Left or right?

Left or right?

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I kinda prefer the tiny blue haired chick with the mom that looks like her
but to be fair to your question, left

Looks like soap on a rope is your future.

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fuck you i'm taking both

Attached: __lillie_marnie_morpeko_morpeko_and_cosmog_pokemon_and_3_more_drawn_by_silber_1224__1b97aadb86686f91fab2edcddce1ee9f.jpg (1400x1400, 265.46K)

You can't make me choose.

LEFT! But I'm biased towards blondes

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"She" is a drawing you worthless autistic fuck. Your parents are ashamed of you. You need to get a fucking life and stop jacking off to drawings of girls and start fucking some real women- oh, that's right, you can't because you're an ugly fedora-wearing autist


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Marnie is nice, but Lillie absolutely cannot be beat.

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Marnie's hair is retarded

They literally look like children.
The left ones mom is hot.

Who is designing these outfits? Original was perfect

Left because right's haircut is retarded.

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It's from Master Sex.


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Ugly tanlines

I know but the alternate outfits look like shit

left but I still like marnie too

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Not even worth a (You)

How did Nintendo of America allow this incoherent shit/

OMG...she is so attractive...

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the npc face in the background... whats his endgame?

I think that might be the player character customized by some soiboy

But user, that's (you)!

Attached: lusamine lillie.png (596x2381, 2.15M)

Finally, a Chad poster with an actually based take.

The only thing incoherent here is your post.

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>Pokemon are not just THINGS that a Trainer can do whatever they want to!

But I exclusively play a girl characters with brown skin and blonde hair.

Attached: __selene_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_hks_timbougami__3c7f8c34daba174cd6f616269588969d.jpg (811x1200, 291.03K)

So you never played before XY?


Oh you're right never mind.

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unfortunately for you, you will never be a woman.

Shame Lillie has no personality in the actual game


Nobody picks the male in Pokemon since Gen 7

Why is Pokemon catering to hebephiles now?

That's okay. If I were a woman, I couldn't stroke my dick to my brown and blonde pokegirls.

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Neither, I prefer adults thank you

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Date left, have sex with right while she watches.

Sex with both sounds good to me

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>lillie getting mad at lusamine for evolving a pokemon that belonged to lusamine makes sense because...
its so obvious that since lusamine wasnt an abusive mother like in the source material they had to come up with some contrived shit for the two of them to have any sort of conflict but even this is retarded

is this slut seriously not wearing any panties???

The hag.

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>needing to identify with your character
Looks like you're the one with identity issues, user

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it would be wise to join my gang

Looks wise Id say right but all girls ive met that look anything like Marnie have some form of personality disorder. So Left

>they're will never be a fully cel shaded Pokemon game like the image in this timeline

Heaven or Hell

Marnie isn't mentally ill though

Lillie and Marnie are NOT hebes

It's a swimsuit bro..

Nice image. Source?

Anime Lillie is just a massive spoiled bitch while Lusamine is an overworked mom.

We have yet to have Pokemon games that actually feel like 3D games. SM and SwSh don't even have complete 360 movement. Only the Wild Area does

then what are they

>dumb girl who carries around a world-changing legendary yet insists on not protecting herself that is basically the real main character
>"literally who?" tier character that has zero story relevance and only exists to job at the league
can I choose neither?

The anniversary music video was really good atleast and had that artstyle. Actually made me feel a pang of genuine nostalgia.


Attached: 【Official】Pokémon Special Music Video 「GOTCHA!」 _ BUMP OF CHICKEN - Acacia 1-8 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

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I have both of their figma.

Attached: whatsgism.jpg (1434x2200, 754.61K)

Left without a second thought. I'd rather have a prim and proper girl over that abomination on the right. Shit hair where she can't decide if she wants to shave or not, bad color aesthetic that stands out in an appalling way, black nails like she's diseased, and a lazy face that shows no motivation at all? To hell with that design. Lillie wasn't exactly an original character, but she was definitely better than Marnie.

I only got into buying figures recently and I deeply regret missing this one.

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Thanks :)


Still don't get it.

Which ones do you have? I got "lucky" in finding her below 200 at a local shop in New condition.

The English translations, for Pokemon names as well, are done by NoA

mostly unassorted stuff but no pokemon figs

>pokemon fans then
>pokemon fans now

What exactly happened?
Where're the endearing little players all gone?
Why can't I see any kid doing a pokemon thing like pokemon battle or card trading at my local videggame stores?

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i wish both were my daughters and that user was my friend :)
