What video games does Maine enjoy?

What video games does Maine enjoy?

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Bean pit

Any games with lobsters in it

I don't know maine.

I live there.

Any games where you can play as a lobster

how is life in the new england area for anons that live there? my definition is anything like north of NYC basically

>upstate NY
god have mercy, we're not THAT bad

What state should I go to if I like lots of cool mountains?

Slowly being overrun by trannies and niggers. Otherwise, it's fine.

go to the rockies

Roguetown, a byond (build your own net dream) a classic in the making

cultural enrichment

I live innawoods in a pop3000 town in maine it's great

bostonfag here, everyone I've ever met from maine talks super slow and is weird as fuck.

so probably like old JRPGs I guess?


Silent Hill

There are definitely weird people here but it's not much different from anywhere else in the world. And I'm not sure about the whole talking slowly thing but maybe it's true. I haven't seen it but I guess I wouldn't be able to.

Colorado, but it’s infested with californians.

>has big ass mountains (and volcanoes)
>has dense forests
>has vast plains
>has a fuck you desert
>borders 3 (2) oceans
>has tropic, temperate, and even arctic climates
why is america's geography so soulful

Colorado or Washington if you can afford the rent in either

because we own all of it

Because God blessed America.

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I'd say Washington if the prices for living here weren't fucked. But you might have better luck if you live closer to the mountains

I just associate big New York as one giant "Buffalo, NY" or Canada lol

Imagine being from the old world where your country is smaller than singular American states

My pocket of New England is Maga country, they tried to start the blm riots here but it was awkward for the white college kids when the blacks and hispanics showed up with American flags. Shit dispersed within an hour, and they tried to protest at the police station after but only like 10 people showed up. I miss coofid funnies.

idk how bad it is in Washington but rents in Colorado are also absolutely fucked, I suppose unless you live way the fuck out there or in the eastern half of the state, but I've seen some awful prices in the middle of nowhere too

Lobstah Roll Eatah Simulatah

Upstate New York is cold Alabama.

>tfw eternally poor ohiofag.
31 years old and never seen a mountain or ocean... just lake Erie.

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Hahvahd Yahd pahking simulators.

Freezing to death simulator

Please don't insult Alabama like that.

It’s the same shit. Only difference is the Great Lakes don’t smell as bad as the ocean.

I live by the ocean in WA state, surrounded by forest and water pretty much and my girlfriend was floored when she moved up here from the middle of Nebraska

It's 7 hours on the interstate from Columbus to Baltimore; just set a weekend aside and go do it.

Colorado, but the cost of living anywhere within 100 miles of Denver is outrageous. Might try Grand Junction.

I'd rather deal with winter than live where you can't go outside from March to October because of the heat.

Also fall in New England is actually magical.

Eastern Washington has lower rent but is also rolling hills of sagebrush and no mountains unless you live in the NE with the neo-nazi's. It does have cool shit like pic related though
If you want comfy mountains but lower rent in Washington, you can try moving to the north Sound or to the Olympic Peninsula (Washington has three mountain ranges in it technically). Property rates are only insane in the Seattle metropolitan area really so there's still affordable real estate the further out you go.
Gonna be sad to move away.

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You're sadistic.

I'm moving to Cinci area in the fall, what should I expect?

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Just an example.

Hey at least you get Cedar Point and Kings Island.

Cincinnati isn't a that bad. Have an aunt and uncle who live there, ther'e plenty to do.

does maine even exist? it seems like everyone forgets about it


The difference between the midwest and southeast is so stark. When travelling, it's just so dark, and drab, and dull, and flat, and smoggy, and depressing in the midwest. Then you get down to Virginia/NC and it's so bright, and colorful and the scenery is fucking gorgeous and the fresh mountain air just makes you feel so alive.

Seriously, I hate the midwest compared to NC where I used to live. Pretty much everything is worse: the weather, the food, the scenery, the attractions, the people, the women.

American suburbs are hell.

They're fine if you don't live in a soulless state with no trees

To this day I am not convinced that anyone actually lives in Vermont.

Montana ya fuckin scrub

how are you handling the california deathug montanabros?

I live in the Ozarks and it's beautiful. We have nice big hills and so much bedrock that the water is crystal clear almost everywhere. Table Rock lake here has more coastline than the entire East coast of the US. Very green, not hazy.

nothing about real estate prices is going to shock me after leaving long island ny

actually, literally everywhere (thats maybe not the sanfran bay area and fucking hollywood) looks cheap by comparison so its refreshing

why does literally no one live in north carolina
I want friends (with benefits)

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I live in SC
Don't wanna be friends with you tho

>long island ny
If there ever was an example of everything wrong with US Suburbs, its Long Island.


>california deathug
The what?

and now further exasperated by the post-covid world since people from manhattan decided they want to live here so now rusty shacks cost 600k. unassailable most abusrd housing situation in the united states, glad im getting job offers out of state

are you poor?

sounds like you are on welfare

FOR ME, it’s Cactus Cooler.

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See Boise, ID

Grand Junction is based as fuck. They don’t like libtards tho

Mainefag here ama

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Perfect then!

how’s maineprepper doing?
I miss him so much

I'm more interested in what california is going

I'm also a mainefag. Good to know I'm not the only one.

Don't know him or how he's doing unfortunately. Hope he's doing well.
I do know Bathroom Guardian though and I see him at least once a week.