ITT games that are too hard for Yea Forums

ITT games that are too hard for Yea Forums

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Only 41% of players got to the end.

someone post the level design picture

You mean 59%

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>BOBWOBWOBWOB intensifies

I only got to chapter 4 and dropped it because I thought it was boring, good music though. Is it worth giving it another shot? I just didn't really see the appeal of it.

loved this game, its great but of course 60iq retards that only think in buzzwords will just call it a tranny game because the dev said something on twitter once to appeal to them
but for people who have functioning brains and think for themselves, it's a genuinely great game. only thing i didnt like was the sounds characters made when talking. a little weird. the story was alright, definitely not the strongest part of the game; the art, music, level design, etc was all fantastic
i beat the game and didnt feel like collecting those hearts you need to get the core or farewell. i also didnt really go for strawberries. just went through the main game.

The lead dev is literally a tranny and turned the protagonist into one. It is utterly and completely a tranny game.

It's just a mediocre flash game with subpar game design principles. I don't understand all the praise.

lol youre a fucking loser, i dont give a shit whats a tranny and what isnt. nowhere in the game is gender even mentioned. you will never be a man, keep whining about trannies online

>no argument

Tranny game, tranny defense.

The Matrix was officially declared as a tranny allegory years after it came out, but everyone knows it wasn’t actually one

I still want a source code release for Celeste under the Microsoft Public License or any compatible license.

>12 posts in
>ctrl + f "tran"
>8 results
never disappoint

At least Neo wasn’t turned into a tranny.

yeah... i dont care. sure it's a tranny game buddy. dont give a single shit, doesnt change anything for me. you should go outside and talk to people sometime. get a life. youre not scared to talk to people right? youve gotten a girl right?

it gets a lot harder if that's why you didn't like it
otherwise no

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You argue like a 12 year old. Embarrassing playground insults. It’s a tranny game. Play your tranny game if you like, I won’t.

cute boy

i don't know of any person either personally or on the internet or in the media that cares as much about trannies as /vpol/ does

lmao your brain was rotted by the internet. i have never encountered a tranny in real life. i dont care about them. i beat the game awhile ago, thought it was good, moved on. i can only imagine what you look like in real life. sad man. some people dont have the mind to come on here without it ruining them. id hate for my entire personality to be determined by the internet. keep whining about trannies online i guess

*too gay

How do you know someone is trans?
Don't worry, they'll tell you.

i'm sure, and i'm also sure you run into them oh-so-often you social butterfly, you

Honestly it's pathetic

he made a kaizo hack and literally pushes tranny faggotry in it. in the credits he thanks his peers for supporting him to get an estrogen shot.

Didn’t read. Enjoy your tranny game.


Crash 4



who anything about the orange nigger? why is drumpf still living rent-free

I guess I beat the fifth chapter almost three years ago. I stopped because the achievements weren't rare anymore.
Either way, I didn't get the hype for the game, plenty of other games already did what Celeste did.

you read it, you just cant talk without a buzzword. it's okay buddy. hope you go outside and get a girl some day (you wont, your ugly genetics prevent that from ever happening)
at least you can pretend to be a strong and traditional man here on the internet! i hate trannies amirite guys? do i fit in?

there is palpable irony in this post and you're going to miss it

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Didn’t read again, keep playing your tranny games.

Prove that this is what happened with Celeste. Prove that the dev shoehorning in a small transflag to virtue signal at the end of the extra chapter content has anything to do with the main character being a tranny? The game's story is dogshit, the devs are fags and pandering to those communities is a joke, but the gameplay is legitimately solid.

what scares me is how kaizo community seems to like getting pozzed. i guess theyre truly the bane of any group

Please don't say the nigger word

You can accept that your game is a tranny game or not, but I won’t involve myself in your mental gymnastics to explain how it isn’t.

>Page 1
>only 10% of posts have discussed the actual game

There are definitely trannies in this thread. Just wanted to let you know that you don’t pass, everyone sees through you and everyone hates you.

>man-faced tranny
How bold and brave

>Well those stats aren't bad for the average game

They can't make a sandvich. If they are truly supposed to be a woman they should be able to complete this task.

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>Yea Forums can't do 3rd grade algebra

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You lost chud

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Algebra is racist

>Yea Forums is racist
>Yea Forums still sucks at algebra

>Getting triggered
Might as well just take the estrogen user you're ngmi

I got it on the switch and I couldn't beat this one C tape level and I refuse to try the others until I beat that one. I'll try again eventually

Were you using the pro controller? It has a bad dpad. Unironically better off using the joycon "dpad"

>Limited Shart
Have fun ordering games you'll play the year after, cumquads!

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>what if super meat boy but gayer

go touch grass

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>18 filtered posts
off to a great thread.
remember when we were allowed to talk about videogames? i remember

It's weird. It's hardly like the game pushes a tran narrative at all. Besides that, what do I fucking care if it's made by a trans woman. Doesn't affect the game at all.

Anyways, I beat the main game game and the B-sides. By the time I got to the C-sides I was burnt out though and felt no particular urge to spend multiple more hours going through them and the DLC. Maybe someday, but for all intents and purposes I consider the game beaten and done.

This is the most pathetic shit I've seen on this site and that's saying something.

it's like the dudes who go on /gif/ and spend all their time complaining about black people.

Super Meat Boy was better

Tried to post this twice already, Yea Forums is being gay for some reason. Prove you're a real gamer and post you best PICO-8 run.

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Thanks for beta testing.

I actually beat that before the third chapter.