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The correct choice
Didn't the Overseer guy got slaughtered regardless from the angry Vault people for banishing the player?
How come we can't get another isometric Fallout that actually has good writing
We could but it's not gonna sell well
I hate capitalism so much
Gotta make it yourself. Like said, it won't sell so nobody with talent is gonna bother.
>you're too dangerous to be let back in
>prove him right because he made you upset
gamers a retarded I swear
Capitalism is what made the games in the first place you goddamn brainlet. Fuck off back to 10th grade and don't come back.
Was that a ending? I just remember being told to fuck off and you get that image of the protag sad walking into the wasteland.
Capitalism incentivizes making a worse and worse product over time to increase profits. All that matters is making a product look good before it's bought, how it actually performs after the purchase has been made is irrelevant. If you support capitalism you support the slow but steady cheapening of the quality of every single aspect of your life.
iirc you need to initiate combat before the scene ends.
I think you only get it if you took Bloody Mess.
based commie derailer
Socialism is just neo-feudalism for the jew elite. Some people were born to be peasants.
Nerdy white dudes with passion did you fucking zogbot.
Sort of proved him right, anyway the vault dweller gets to make his own tribe and probably gets lots of tribal pussy so fuck the overseer and their crappy ass vault
>game says "fuck you"
>you say "fuck you" right back
It was kino.
Do you guys live under a rock or somethimg?
This isnt the 2000s anymore, isometric turn based games are made and they do sell well
>loved the concise story/themes of 1
>thought the combat was tedious as fuck, especially the last 2 dungeons
>apparently 2 has a more aimless story and even more tedious combat
Should I even bother with playing 2?
kill yourself disgusting faggot
I support capitalism because it's a fundamental aspect of human nature.
>how it actually performs after the purchase has been made is irrelevant
How fucking stupid do you have to be to actually believe this? People buy things based on necessity first and then trust in the quality of the good second. If you lose their trust, you lose them as constituents and your product fails.
Capitalism is neo-feudalism for the jew elite. It literally is, jews run this world from the shadows as we speak.
It's not just "some people" every day that goes on this Earth without the jewish elite dead is another day the collective spirit of Humanity is suppressed forevermore
When every goddamn jew on this earth is dead Humanity will finally manifest itself among the heavens and we will become a cross-dimensional species.
Lots of anger, very little arguments. Typical capitalist cultist.
Yes fallout 2 has more combat and the story is really unfocused, the enclave is only introduced near the end of the game
But it does make the settlements more interesting, I liked visiting them since their sidequests were usually interesting
And you probably already know this but fallout 2 is wackier than fallout 1
Good writing stopped existing after 2005
Capitalism sucks because it lets jews get into power. This is fixed by having everyone live in small communities with direct democracies such as Athenian democracy.
If you disagree you are a kike shill that wants to suppress the spirit of Humanity and it is the duty of any true human to hunt you down and torture you to death slowly and painfully,
They made Wasteland which is pretty close
>Should I even bother with playing 2?
Its miles better than the first game but sure, skip it if you are too much of a zoomer.
That's great except it's wrong. Time and time again, on this very board, we see companies making shittier and shittier games yet still making huge bank. Why? Because they took all the money out of making a good product and put it into marketing. This is the end result of capitalism, the product is secondary, the purchase is everything. They don't give a shit how unhappy you are with their product after you've already bought it.
>small communities
Don't exist anymore thanks to the internet. Globalization, like capital, like greed, and like Jews, are all fundamental aspects of human society. Get the fuck over it.
No they aren't. Tell me your fucking address so I can kill you you fucking kike. I will murder you with my bare hands.
Greed. evil, jews, globalization, all will be smitten from this earth in brimstone and hellfire.
Bull fucking shit. Fallout is such a big fucking name and I 100% guarantee there will be so much word of mouth from youtube e-celebs and from Yea Forums or /vrpg/ because it's isometric. If Fallout 76 didn't kill the series, than everything is possible at this point.
Lol why the fuck should they? If people are stupid enough to eat trash, then let them eat the fucking trash. All of the information and resources to know better are literally at their fingertips, and yet they continue to keep eating trash.
Newsflash -- most people are no better than cattle. The Jews were right all along, and they laugh all the way to the bank because of it.
