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Other urls found in this thread:


Day of the rope, streamies

Reminder that WoW lost
Keep coping and seething

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You didn’t beat the game.

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modders be like "yo this shit fire"

Dab on XIV secondaries and WoW refugees

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How do i report this faggot streamers? Someone has a link? I wanna contribute to this community

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Keep up those reports guys, Addon/pluggin users need to be taught a lesson in ToS
You are not above the law
You will be reported if caught
You will be timed out if caught
You will be made an example of breaking ToS

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Third party tool by definition by SE
"Accordingly, the following activities are prohibited:
- Modifying, analyzing, integrating, and/or reverse-engineering game software or data."


You know I bet if i broke a rule in a streamer's chat i'd be banned. What happens when streamers break the rules in ffxiv? Oh right they get banned from the game and twitch bans them for cheating in an online game.

Report the fucking cheaters


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I don't want to use raiding addons but it seems like I will have to with the attitude of the community.

XIVAlexander is a godsend for anyone who isn't trapped in California but also happens to like Final Fantasy 14.

Being able to double weave is a low ping advantage, everyone should be able to use that advantage.
It promotes an equal playing field, I don't care if you report people over it, but advocating against it means you're retarded.

I have now hidden this thread, I have left you with the whole truth and nothing but the truth and will leave you with it.

Didn't this guy fuck his dog or something

Why is he butt blasted this time?

don't buy into the panic and be an unwitting pawn in confirmed cheater's schemes. follow this simple chart

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Lmao, says the same company that sells story mode skips for $20 and instant max level
FFXIV is such a hot turd and still doesn't even have world pvp.
World of Warcraft and its consequences have been a disaster to the MMO genre.

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Time to Walk.

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I can't believe Mr.Crappy won in the end... God I hate that guy but what a weird timeline.

Ok tranny

Surprised that kiwifarms is against raidtroons and streamers, pretty funny.
I have to agree with them for once

gib album please

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that guy is absolutely right though. also your wound closing, dilate.

Ayo is this the powertripping tranny loser thread?

The day they ban alex is the day I leave this game, toxic elitists will have officially murdered it, hope they enjoy their californians infested dead game

Ok tranny loser

I'd be mindbroken as well if my entire job was covering WoW lore and Shadowlands came out

well it is now that you're here

Walk yourself fat loser

>tranny calling others tranny
why is this so common? this is Yea Forums dude, go take your bullshit back to /lgbt/ and leave our FF threads alone.

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>game is perfectly fine without addons/pluggins
>game is slightly a bit to hard
>throw a mega hissy fit
Good, stay out of the game your probably a fucking loser tranny that doesn't know Esuna exist

and to think this happened because Japs sperged

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Are you one of the self appointed ffxiv janitors ive heard about? Why not just take your meds and try out high end duties instead of obsessing about people you don't know?

I always wonder what form their yearly spergout will take from losing world first races, this one was a doozy.


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>stre*mer sits in his Gamer(tm) room wearing his Gamer(tm) attire, tells others to go outside and be real and have real conversations and meet real people

calm down tranny

If it's so good why don't you play it limsa idler-sama?

why is her neck so long

no, even worse. i haven't done anything resembling hard content since Ravana EX was current. i sit in uldah and shitpost all day and do roulettes at most. i don't use mods or addons or anything.

i am the target audience, you are not

barry is in here jesus christ

it's honestly amazing how the japanese double down on being petty

kill yourself

Good on the devs. addons in general are cancer.

What's he sperging about now?

Warriors of Light, what is your judgement on Preach? Should he be spared as all he used were chat bubbles and promptly removed them without making a fuss once this took off. I feel like he's the only good streamer in the entire FFXIV because he's actually an adult and not a sperg.

I wonder how he's received in Japan if at all.

"dude turn off your mods while streaming you might end up in trouble"

Of course he is spared, he's the only one that didn't grift or become a fucking retard

Yeah the only people I really have an issue with is the people with the sheer hubris to keep streaming with addons up after Hiroro's ban.

The role quests don’t discuss it, but there’s some secondary canon that says the slightly older look is glamours and makeup.

I don’t like that myself, the usual Kan-E we see in game has a great design, I like that one.

Ancients are basically elezen with creation magic

There is a reason why Elezen are the oldest race

Good day Mommy Milkers.
I am a Final Fantasy FFXIV Game Master and I have come here to inform you that your Account will be suspended for breaking the game's Terms of Service.

As you know, the use of third party tools are not allowed in the game, and we take these matters very seriously. We have detected that you have been playing the game with a device called “Keyboard”. This device allows you to significantly improve your inputs in the game and leaves other players in disadvantage that exclusively click the icons for their gameplay experience. Please remember that to execute actions in this game, you can simply click them, and no other devices are needed to play the game.

I hope you understand the reasoning of your Suspension and hope to see you again in Eorzea.

cant find

I reported the shit out of him while he was streaming this.

Rip your account cheating bastard!

>you guys need to go outside
>says the retard having a melty over a video game

Sometimes the JP crowd can be based huh.

Keep seething and trying to force Xenos and Arthars' breindead takes.

this is a good argument, said the sweating, crying man posting in defense of his beloved best friend, the streamer

Nah, anyone who streamed with any kind of mods get the rope.

>be a "hardcore" raid nigger
>get a new game
>"So this new game i got, are there any addons for it?"
>proceeds to hack and cheat the game
What the fuck happened to gamers


If you choose option 2, when?

