There will never be a better looking alien species than Turians

There will never be a better looking alien species than Turians.

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why do turians have a dick slot in their teeth


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discount elites

Their waists being so narrow and skinny ass t-rex limbs makes it impossible for me to take them seriously as le militaristic badass race.

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based nihlus enjoyer
he was taken too soon.

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>le humanoid alien with a monoculture
ME is a joke

>canonically incapable of swallowing cum
wasted species

edgy turian

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Aren't these just a shitty bootleg Elites from Halo? At least these guys were fun to kill.

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Garrus is so dreamy desu

>a cat with tentacles
it's alright. guy looking like a fish is alright too. and the one that looks like a reptile.

>outer space
>bipedal humanoid aliens everywhere
>asari are just blue people

I'm pretty sure that was if you were femshep dating garrus that you were told not to swallow his load.

The Krogan are better desu

Based. I did like the Rakata too, also the Protheans.

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They made them way too hard in Reach. Especially the Ultra dickheads.

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That interpretation of dextra dna causing a reaction in our bodies was based off a now outdated scientific idea, so swallow away.

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>tfw no edgelord turian bf to talk about crazy alien occult shit with

There's actually a proper reason for asari looking like blue people. They don't actually look so much like humans but due to their whole reproductive strategy of mating with other species they have a psychic link with everything that makes them look more like the species viewing them in their heads. So asari look like freaky blue turians to turians and freaky blue krogan to krogan.
They're space whores.

don't try to justify them. The Asari are among the worst-designed aliens to ever feature in a video game.

So nobody's created psy-blockers and show what they really look like? Siunds like bullshit to me.

>human… but groot
wow so original

>one hit melee kill attack from any angle with zero telegraph
>also like concussion rifles, which are annoying as fuck
reach is easily tied with 2 for most annoying/lest fun legenady

>taking the rantings of literally drunk retards as fact when it is easily disproven and the devs themselves said it was the rantings of literally drunk retards
how many years has it been now

>don't try to justify them
i'm not justifying anything I am telling you the canonical, in-game reason for it.
No they probably have but it just hasn't been shown in game, would be interesting to see.
I think it'd be dope if they actually looked terrifying.

I absolutely hated how the concussion rifle was a piece of shit in your hands but a quintessential weapon of mass destruction in any elite, what the fuck?

originality != attractiveness

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>full auto that shit
>don't have to reload

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That artstyle looks strangely familiar.

Just as terrifying as I hoped. Good shit.

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>tfw that fucker with the full auto fuel rod
I honestly prefer memorizing Jackal Snipers than that shit.

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moges your generic shit

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those are the same devs who thought the ending of me3 was acceptable. some drunk retards giving you scraps of weird but intriguing world building, intentional or not, was good.

What the fuck is that

nice delusions but it still isn't canon.

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I'm gonna need the sauce senpai

>they have a psychic link with everything that makes them look more like the species viewing them in their heads
This is literally impossible, because there's photos/videos of Asari, and they look completely normal. If you showed an image of an Asari to someone, with no Asari around to mindfuck them, they'd appear normal.

The drunk ramblings was a nice touch of worldbuilding, but it was literally drunk guys making shit up about the traits making them looking more like their respective species

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Well that's extremely less fun.
Makes asari even more boring.

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The only interesting thing about Asari is the natural biotics, and their method of reproduction. Other than that, they're just Blue Humans™, and should've died off due to an actual lack of genetic diversity centuries ago.

meandraco artstream
artist known for bizarre xeno porn and the game Teraurge

You sound like a retard.

lmao you showed him user

It's either get into a discussion with a midwit that doesn't understand psychology and would bloodhound step his way into "it doesn't matter/apply, because it's sci fi and these are aliens, not humans" when he gets BTFO or I just call him a retard for the same effect, so I went with the latter.

this is some teraurge art right

Not even the best aliens in their own game

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I wish Garrus had face patterns like this.

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Mass Effect is full of alien designs which are only 50% good: they're all pretty richly characterized, but they only make it halfway there, and end up relying too heavily on anthropocentric designs and human cultural cues.

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>showing protheans
>explaining reapers
You can tell how shitty bioware became after me2 when they tries to show and explain everything.

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still mad that they deleted all the geth variants.

Okay, I'll bite: what does psychology have to do with the idea that Asari are apparently psychically fucking with all the species in the galaxy to appear closer to their respective races? How, pray tell, would this even be possible, when this would be immediately disproven by showing an image of an Asari to anyone that has never seen, heard of, or interacted with an Asari, and get them to draw the image, to avoid mental bias? How would the Asari transmit this mental fuckery through the com relays, that show them in holographic display, instead of the display showing their true forms?

The easier (and already confirmed) explanation is that it was 3 drunkards rambling, and it falls apart the moment you think about it.

Truth, but Javik was such a gigachad that i can't get mad at his inclusion

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It's about exposure and association.
If you showed them a picture of an asari and they weren't exposed to them, they might remain neutral on their attraction, but after they've been physically exposed to an asari and the concurrent pheromones which draw out the attraction to those species-specific characteristics, then that attraction is associated with asaris and the next time they look at a picture of an asari, they associate asaris with that sexual morph which they found attractive.
Similar to how you'd look at a squiggle drawing and pick out something you find attractive about human females.
Head over to /s/ or /r/ for a bad time and see the absolute stone-faced ghouls that anons simp for because they live in close proximity to the females and associate the pictures of those gargoyles with sexual attraction.

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