It’s such a mood, and looks like she’s just done with life
Reimu fumo
Silence wench
post it
Fumos, unite and take over!
Ain’t that cute
This describes my day perfectly
>dinner plate areolas
>bloated vagina
Godamn I want a fumo but they're so expensive
>unshaven pubes
Got 85k images in my sorting folder to work through, wish me luck lads
Doesn't she always look like that?
Most sane Koishifag
I bought one for retail in the drop two days ago. Very excited for it to arrive!
How does one do rorschach in danmaku? Is it just micrododging or is there some trick to it?
Just watch a playthrough on Youtube and claim to have gotten a 1cc
>meme answer
you don't. just bomb it
>real answer
wait for a gap to open and move through it vertically. it's normal crisscross shit
>REAL answer
you don't. just fucking bomb it
ok understood, thank you
Only because you asked
Is it too late to buy Fumos? I like having plushies and I like Touhou characters, but with the popularity of fumos skyrocketing, I feel like I wouldn't be able to get a fumo of my favorite characters without paying hundreds of dollars
How do I know if this photo isn't staged?
>Is it too late to buy Fumos?
Yeah, they sold out yesterday. Better luck next year, buddy.
you gotta believe
You just missed Reitaisei 19, they restocked fumos and were selling them in waves. Shit was selling out in seconds, but still.
everything on the internet is staged for the maximum upboats possible
No one who likes Koishi is capable of putting together the mental power to stage anything period, and no one who dislikes Koishi could stand touching her fumo without destroying it immediately.
wow she really let her self go. Must be desperate for those shrine donations.
Get a bootleg.
>You open a new Zounose doujin
>the usual "This manga is a deritive work" disclaimer has a big X over it
>under it reads Story: ZUN
How dissappointing would it be?
Was there an online store for it? The convention takes place in Tokyo, I don't think I would care about missing out on something I wouldn't be able to get the first place
Any downsides to getting a bootleg one instead of the real one?
Buy a Sukusuku instead.
don't care because I never cared for doujins outside of reading occasional hentai most of which was absolute shit
Yeah it was an online store, they know that most of the market is outside of Japan. Bootlegs are a mixed bag, same with bootlegs of anything really. Maybe you won't notice a difference, maybe it'll fall apart really fast.
>Any downsides to getting a bootleg one instead of the real one?
There are some really shitty ones. The great ones are virtually identical, but those are only slightly easier to find than the real fumos themselves.
Please do not spoonfeed tourists. Let them simp for scalpers and enjoy their bootlegs.
You can buy them from scalpers on ebay. You can also buy a bootleg on ebay or amazon for less than 30$. The bootlegs are the real production models just made from cheaper materials and worse stitching. Do not buy any 'real' models that have one of the bootlegs available, you are 90% going to be ripped off.
make one yourself and post it faggot
t.chinese reseller with a side business in fumo boots.
Jesus fucking christ this is disgusting looking. Not even the context but the style and color.
I went on /jp/ a few days ago and saw a thread where multiple people admitted to having just turned 18 and no one yelled at them or called them fags or whatever. It's just hard for me to care about gatekeeping when barely anyone does it anymore, and even when you do someone ends up spoonfeeding or the faggot isn't deterred and keeps shitting up the place anyway
Underage tourists desperately trying to fit in: the board
>going to /jp/ ever
>enjoying a nice sunny day in Gensokyo
>enter Kogasa
>she tries to spook me, but it's obvious so I don't even flinch
>pat Kogasa on the head
>>hehe Kogasa-chan you're so cute
>Kogasa looks frustrated
>she unbuttons her top
>>user, please give me your penis
>>WTF I already have a wife. you can't just-
>Kogasa pulls out a fucking shotgun
>still at gunpoint, Kogasa forces her cleavage
>>Finally I'm no longer so hungry. I will be your paizuriwife now, user. You can't say no.
>I guess it can't be helped
They aren't even trying to fit in half the time. Despite hitting rock bottom they keep digging.
Everyone has to return some time. You never truly leave.
>fumo thread
I'm genuinely confused why there's such a short supply for fumo's. You would think someone at this point would capitalize on it by now and make production lines for them.
I thought /jp/ was full of dudes in their 40's
Combination of incompetence from the japs and scalpers abusing it.
That's 0.01% of the population, the rest are /vt/roons.
/jp/ used to be all about keeping normies out. "Please don't go to /jp/." "Get out of /jp." I don't know if they lost their way or were too successful somehow, but /jp/ is a shell of its former self. It just feels vaguely empty, maybe even soulless now.
Despite making up only 0.5% of the board, they commit 100% of the good posts.
It all makes sense now. Reddit and Yea Forums were meant to be friends.
I wonder if there has been a general push to sanitize the internet that could have contributed to it for over a decade now.
That's exactly what the chinks are doing with all the bootlegging. The Japs dont really care about making money off fan hobbies. They have a very different attitude about it all.
>muh gatekeeping
>muh spoonfeeding
You don't care about gatekeeping, you just don't want more people being able to buy fumos authentically.
This isn't 2000s anymore, Touhou is more popular than ever than ever, to the point gatekeep the series would no real difference since you can find information about it in other places.
>Calls others tourists
>While using the Twitter slang "simp"
Way to out yourself.
The ever increasing usage of "normie" instead of "normalfag" is a part of the problem.
How do I get good at writefagging?
Fuck off, I demand more photos of fumo
It's gonna be fucking impossible getting a crown prince fumo, isn't it?
All fumos should be smug
Maybe before the vtrannies taking over.
Why would you get a male fumo?
I need a male fumo to plug up my Reimu fumo's constantly leaking deadly fumo gas holes so I can cut down on my fucking medical expenses. Replacement circulatory system organs aren't cheap, user.
Because male characters are superior to female characters and because I like cute boys
Stop masturbating to boyhus.
Dont worry I will post many pictures of mine being abused and bullied.
>I'm genuinely confused why there's such a short supply for fumo
Because there's only one place doing the legit ones? Silly me forgot that they grow on trees
Read more books
Copy the way they write
Have an imagination
Better than fapping to old hags.
>Silly me forgot that they grow on trees
Actually, fumos come from parasitic eggs harvested from previous fumo owners.
I'm a big fan of the character Alice from the video game series Touhou.
I'm a big fan of the character Daiyousei from the video game series Touhou.
I'm a big fan of the character Koishi from the video game series Black Souls.
PC-98 Alice is literally Alice.