why wasnt the demake like this????
>Boomers shilled this game and praised it like its the GOAT
This was a boss you weren't supposed to lose to
god tier gameplay thread? god tier gameplay thread
>Limit break
>Heh... That's all for today...
Its no worse than WRPG cookie clicker combat like Baldurs Gate and Diablo.
Play a good JRPG like Opoona instead.
Would JRPGs with no basic attack option be better?
only reason you can't get away with that is because you're below or at the appropriate level for that dungeon. if you come back to it later with higher levels and good equipment you can autobattle
this is the first floor of the first dungeon, there's no where else to go
Is that a brain in the water at the end what the fuck
I always found it really odd you never fight Rufus again in any manner when he's the boss of all the non-Sephiroth recurring bosses.
You don't fight Tseng either and he's the leader of the Turks.
FF has never had good combat.
People dunk on XV as if its some kind of anomaly. Literally switched from mash x to hold o.
>mash x
Its a seed bro.
>grow up during PS1 era
>play FF1 by mashing x
what now big boy
I don't think that's a fair comparison. An RPG is just navigating menus; unless we're talking about the Mario and Luigi RPGs or games like that, there is no real combat. Just watching a cutscene to see your action.
XV is an Action RPG; I'd expect a bit more than holding a single button. In fact, I'd argue its even simpler than navigating menus sometimes. That said, I really liked XV and was surprised by how much I liked the characters.
>FF1 on PS1
atypical but whatever floats your boat i guess
I haven't played it but didn't they effectively add an ATB-style mode, where the game auto-"attacks" which builds ATB (but their word for it) and the game stops when it fills so you can navigate a menu to attack.
It doesn't exist
ff8 was creative by replacing combat with a tcg
It doesn't exist
Looks like the start of the game. This is probably one of the hardest RPGs there is, without figuring out optimal strats/party setups you're just going to die over and over again
cope, turned based combat sucks
EO did turn based RPGs more right than anyone else. DQ and SMT are mostly up there, but pretty much all other JRPGs cranked up numbers as their answer to anything
how is DQ any different than a lot of other jRPGs on the market?
Play SaGa.
>modded game where enemies can't block
my guess is he lost connection to the server with the first few shots, and then regains connection when the CT crouches. happens sometimes on community servers
What game?
Literally the only way to beat Lingering Will on Proud without grinding out to max stats.
elden ring on lowest settings
It doesn't do anything special, it's just much better tuned than most JRPGs. You can overlevel if you try to, but if you play it straight it rewards learning and thinking much more than most fancier titles that end up getting bogged under their own systems breaking by accident. You'll pretty much always be at the perfect level of challenge if you play it straight without running from everything or grinding, buffs and debuffs are relevant throughout the entire game and deciding on whether or not to use them actually matters, the values are clear so there's a curve on mastering even random encounters.
The thing about most JRPGs is that they aren't really iterative enough in their individual progression that you can actually get better at them instead of just pumping out your numbers higher or looking up a trick that changes your game but with DQ you absolutely become more skilled.
not an RPG, but turn based.
not really you still have to grind your ass off for drive form exp
this is most turn based jRPGs, are the only 3 series you played final fantasy, DQ, and SMT? Actually even SMT has some really retarded shit especially in games like SMTIV which become a joke like 20% of the way in
>good action combat exists therefore all turn based is bad
OK retard
i like how you're just wiggling your mouse around while the slideshow plays itself
>Play like an absolute brainless retard
> The gameplay is boring
Why is this always the case with people who hate Turn based combat? Americans were a mistake.
You set all your actions at the start of the turn, retard.
Cope. JRPG gameplay is directly lifted from outdated wrpgs
yeah and i hit the play button at the start of the movie
i mean what do you expect? this game is for people who were fans of lobotomy corp and that game is a literal chore drawn out to almost 100 hours (or more) of gameplay that's literally mobile tier
the game is genuinely just fallout shelter but grindier
>sword does more damage than gun
Because fuck you that's why.
And that's not at all equivalent.
You were absolutely fucking filtered, and I don't even like Lobotomy Corporation.
Are you retarded? The only thing western games have ever done is lift from Japanese games.
What are you supposed to do there? Waste unnecessary resources for magic and summons that take more time to cast and end up with the same result with the risk of a slower DPS?
i have never played lobotomy corporation and i dont think i ever will
and the whole point of the game is that you cant get filtered, it's centered around the idea that you HAVE to fail and then rewind multiple times, all game long because it's trial and error. literal chore game
there's no gameplay, you will eventually beat it just from sheer investment of time
>there's no gameplay, you will eventually beat it just from sheer investment of time
turned based rpgs summed up in 1 sentence
Most of the fun in these older turn based games is enjoying the world, the music, and the plot. The gameplay gets fun as you unlock more abilities and start optimizing your gear and stats to output the most damage possible. Turn based games are meant to take slow as fuck , zoomies cannot handle this for the most part because their attention span is too little.