someday a nigger will maybe not breed for once
Nobody believes that you're on the sidw you claim you are, tranoid.

At first I thought it was just the Yea Forums trannies that were retarded useless burdens but the more I become aware of them in general they all seem like this.

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Yeah that threw me off for a little, but I guess they probably have small offices in each state, I can't see liberals working at these offices though

Less cheap labor.

I find it funny that this doesn't fit the anti SNOY agenda so it gets overlooked and even defended

by average you mean about 35%?

no, no one sane believes you give a shit about a fetus lol

>Get forced to contract women
>Get forced to pay for maternity
>Women get usually raped more often by people they know, usually coworkers.
>They will have to pay for more maternity cause abortion isnt a thing.

>pay women a fly to a place where the abortion is legal
>Pay less
>gain the silence of the victim by making it a problem with the person and not the company
>People think you do it supporting abortion.

I call this a win win

Fuck's wrong with you?

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Capitalism is dog shit. It's just that communism is even worse.

I like the headline is Corporations wills save us.
So it begins the left going for big business

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There's a pill you can take that prevents the fertilized egg from settling. No need to keep a schedule. Just take it after fucking. A fucking pill. Abortions are an outdated barbaric method for retards.

What do you believe "I" give a shit about, then, troontroon?

>He thinks big money "pro-life" isn't playing the same game but on a longer timescale
>Force births to raise population and have more consoomers and cheaper labor due to more competition for jobs
Abortion is good because it's kept our crime down.

NOOOOOOO I can't be more responsible with my body! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

do you cry everytime you see someone obese because theyre more likely to have a miscarriage :(((

show me an example of what YOU think communism was user. i will inform you now it was actually state capitalism

>Corporations will save us!
The ultimate Amerigoyim

See you dont need roe v wade

I suppose that's cheaper than having to deal with being down a team member for several months.

The most based take ive ever read

I don't understand how "the left" and "communism" became the pro-corpo stance. Shit's weird.

It doesn't always work.

thats not genuine retard

That cafe that ran according to communist ideals, which shut down like six months later, because no one was working.

How can you hate abortions while hating black and poor people
It’s like hating the problem and the solution

Reminder America is one of the few countries on the planet that doesn't guarantee maternity leave.

Its employees in Redmond, Washington, which will almost certainly have some of the most liberal abortion laws in the country? Maybe the employees in Bethesda, Maryland? How many offices does Microsoft have in heavily red states?

selling aborted fetuses is a very lucrative business.

Go back

don't they have that injection you can take? plus a rubber, plus the pill, plus spermicide? at that point, there's no chance

That's what immigrants are for. They're less entitled and work for cheaper.

All humans turn into niggers when given access to easy abortion, easy divorce, and easy welfare. Abortion is part of the problem, not the solution, you dumb fucking nigger.

Because they say the like what they like to manipulate them into buying their products, dont get me wrong I love my Business and whatnot but they aren't your friend, my job is not my buddy and he can make or break me any day, god these people are stupid.

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Their East coast HQ is in Charlotte

It's like %99.9 repeating. You'd need to have a fucked up generic disorder that makes your menses like fucking tar or something.

some faggot's coffee SHOP (a literal capitalist institution) goes under from a larp and this is your big argument against communism


why will you suck cocks but not play fromsofts best game??

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Some states are trying to ban the pill, lol

Why should the government force people to pay women who can’t keep their legs closed?

Abstaining is the best way but who am I kidding, nobody keeps their dick in their pants anymore.

I don't get this whole abortion thing because isn't prevention better than a cure? It's like getting a vaccine e.g. et al.

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user. That kind of people dont think on stuff that long term, if the plan is more than 20 years user, the plan is classified as unreachable.

Only schizos believe in longerplans than 20/30 years

>we leftists pretend to like it for 5 seconds
kek that's such a fucking lie. You dumbasses love to eat the shit of massive corporations and then defend them when they pretend to be progressive. You never had any sort of principle

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Yes. Prove me wrong with facts and logic.

>Name is Really American
>Emblem is a fucking Q

no one uses those virgin, sex is terrible with them
>the pill
not 100% effective, not free, can be forgotten and some can't take them for medical reasons

if men could suddenly get preggers there'd be an abortion clinic on every corner and they'd be free.

It's because they need to kill babies to open the door to hell. There is no other reason. People could even fucking chop their testicles or remove their fucking vagina if they really wanted to fuck and not have any children. But since satan needs sacrifices, they must kill fetuses.

Now imagine immigrants and an endless supply of homegrown browns and blacks that also live on welfare. Abortion is and always has been a necessary evil.


>Reminder America is one of the few countries on the planet that doesn't guarantee maternity leave

Western country, yeah. The vast majority of the world does not have maternity leave obviously.

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To my knowledge, North Carolina's law against abortion is a ban on abortion 20 weeks after conception. 20 fucking weeks. A fetus has a recognizable nervous system and brain after six weeks.

>kek that's such a fucking lie. You dumbasses love to eat the shit of massive corporations and then defend them when they pretend to be progressive. You never had any sort of principle

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>abortions should be legal because I’m too lazy to wear a condom
you’re not making a good case for yourself.

I don't care about abortions themselves, I just hate women so I support ameribros on this one

Fat people should be given a grace period of 6 months where they need to drop their weight below a certain threshold. Failure to do so should result in forceful sterilization.
>Dodging the question
It's been a pleasure exposing you, tranny.

What do videogame companies, that are essentially toy factories, gain from supporting political ideologies?

The only reasonable explanation is that companies hire PR agencies that take raw data from twitter without second guessing if the information isn't tainted by bots or political parties.

Plan B is 87% effective and that's only if it's taken correctly. Now consider how many people have sex regularly.

I’m against abortion literally because of who is pro abortion in this country.

I'd love to purge the source of the problem. The problem is whites are too unorganized right now because they're too comfortable. It'll change once the sportsball, netflix and easy calories run out. Until then, so what if some clueless white girls abort their mutt babies. They were never going to be the best of us, and they chose their side already.

Unfriendly reminder

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Are you mad because it's true? Use your words.

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>women can get pregnant at any time
incorrect. If you don’t want a kid put some effort into it.


these are the great chud minds, beautiful solution. didnt answer my question though :) and the answer to your question is nothing youre just brainwashed :)

>I can’t be bothered to be responsible enough to prevent unwanted pregnancy, so I should be allowed to butcher babies

You shouldn’t even be allowed to have sex. Not that you actually do.

It is.
But theres 3 main reasons.
Rape. (Wich Im okay on abortion)
Minor/Under 18 pregnancy (Im not opossed. But I think this should be evaded with better teaching about that stuff)
And others (Usually retards who want to fuck without proteccion/pills, but they still dont want a kid/people who cant take care of a child)

The last one shouldnt get any kind of abortion right. Thats my opinion.

>conservacucks are all about less regulation, less government, muh freedumbs, the market sorts itself out
>hasn't attempted to help the working man since Reagan
>is now seeking to govern the sole possession any free human can say is without a doubt theirs: their body
>is now seeking to regulate birth control despite having nothing to do with killing what they say is another body
so when do right wingers ever wake up and see this shit or will they ever?

I wish all non virgins would just die
I fucking hate normalfags and what they get to experience and how they spit on people like me who were born into shitholes with mental disorders and never had a chance to be happy
I just want to kill them all

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just screenshotting your stupidity to laugh at you more later. related but why can't conservatives tell the difference between leftists and liberals

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