The great debate.
The great debate
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Personally, I like 1 more partially because it has loli catgirl butt, but more because it doesn't have spheda and photos and fishing.
I also like 1's building over 2, but that's probably the wrong opinion.
I remember seeing 1 in stores and assuming it was some shit Zelda clone.
I hate the fucking poison forest. oh you attacked 1 frame too early? eat shit.
Both are great for their own reasons but I like 1 slightly more. It's easier to start a new playthrough and even though 2 was out when I played the series, I played 1 first by chance
1's building and dungeon mechanics were super interesting to me as a kid, whereas 2 felt like more generic anime jrpg shit, so I gotta go with 1.
I only played a couple hours of each
2 is too dense
I fucking love Dark Cloud so much but have never finished it. I get burnt out halfway through the ship dungeon.
I like 1 more than 2 because the building is less of a bitch, and it's also fun solving the puzzle of putting the town back to how it "should be." The cool part is, the puzzle is always loose enough to where your towns always turn out unique regardless.
We actually have the patrician opinion user. Fuck crafting and fuck material hunting.
>TFW no Dark Cloud 1 and 2 remake
>TFW no Dark Cloud 3
>TFW kino level 5 is dead.
Only played 1 and it was shit
Dark Cloud 2 only because the procedural generation is less tedious, plus I liked the golf game
2 has a catgirl bikini for the girl so 2
you have shit taste then.
I’d recommend finishing it some day, the last dungeon is fantastic in many ways, and the last boss sure is something. Plus the post game dungeon….exists
Loved both, the fishing was kino.
Yeah, but you have to work your ass off for that bikini.
And that gun, sexy panther, i used because of the name alone even if it was shit.
I love Dark Cloud because it's simple and cool. You go into dungeons, rebuild towns with the materia and try to make them ideal. You upgrade your weapons down paths and try to increase the stats to make better ones. There's not much else to it. DC2 had so many other convoluted mechanics that it made the game kindof overwhelming and unsatisfying to play in my opinion. Also, I despised the golf. It wanted to be fun, but trying to beat the goals was pure masochism most of the time.
1 was my favourite. 2 was a bit too padded with content I did not care for. Also nothing as good as building the MECH
Man monster transformation was so bad.
I don't like the first game after getting soft locked, because I didn't build the giant until after beating the boss on the moon.
So I just cheated and used that one exploit to get a broken dagger add-on for max stats on a new game.
The cat at least gave you something to look at while you run through the dungeons, hoping your last feather doesn't break.
Don't listen to that other user, the last dungeon sucks ass, it's cool at first but it very quickly overstays its welcome.
These games would benefit so much from a quality of life remaster
>faster menus
>faster character change (already pretty quick but would load a load faster by default)
>don't have to change characters for jumping over pits/hitting switches/spinning the stick and all that
>maybe a tutorial reference for new players
>also a full view at a weapon's upgrade tree so you don't have to keep going to that gamefaqs page to reference what upgrade path you're on
>make monster transformation something resembling usable
>cutscene skip button
>please fucking god let me skip cutscenes, DC2 new game is a fucking slog
>option prompt after clearing level to stay on floor, go to town, or play spheda
And some other bits
Oh, give DC1 some usable fucking camera options. I love DC1 but the camera fucking blows. DC2 camera is serviceable
I don't know why there wasn't an unbreakable feather or something you could buy.
Will always be mad we will never get a 3rd game.
Dark Cloud 1 was incredibly rough around the edges, but wildly ambitious for its time. Arguably had more sensible expectations with its Georama maps as well.
Weapon durability was a chore to manage though, and dungeons had next to no variety. The earlygame in particular was such a dull slog to endure.
Dark Cloud 2 was nearly just as ambitious, with a much more appealing aesthetic and impressive variety, but occasionally tripped over its own scale every so often.
Also its Georama maps were way more obtuse with their requirements, and started to feel like strategy guide fodder towards the end (especially with how buggy HP/Defense Fruit could be if you didn't /always/ head to the future after every little change you made).
Plus the photography/invention mechanic was too restrictive for its own good.
Still liked 2 more than 1 in the end, but can see the argument for both.
Regardless, I'm sure we can all agree that Rogue Galaxy was shit and a disappointing spiritual follow-up.
I never knew RG was made by the same people as a teenager so I pleasantly enjoyed it.
I like rouge galaxy, but it’s not as good as DC.
There are things about Dark Cloud 1 that I think are better than Dark Cloud 2. For one, Dark Cloud 1 has a much better organized menu system, with a few tabs to actually separate some of gear you have so it doesn't get cluttered. It's much easier to find equipment or items in the menu in Dark Cloud 1 than it is in Dark Cloud 2. Also, In Dark Cloud 1 you can actually see villagers moving around in the town both during the day and the nights, which was great, and sadly missing in Dark Cloud 2.
That said, there are a few things Dark Cloud 2 has that makes it better than Dark Cloud 1 as well. Some items stack up on top of each other in Dark Cloud's 2 equipment, which is great for saving space honestly. Dark Cloud 2 also had better combat, better graphics and art style, and better Georama system (for the most part). And even though I said it was worse that you couldn't see villagers walking around the map in Dark Cloud 2, it does make it easier to find people in Dark Cloud 2, and also unlike in Dark Cloud 1, people in Dark Cloud 2 can be used beyond just receiving an item or a shop initially, and give you special perks upon equiping them. But also I fucking HATE the golphing mini game in Dark Cloud 2. BUT I do think they vastly improved fishing from the first game.
