From a story perspective, how are you supposed to figure out that NOT going to try and help the guy who you just saw fall down is the thing you're supposed to do?
From a story perspective...
It was a different time. The idea was that if enough 2channers played the game eventually ONE of them would figure it out via sheer brute force or randomness.
Then he would make an excited post online and the news would spread. Cave Story has a lot of little secrets like that, I'd even consider rescuing Curly Brace + the mushroom thing to be a pretty well-hidden story path.
Remember that this was a passion project made by one guy so that people online could play it for free. Everything he did was for the benefit of a type of online community that simply doesnt exist today.
Simply just learn from your mistakes and play the game again : ]
I love Cave Story, but it's not perfect.
This scene, for instance, would be improved if Curly popped out of the door on the other side and told you to hurry up after Booster fell.
I don't think there was a "story perspective" reason. things like this were spread by word of mouth and there's always going to be that player that thinks "I feel like I should be able to make that jump" or "whats this red mark on the ground all about"
It's an old game and with old games comes dumb shit like this
how is that an improvement, you still beat the game if you go down there and it's not depicted as a bad ending. The secret ending is a SECRET ending and that's really cool
You weren't supposed to
Counterpoint: any ending where Curly dies or possibly dies is a bad ending.
*Puuuuke.* It's good as is.
>how are you supposed
you aren't
counter-counterpoint, a bad end isn't necessarily a "bad ending". it's not like quote went out of his way to befriend the person that killed curly
>i like that jump
You’re not, honestly. It’s one of the few legitimate flaws with Cave Story, the unlock for the True Ending is practically completely arbitrary and the only hint you get is in one book in the save shack right at the very end.
It’s an absolutely fantastic game, but the True Ending is basically “use a walkthrough” tier. Steins;Gate suffers from the same problem.
>legitimate flaws
genuinely its not a flaw but a feature in this case
I literally did the secret route in my first (blind) playthrough.
Just because I knew i could make that jump
also the rest is obvious if you have played any vidya beforehand
You play human mode and die too many times and just skip him.
>You get a much worse ending and miss out on some of the most unique zones, mechanics and music as well as the largest character story path in the game that also deepens Quote’s character if you follow a completely arbitrary sequence of steps you have no reason to do (can’t get the rope when under water, for ??? Reasons)
>This somehow isn’t a flaw
It’s a masterpiece of a game, I recommend it to everyone, but come the fuck on, user
I know you don't play older games but
Back then people used to actually experiment and try outlandish shit in videogames.
Instead of following the waypoints and not exploring / shooting every nook and cranny
How do you fare against true final cave and hell?
from a gameplay perspective you might think that you can make that jump without the booster and once you do, you'll probably wonder if the story acknowledges what you did so (assuming you didn't get it first try) you load a save or try it on a second playthrough
>True final cave
wasn't that hard imo, except for the miniboss that was a bit tricky
I struggled a bit, but then I just stopped trying to go fast and realized dodging the rocks was easier than expected, the boss was a pain tho
>miss out
the content is still there, the game is short and the content you get without the secret ending doesn't leave you thinking "incomplete experience" as it wraps up the actual plot of the story. games have or had secrets, and this one gives you a "holy shit theres more?" moment unless you go in already knowing theres a secret. you are if anything looking back on the game from the perspective of someone who already knows about the secret.
"I know you don't play older games but"
are you retarded? half of the posts you quoted don't go against your point in the slightest
>Show my brother Cave Story after raving about it for so long when he comes to visit
>Play through the whole game while he watches
>Normal route, since that’s how your first experience should be
>Get to the end and I just cannot fucking kill the Undead Core with the Machine Gun and missiles etc. Been too long since I’ve done it, not good at dealing with downlevelling, too used to Spur
>After about my 10th death, accidentally load up my Hell save instead
>Well, whatever, I’ll show you this since it’s cool
>One shot Hell and Ballos because I learned that fight so thoroughly I have both ground deep into my memories
Funny times. I can’t beat UD Core, but I can beat Hell I guess.
