This game could have been a legit 12/10 if they went all in on the waifu pandering. Let the player marry any girl, not just Ranni. Go full dating sim and give the player dialogue options to flirt with them. Make them jealous of each other, make multiple routes. Make a super secret harem route that's locked behind a bunch of convoluted bullshit and some really bullshit bossfights, I don't care just MAKE IT.
This game could have been a legit 12/10 if they went all in on the waifu pandering. Let the player marry any girl...
Other urls found in this thread:
elden ring is not a dating sim
You know Extreme Yandere Lordran Adventure would actually fit the game very well.
It should be.
Why did they do the whole "maidens" thing anyway? Like it's a kind of consistent theme that your character is either metaphorically or actually lonely, was elden ring secretly about >tfw no gf or something?
wait you can actually marry someone in this game?
I wish Fromsoftware made a romance dating romance simulator with fantasy waifus, too, OP.
I want to marry the dorky lizard
>elden ring is not a dating sim
And that's the issue right there, no maidens!
I get destroyed everytime in multiplayer. Stupid blood katanas.
>this game is about using spirits and getting a maiden
>next game is about fighting alongside your combat waifu
A man can dream.
But literally all of the girls are shit. Unironically.
>no asset flip game on Steam called "Elden Fling" yet
we live in dark times indeed
Just play a fucking VN you moron
Yes, you get to marry a cute blue tsundere witch doll with four arms and two faces.
Even if you.get with ranni, she has no body and is just a spirit possessing a doll. You're still maidenless, you're just coping.
Trust me, there's no ending where you're not maidenless.
>Make them jealous of each other, make multiple routes. Make a super secret harem route that's locked behind a bunch of convoluted bullshit and some really bullshit bossfights, I don't care just MAKE IT.
Which is why it’ll only sell 25 million copies instead of 50 million copies. Also why it won’t spawn a gacha capable of generating literally billions in revenue every year.
>not turning into a spirit yourself and having celestial sex (literally mind-blowing, btw) with ranni among the stars for all eternity
Hey guys. I'm the one who posted this. I'm sorry. I secretly wish it was a dating simulator too.
I like to imagine that my character turns into one of the salamander dragons after eating all the dragon hearts and now ranni has to care for us like a pet.
I need more sexy black knives
indeed, you're too based user, too damn based that fromsoft is sending Yakuza ninjas to kill you and stole your idea for elden ring 2
The elden ring mc, like all the other MC's from has created (except bearer of the curse he was a Chad and it's the only one tht canonically had sex) are virgins, literally elden ring was the perfect adventure to get a gf
I'm ok with ropussy, I'm not going to post the pic, because jannies are trannies, but you get the idea, you can have sex with ranni
Don't worry brother I know the pic you're talking about
>Make them jealous of each other, make multiple routes. Make a super secret harem route that's locked behind a bunch of convoluted bullshit and some really bullshit bossfights, I don't care just MAKE IT.
Just like real life
You're really my bro...
Won't match best girl anyway
>Knights protects Maidens lol
That's all
I just think it would have been neat if Melina was an ally more present and maybe that gave her own opinion on the world and characters
The maidenless thing was definitely intentional, they really beat you over the head with it in varre's dialogue.
At first I thought it was just Fromsoft being cheeky and knowing their audience a bit too well.
It honestly struck me as kind of cynical, or even pandering, to the 'lonely gamers' audience.
After playing the rest of the game I think that's a part of it. But the darker / more complicated aspects of siring a family, having a spouse, etc seems to be a major theme this time around.
I think it's fair to assume that your character is literally, actually supposed to be lonely. maybe not a virgin, but someone without a partner - or 'consort', if you will, since that's so important for the endings. There's a fair amount of symbolism to support this notion.
With that in mind I'm a bit more willing to play along with the 'romantic loneliness' thing they're shooting for. In Japan, and in the west, but also worldwide, younger people are more and more isolated romantically from one another, something crazy like 40% of zoomers are chronically single. I think Fromsoft's run of RPGs are so resonant with people because they vaguely pastiche certain things about modern culture or society in a dark fantasy setting - the isolation, the decline of great empires, the excessive focus on currency - and I think with the 'maidenless' stuff they're sincerely trying to create an outlet for people without resorting to anime-esque dating sim escapism.
The execution isn't perfect and the game did make me cringe a few times but overall I think it's artistically worthwhile
Melina should have been a spirit summon that acts as full companion
You become one with Hyetta and all the other girls in her ending.
Let's remove all that divides and distinguishes! Heaven and Earth will rejoice at their union as the One Great.
A true lord is selfless, and puts himself last. That's why the world puts him first as the lord of the yellow flames.
Her dialogue on boc was really nice and I think it's because boc also follows us around. Your lil posse of Melina and boc was cute.
I really like the concept of being a badass warrior guy trained in the art of combat and magic, absolutely demolishing huge threats that seek to destroy the world, but also being lonely as shit 90% of the time.
Melina making me a personal cum rag.
>Vyke chose the Flame to save the maiden
>Tsundere waifu simulator dlc confirmed!
This is 10/10 analysis thank you. Everything is complaining about how little they appear and that's why they're so good. You're desperately wishing to see them more but it's only so briefly.
I guess it's also funny that our character spoke to ranni's doll like it was natural. I suddenly have a much deeper connection to the protagonist
>Actual Melina characterization is only given to the player if he's about to betray her and after when he chose the Frenzy ending
>tfw you slay all of those enemies for her but you only see her for two minutes every few days
>If you intend to claim the Frenzied Flame, I ask that you cease. It is not to be meddled with. It is chaos, devouring life and thought unending. However ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair, life endures. Births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not?
>Can't marry her
Melina should have been Io from Code Vein.
>A mysterious girl tasked from her apparently deceased Queen and mother to guide and assist one of the selected holders of special relics, and that ends up carving her own path after acknowledging that a mere attempt at mantaining the status quo would just not be enough and she must do more
That really sounds about right
Someone post the pic of talkative Melina
melina lost, move on
Got you, senpai
That's super cute.
There should've at the very least been a Malenia and/or Miquella ending, them being Empyreans didn't really mean much other than having a bunch of weirdos who follow them around and worship them.
>tfw we will never, EVER get this in canon
Boc is so underutilized and it fucking sucks. I wish alterations were more common/impactful.
Oh no I love her
What a waste, imagine how impactful it would have felt
That's why Melina never clicked with me.
I mean, if we are truly alone, why bother with Melina? better make us seek the maidens (Hyetta, Ranni, Latenna, Caska, Miquella (?)) to not feel alone (in game and in real life).
The game makes you believe that Melina is just lingering around everywhere you go but the fucker chooses not to talk unless you are in a church or close to the frenzied flame.
It was better to commit to a more developed Melina or not to try at all, Melina in the base game feels half-assed and i doubt that's going to change with a DLC.
Even DLC cant fix this, but maybe something like SotFS
I love my wife Ranni!
Now I can see why...
>The execution isn't perfect and the game did make me cringe a few times but overall I think it's artistically worthwhile
>Gold sex with masks on is the best ending
Tbh that's a good idea to increase ratings
I got the distinct impression npcs were some of the last things added to the game. It's the only real reason I can think of for characters like Melina and torrent being practically forgotten.
Yeah, I think letting him add one of a selection of little stat bonuses to certain equipment, or even some extra purely cosmetic additions like changing color of cloth or adding fancy inlays to armor would have brought alteration up more.
As is I rarely ever made use of it. I liked Boc though.
>my champion
my heart
>varre could have been your maiden(male)
I have hope for the DLC...