All in all, I'd say both are a mixed bag. Personally though, I think I prefer Dark Cloud 1 because I think most of its dungeons are just better than Dark Cloud 2's dungeons.
>maybe a tutorial reference for new players
I liked how they had tutorial videos in the second game.
As much as I'd love a 3rd game, I hope it never happens. Given how gaming is now a days.
Maybe a spiritual successor indie title would work. But if I were in charge, I'd do lots of questionable things, like inherit Dark Souls combat, allow mixing and matching of left hand and right hand weapons, and add armor growth with equal complexity to weapon growth.
>I don't like the first game after getting soft locked, because I didn't build the giant until after beating the boss on the moon.
But you need to build it to get to the boss though. How in the hell did you get softlocked?
>I like 1 more partially because it doesn't have fishing
It has fishing.
more or less how i feel. in general, i feel like in terms of actually playing the game, 2 had more refined systems. but i enjoyed townbuilding, dungeons, music, and the general atmosphere more in 1. everything outside of fighting just felt a bit...gamey, and checklisty in 2, i guess? 1 was simpler while 2 stuffed the game full of all sorts of different mechanics, which i didn't prefer.
i love them both very much, but 1 as an overall experience is more preferable to me
I prefer the 2nd game overall but the first game definitely has it's advantages over it.
Has anyone made or are making a Dark Cloud style game?
We get a hundred soulslikes every year.
I'd give anything for a Dark Cloud spiritual successor. No, I don't count Rogue Galaxy. Nor do I count Ni No Kuni 2.
i emulated the first one a few years ago and really enjoyed it. tried 2, but it didn't hook me for some reason.
2 take a lot more time to actually give you access to all of its systems in comparison to 1. Maybe that's why. Dark Cloud 1 just lets you get right into it. Dark Cloud 2 doesn't give you the Georama system until part way through the second dungeon. You don't get the golph mini game until the third dungeon. And you don't get the fish race mini game until the fourth.
If you don't put the pieces of the robot in the proper positions before reaching the final floor, you can't get the cutscene where what's his name says
>bro we need a sunsphere or whatever
So after beating the boss, you put the sunsphere in and that's it, the game just locks because you didn't watch the cutscene telling you to go get the sphere.
Dark Cloud 1 had a mammoth demo too. Let you build the entire first town before only stopping you when you moved to the second area.
Blew my little mind. Loved the shit outta that demo.
>All these anons acting like 2 didnt have superior eye candy
2 is better in almost every conceivable way. the first one is still enjoyable though
The cult stuff scared me when I was a little kid.
1 had a better menu.
>Ni No Kuni 2
Is this good? I enjoyed the first one but dropped the second after a couple hours, it seemed really unfocused, like they just tried to smash every mechanic they could think of into it.
2 is the better game, but if i had to pick one right now to go back to I'd probably settle in with 1.
Semi related but I went back to rogue galaxy recently and man that game doesnt hold up at all.
It's ok. not great. the combat is reminiscent of dark cloud though.
Honestly, same. I didn't finish it. It seemed so promising at first, but after a while I just started to get really bored. And most of the companions you get aren't interesting either.
Generally: the combat is a bit better in DC2. Since the two characters both have a ranged and melee, and there isn't a need to swap to get past terrain features...
On the other hand, I kinda prefered the more simple town-building of the first to the "craft the world" style of the sequel.
The removal of the thirst meter is a general improvement. Since it was honestly never an obstacle, just a lenient timer to keep track of. Especially with items that restore it.
That weapons don't permanently break in DC2 is a nice quality of life improvement. Though, It wasn't that much of an issue in DC1... again, just kind of a chore to keep track of and use an item when it gets close.
Story... well, they're both kinda their own brand of camp.
I didn't mind Spheda. Though I will say that it suffers from the first dungeon being one of the harder ones to do it in. Fortunately, its pretty optional. Though I think its the only way to get the tiger bikini... But that doesn't take that many medals.
I barely recall fishing in either. I know DC2 had a more involved one, while DC1s was I think just a button-press like in Animal Crossing.
I miss Zelda clones, everyone's copying Souls nowadays
So what do you guys prefer: bigger roster or smaller roster? Personally I think 4 would be a nice compromise for a pipedream DC3
>guns down enemies in a setting of magic and swords
>elden ring copies botw in ur path
Dark cloud 1, has dark clouds. Dark Cloud 2, no dark clouds.
I like a lot of playable characters but it do cause issues though.
it's so bad they didn't even give the mines medals for it since they knew that shit would have been impossible
even getting a monster strong enough for moonflower takes multiple hours of farming
Smaller. A duo or trio with lots of customization or options for each member is preferred.
Easier to write too.
So does sony own Dark Cloud.
Or could Level 5 ever do a PC port at some point?
1 because it's the only Dark Cloud game that I've played.
I'm gonna have to replay that again, because I'm pretty sure that cutscene has to be played first, since you get access to the boss from that cutscene. If you did it out of order, then something is fishy.
soul, souless
Are you talking about dark castle or demon shaft?
I'd keep it at 2. As long as one is cute and the other has a robot he can ride.
>open world shit
I don't care about that, I want another traditional Zelda clone