>Miss out
You literally get alternate content for different playthroughs dumbass
goddamn zoomers are retarded, next you'll tell me taking a certain route in Metal Slug 3 makes you miss a lot of content
If you have to randomly shoot a completely inconsequential wall to find a secret I don't think that's good game design. I'm not saying it should have a big glowing beacon pointing to it, but there should be something that makes you think, even subconsciously "I wonder if there's something here." Which is why the thing in the OP is good game design. You may fail the jump the first time, or you may just decide to talk to Booster and lock yourself into that ending. But you'll still look at it and think "I wonder if I can make that jump." And if you do, you're rewarded for it. That's good game design.
>Play through the whole game while he watches
just let him play fucko
>Normal route
If he isn't a retard he could of taken the other route and be surprised
goddamn youre stupid
The perspective of someone who doesn’t know the secret is they get the normal ending and assume that’s all, since the True End is stupidly obscure. So they beat the game and put it down without ever knowing Quote’s name, his story, Curly’s story, any of the best set pieces in the game, or an ending where the only person you trust to have your back, literally has your back.
Luckily, cultural osmosis and discussion means most people know there’s another ending, so they look up how to unlock it like everyone else did.
Why does everything have to be a fight, user? I wanted him to play, or at least trade by deaths, he didn’t want to. So I just showed it off for him. And since he told me he would play it sometime at his own place, I didn’t want to spoil the True route.
I’m sorry this upsets you.
>So they beat the game and put it down
Lmao you're stupid and probably 14 years old
>The perspective of someone who doesn’t know the secret is they get the normal ending and assume that’s all, since the True End is stupidly obscure.
intentional, and it still plays out as a nice enjoyable game with great music and a cool ending. Then you learn about the ending later through community as this is how things worked. now it all gets datamined before the community discovers it naturally but generally people played and then shared when finding crazy stuff like "woah theres another ending? In fact heres this image in relation to that.
why does Yea Forums make the true ending sound obtuse as all hell when it's fucking obvious?
the same shit as when undertales ""Secret"" pacifist ending came to light
>Don’t know about another route
>The totality of things hinting at another route is “There’s a book you can go out of your way to read in the final shack that mentions Booster maybe making a different jetpack”
>Beat the game, as far as you’re aware that’s all there is to it
>Put it down and move on
>This is somehow controversial
Are any of the enhanced versions worth it over the original?
If you try rushing through the area it just happens. I was playing the game over and over wondering what could help me get the better ending. So I jumped over this gap in a rush. That pretty much locks you into the choice so it's really just a case of "why would you bother" on the second playthrough if you know it's just a shit jetpack and you don't really need it right away.
and again if you did this which many people did you find out later in discussion "wait, true ending?" and for many people the game was good enough while being relatively short to give it another go. I've personally been in this shithole board since 2007 and while I know the game was released in japanese some years before you would still have people coming into cave story threads being shocked to hear "wait I can do what?" and playing through again.
this isn't a flaw, it's part of the design and the design reflects old internet culture
The only unique thing I can recall about the True Final Cave and Hell is that your weapon levels drop to 1 on entering. It makes you play differently for a bit especially if you either don't know about or use the Spur (the Nemesis too) but I wouldn't say it 180s the game design especially when there's chips to level up your gun of choice around in capsules too. Hell is 3 rooms and a boss fight. It's a gauntlet but not that bad outside of Time Attack.
I find it hard to believe anyone seriously thought the Pacifist ending was a big secret. Flowey literally holds your hand and tells you what you're supposed to do after you beat the neutral ending. There's even multiple variations of dialogue in case you've done one thing but not the other things.
>There's like 5 choices in the game you decide if you want to take or not
>Swap for minigun?
>Swap blade for nemesis?
>Save booster?
>Keep the mask?
and others
>Lmao why would I replay this game? When I can go replay new vegas haha xde
It's only controversial if you're a retard
because there's clearly more to the game than you'd figure out if you payed atleast a bit of attention
not him but I’m actually replaying New Vegas right now
>Pacifist Ending in Undertale
>Just don’t kill people
>In an RPG with the Tagline “The JRPG where you don’t have to kill anyone!”