Go play tetris retard. Its the only quality game your kind will ever make
Greed is human nature much like your hatred and fear I'm not sure if crying like a bitch is yet but you seem to be the expert on that
Go have a wank and go to sleep, Timmy. Clearly you've had too much internet for one night.
This is also the same reason why democracy is an awful idea but that's another conversation entirely.
>Don't exist anymore
It will exist again in the near future, retard. Solar micro nova will butffuck all your shitty globalism
>If you support capitalism you support the slow but steady cheapening of the quality of every single aspect of your life.
Communists right now are all for cheapening the quality of our own fucking lives because it's "morally good", retard.
You are aware the bible was written by Jews right?
It's also the grandpappy of all video games so I guess you must be agreeing with me that is wrong.
>If you lose their trust, you lose them as constituents and your product fails.
>crying like a bitch
I understand you have the overwhelming need to feel as if you're better than others due to your innate inadequacy, but my hatred toward your kind should not be mistaken as crying, I weep not for the devils that plague the Earth.
I will kill you. Nobody else will take your life from this Earth but me and me alone.
When did I mention the Bible?
I am the brimstone and hellfire.
so what do you propse? forcing people tto buy your new 2d fallout?
even inf the game was free, nobody would want to play it
>i will kill you
In real life or in Fortnite?
if something like Dos2 or PoE could rattle up the crpg fans and sell some units, i dont see why a fallout game couldnt.
but i also dont see why bethesda would ever bother
Tetris was made in 1984 and Americans were playing fucking Pong as far back as 1969 shut the fuck up pinko dipshit
Capitalists are the ones who steal what's rightfully yours from you every single day. Capitalists are the ones who use your money to make themselves richer. Capitalists are the ones who collude with eachother to make you pay more for a product than what it's worth and bully any up and coming business who tries to undercut them by selling at a reasonable price. Communists aren't the ones who did this: youtu.be
>unironic internet tough guy in 2022
There is a literal zero chance you are over 18, and if you are you have the mind of a child and always will.
>I am the brimstone and hellfire
Alright champ, sure you are. Now it's past your bed time, you have school tomorrow remember?
>I understand you have the overwhelming need to feel as if you're better than others
yes human nature
>due to your innate inadequacy
projection of your own faults which is also common among humanity
the rest of what you typed is an embarrassing larp. You will continue to do nothing of note and considering the sheer number of people that live and die without purpose and the fact that we are on one of the shittiest boards of this hellhole I can say this with confidence.
And modern day Communists are unironically the biggest supporters of Capitalism today so long they do tranny pandering. Nevermind the fucking fact that commies constantly riot over small businesses or constantly destroy people's livelyhood for "muh progressive", they support big corporations that do all the shit you mentioned and do jack shit. Fuck off and go back to twitter already
Why aren't you playing Fallout 76? It's the best in the series
Communism inevitably leads to totalitarian fascism, fuck off.
blah blah blah
I WILL murder you.
Democrats and their cultists aren't communists, regardless of how much Joe Rogan or Steven Crowder or whoever you get your opinions from says they are. In fact capitalism is so thoroughly embedded into America I don't think it's even possible for a communist party to ever exist in that country.
There's nothing wrong with being Jewish
Good, commies should get the rope anyway.
inb4 6 gorillion (you)'s
that was a boring reply. I wont be giving you any more attention. Have this pity (you)
i want to ride todd's rodd~
Only an idiot beast would bite a hand outstretched in aid.
Cyberpunk recreated some of these death anims
I think they copied that SMG death animation + you can shot a chunk off a side of a torso in cb2077 the same way as some of these fallout 1 sprite animations look like. The one shot kill death anim in cyberpunk also looks very similar to that one shot death anim with that "aaahhhh" scream.
You just don't see it often, because enemies are bullet sponges.
idk just some trivia
kill yourself please you stupid retarded commie, you wouldn't even have the luxury of owning the hardware you need to play your videogames or even having the money to buy them to begin with if you lived in a communists shithole like me, fuck you and fuck all the retards that allow these fuckers to still breath
>>you're too dangerous to be let back in
>is only dangerous because he WASN'T let back in
>this is somehow proving him right
>if you lived in a commie shithole like me you wouldn't be able to afford the hardware I'm using right now to complain about my commie shithole
how does it feel being a cuckold?