Alisae: strawpoll.me/46035964/r
Y'shtola: strawpoll.me/46038012/r
Yugiri: strawpoll.me/46040365/r
Kan-E: strawpoll.me/46042115/r

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the only thing i use is gshade and i dont even think most mods are bad but i dont know why people can't follow the age old dont ask dont tell rule

Harsh but fair, we'll leave it up to the judges.

Time for him to go back

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what happened last time?

This is why you need to learn to walk.


Streamer mentality, it's what happens when Square enix doesn't address it for months and years so it just festers

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yeah, Im reporting him for breaking TOS

It's like a 10 year old in a grown man's body.

No longer shall raidtrannies have addons to bare xer to world first.

Hence forth, xhe shall play the game.

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Wow that's retarded

>posts a low resolution versions when the original is 6 posts in

i think yoshi p said there wasn't much they really can do years ago so they just left it in a grey area as long as you are bothering people or showing them off


Norf is based and I doubt anyone will go out of their way to report him

You mean cringe

>No more shall your add-ons play the game for you!
>Henceforth, you shall walk!

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He is honestly the only one i can tolerate.

keep seething retards :)

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Retards like Xenos are trying to muddy the discussion with hyperbole and fear mongering. Don't fall for it. SE isn't coming for your mods or even your addons, they are going after people that blatantly live streamed using borderline cheating addons during the ultimate race which brought many more eyes than usual onto the game.

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Of course it would be the erp niggers screeching about this.
Literal glue eaters.

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It's half that they can't monitor everyone and half that Yoshida knows this kind of stuff is important to the playerbase and doesn't want to be forced to fuck with it if he can avoid it. Like when he asked people to stop posting watermarked porn screenshots on twitter, he begged them to stop posting that shit before it got out of hand and he'd be forced to do something. He would rather leave it alone if he can.

ah yes, alisaie mode

Actual 7 year old

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For someone who desperately wants to get into the XIV "community" it takes very little for him to start making threats about leaving and how he wants to get away from it.

He should just go back to WoW already, he knows he doesn't belong here.

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no way

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good, as long as I can keep using my combo key, hunt helper and Gold Saucer plugins I don't really care

When he left WoW a part of that games soul died to me

xenos rage quit elden ring that boy is trash

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Yoshi-P is in the right but I don't want to play a game where the community are pieces of shit who support gamebreaking mods and are actively aggressive if you don't like their cheating mods.

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>hiding names
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

>The only surefire way to get banned for addons is to post video proof of you using addons
>hardcore raiders catching bans left and right
This is how stupid mmo players are.


Preach is fine. He’s not a grifter, he’s not cheating and he understands that SE doesn’t want people flaunting their ToS.


>your tank was using cheating addons live on stream
These people.

No, retard, it's 100% that yoshita is incompetent and they LITERALLY can't detect if you are running add-ons

>Muh censored namefag is still here

It does make for a fine show i must say.

I literally don't get the outrage

All raiders had to do is not put ACT on the screen

They can still have meters, just don't put it on the screen

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as far as i know nothing can happen to that person as long as they aren't posting a link to their twitter anywhere in game

streamers are really on another level

Whew lad thats good

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Both break the TOS.
You can't be an ERP'ing XXX image sharing twitter poster with mods calling out people who break the TOS with ACT but then act like TexTools mods aren't.

As far as the TOS is concerned they literally are the same thing, if that guy has his character name tied to modded screenshots he can absolutely catch a ban for it


I did several times, cringe bald fuck can fuck off forever.

streamers and their simps are attempting to whip the community into a frenzy. the easiest solution would be to stop using them, and desu they'd probably be given leniency if they cut it out.

they ought to be banned for causing the shitstorm, the addons are just an excuse

Have only streamers gotten banned? If so, then why should I give a shit?

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Yes, actually. Yoshi's called those people out too.

Cool, i don't care, but if you show your name I will report you

They've said before that they could implement a way to check for add-ons but don't want to because it would be way too invasive

>they LITERALLY can't detect if you are running add-ons
Because they aren't looking, and they don't want to have to look.
The xiv community goes through this shit every year. Raiders try to act like compfags then when yoshi tries to inject some integrity into their little comp, they freak the fuck out. Then it ends with yoshi asking players to please stop fucking cheating so he doesn't have to ban anyone for using addons.

Yes. But if I were to take into account the world first video that was put down and the ban that player got. Do you really think it was mostly for ACT triggers? If you read what YoshiP said, he said that he wants to put some of the UI features that he saw into the game. That video was mostly taken down due to the overuse of stuff like Simple tweaks, Damage Info, Pixel Perfect and so on. All those modify and add more info to your UI. Now you mentioned cactbot, you can play with cactbot all the time now if you want, as long you don't stream, record yourself or share info that you are using it with your name attached to it. You are more than safe to use something gamebreaking than cactbot. See where the problem is? The whole don't show, don't tell makes sure that you can use all the game breaking stuff possible into the game and get away with it. Only because no one has proof of it. Hell you can also mention it in the chat and that won't get you banned because they don't actually have proof that you are using it.

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I don't need to be able to stream on twitch.

If anyone links their IGN with modded screenshots they took themselves then they are at risk yes. I'm talking in human terms, trying to create this false equivalency is dishonest at best.

>use dalamud for cactpot and TT
thank god I'm not a streamer

I can't even imagine being so retarded that you need something to manage your RDM casts for you, it's one of the most brain-dead jobs in the game.


just streamers throwing a shit fit because they've been acting too spoiled with getting away with streaming with ACT and plugins on despite numerous warnings from Yoshida that they're not allowed to do it
They're finally getting punished and now they're just playing the victim card because they can't cope with it

>should I give a shit?