The only trap is that players get faked out if they try lower Toriel’s HP first which is nothing but a rugpull, and that you’re locked into the Neutral (or Genocide) ending on your first playthrough.
Meanwhile in Cave Story
>See one of your companions in danger
>Specifically have to ignore him
>Have exactly one(1) chance to make it across a fairly difficult jump to ignore him
>Doing this arbitrarily means he lives instead of dies and makes an even better jetpack
Things like the Spur and Bubbler are cool secrets that’re fun to find, the True Ending is obtuse and stupid. Comparing it to Undertale is retarded.
Not if you're paying for them. Nicalis is an actual evil company. If you're pirating it, then yeah, check out Cave Story+. Don't feel bad about it since it was a free game to begin with and if you buy it Pixel is not seeing a cent of that money.
Do you think the game is like Darius or something? Like 90% of the shit you do is the exact same, you really are just missing a couple of the best set pieces in the game and that's it, at least for Hell exclusive content. I can very much understand someone putting it down after a normal run because most of the other stuff isn't super consequential.
I love Cave Story but the way the route is done could've been (re)done in a way that makes more sense. It is a relic of its time (see multiple replies) but that genuinely makes it dated because that online community doesn't actually exist anymore. It's like trying to play Tower of Druaga now without any help-- good luck figuring out what you have to do.
>and if you buy it Pixel is not seeing a cent of that mone
Never confirmed anywhere. Pixel has mentioned being very happy with the relationship he had with Nicalis, I have never seen the idea that he somehow got ripped off anywhere except Yea Forums and it’s never been anything more than hearsay.
you have unlimited chances to nail the jump retard, just tap the load game button
>that you’re locked into the Neutral (or Genocide) ending on your first playthrough.
The only thing that can fuck you over is not giving Undyne water, which is really hard to mess up. You can still get Pacifist on your first playthrough as long as you've done all the dates with everyone, just reload the game after you beat Flowey, exit the Core, and you get that phone call that leads you to the True Lab.
Guys, I can see Curly's green panties
I love Curly Brace
I love Emilia.
You are not
You are supposed to find after his death his notebook or compute detailing how he was working on a new version of the jetpack and use that information in a new run of the game. CS incetivizes more than one playthrough by way of showing the different combinations your gun can have. Also, the game is open enough and has several things unsolved in the bad ending that make a player go "maybe if I do this or that in a new playthrough...", and in general the bad ending, or neutral, since you can already abandon everyone with that coward dude, that you want to jsut go back and try to save everyone... only to discover that you cannot save Tokoro and that other cool dude.
Only wish there was another clue, I spent like half an hour or more trying to make the jump, and you need to exit and load the game everytime you fail it, it's natural to think it was unreachable because of a single pixel with the best possible jump.
it's fucking stupid and makes no sense.
they could have easily made your actions logically effect related things but instead you do something and it effects something completely unrelated that shouldn't be effected at all.
user there's a small pit of water that you can suicide in instead of closing the game.
Also you could've gone with machinegun and just floated across like a lot of people did because you probably didn't know about the spur.
>that other cool dude.
You're not, it's a secret.
Yes, that cool dude with the cool sword
Maybe I killed myself in the water, it's been a long time
>and that you’re locked into the Neutral (or Genocide) ending on your first playthrough.
You could just load the save and try to not kill her? When the game say "you dont have to kill anyone" I took that to heart and didnt kill her.
>he dies immediately after giving it to you
>says it's not finished
>red jump mark
>save spot nearby
>you probably played through more than once trying different stuff out anyway
Trick question, because you don't figure it out from a story perspective, you figure it out from the jump being possible and it leading you to acquire the better version of the jetpack later on (which you obviously want to get on all later playthroughs because it's cool).
You do it the first time and enjoy a comfy easy run. Then in the enxt playthrough you try the door to see if anything changes.
From a story perspective, how are you supposed to figure out that picking up the Ruby will lead to your death 10 minutes later?