Valve Corp...

>Valve Corp. must face antitrust litigation over claims that “most favored nation” policies for its Steam distribution platform have driven up video game prices across the industry, a federal judge in Seattle ruled.
>The company “allegedly enforces this regime through a combination of written and unwritten rules” imposing its own conditions on how even “non-Steam-enabled games are sold and priced,” Coughenour wrote. “These allegations are sufficient to plausibly allege unlawful conduct.”
>The case is Wolfire Games LLC v. Valve Corp., W.D. Wash., No. 21-cv-563, 5/6/22.

steambros I don't feel so good, this might be the end...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Wolfire Games
Why the fuck would a relatively unknown indie studio who've made, quite frankly, unimpressive niche games for a small cult following sue against Valve?

Will steam face a fine for this or is there more to it?


>Wolfire Games LLC

Furrydev mad at steam because game fail

Anyway this just means it has to actually go to court. Where they have to actually present evidence.

Probably someone else bankrolling the fees to engage in proxied legal harassment.
Like microsoft through corsair with the Steam Controller lawsuit nonsense.

The dude is being paid by Epic to sue Valve. He's currently using that same corporate law firm Epic used against Apple, that firm is megamoney tier and well outside the financial range for this half failed indie dev, so guess who's funding it.

>Probably someone else bankrolling the fees to engage in proxied legal harassment.
It's the same law firm Epic used against Apple, so the math isn't hard to do here

What a fucking loser, I wish nothing but the worst for them.

>because game fail
He's mad because Valve won't let them charge less money for Steam keys on their own store to bypass giving Valve 30%.

Epic Games is allegedly backing them.

>Where they have to actually present evidence.
Bro did you read this ruling? The judge was boomer moron who literally doesn't understand anything about digital distribution and the odds they get another one as clueless as him for the primary case is pretty high

So what I'm getting is, Valve probably tried to get the case kicked out on paper but the application was declined and now they need to go to court?

I'd be surprised if this actually goes anywhere, since Steam has constant discounts and is cheaper for certain countries than console games even at full price. I'm in New Zealand and a console game is $110 while Steam is $90

lmaoing at all the /r/pcmasterrace kids who actually defend a fucking corporation like it's their friend.

>Failed indie dev
>Files lawsuit right before Epic does
>Uses the same hyper expensive law firm
>Files appeal on the first court round the week Epic failed its claims against Apple

Not always. I live in NZ and can honestly say console and PC games are usually the same price

Why are chinks like this?

>Wolfire Games
They suck so hard at making games that they sue for a living

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You weren't there before Steam. It was fucking awful. Broken/scratched CD's everywhere. Thank god for piracy.

Also all companies always go to shit in the end. Steam certainly hasn't gone anywhere near as far as shitholes like google. Apple were never good.

>I'd be surprised if this actually goes anywhere, since Steam has constant discounts and is cheaper for certain countries than console games even at full price. I'm in New Zealand and a console game is $110 while Steam is $90
Basically the reason he's suing is because of the Valve equal pricing rule.

He wants to be able to sell his games on his own site for a smaller price that is available on Steam, bypassing Valves cut (it's 0% on key sales) but still using Steam to distribute the game, host its steamworks features, etc

+1 Starforce rootkit bricked DVD drive has been deposited into your account Epic 2.0? Why does this keep happening?

>Yes your honor, the reason my critically acclaimed Anal Awoo Adventure 2: Revenge of Hepatitis C didn’t sell successfully is because I couldn’t sell it for 10% cheaper on my own website even after agreeing to Valve’s TOS.

Realistically, why doesn't Valve send a hitman to their HQ?
It's not that far away, San Francisco Bay, California. What's stopping them?

>can't compete with competitor
>run to daddy xi

actually 100% pathetic.


That shit sucked so many dicks. Why do people think it was pure CD/DVD with a key then just Steam without the nightmare that was Starforce and every company trying their own version of online activation that usually ended up fucking you over while pirates enjoyed games without all that bullshit.

Its Seattle user, the judge is probably a fury themselves

So it's like...

>rent out store space in a mall
>shop fails
>refuse to pay rent to the landlord
>claim the landlord's evil rent practice is a monopoly over all other stores in the mall
>if no one had to pay rent my prices could be cheaper and more people would jave bought my products
>forget the fact I'm still using the mall's land, electricity, and other facilities. I shouldn't have to pay rent
>rent is surely the only reason why my store failed

>Wolfire had to amend their lawsuit twice because it was complete shit
>As of this third time there's no more attempts allowed at going back to the drawing board if their lawsuit is seen as garbage
>Came into existence only because Valve wouldn't let Wolfire generate Steam keys for free to sell on their store, but not sell anything through Steam itself
This garbage is going to fall apart in discovery

Steam literally saved my country from perma pirating everything.

>Your honor, I motion for this case to be dismissed on the grounds that you, also, yiff in hell and are thus biased in your ability to render judgement

Because steam has basically made it totally nonviable for companies to get up to that kind of shit these days. Worst you got is shitware like anticheat and Denuvo but those are harmless bloat and don't actively attack your hardware aside from the extra chinky chinkware riot cooked up

Denuvo and other similar software would still exist even if companies required their own launchers. Shit still exists on epic, GoG, Origin, etc.

So there's zero chance they win this lawsuit.

It's strange how some publishers and developers just expect Valve to just give away their bandwidth, Steam API and services for free.

Again, yes. The point is that borderline criminally malicious drm can't really be done anymore since it just means people will avoid your shit like the plague or you can only sell to shills and the chinese.

They also had a history of grudge against Valve over the years. Everytime there's a news article disparaging Steam when it comes to their Indie games curation, people at Wolfire is always there.

>Denuvo on GoG

Hitman had it but I think it got delisted.

It's a legitimate case of the classic favorite word of the boomer, entitlement

based autistic overgrowth devchads

how is that a good thing?

stops pc development from being ignored entirely when there are people actually paying for the games. pc getting decent ports the last decade is entirely due to steam.

classic sweeney. instead of just competing and making a better service they start bankrolling court cases.

Steamcucks BTFO eternally
Hoeg covered it
The most hilarious thing is that they tried claiming that the Steam store was different to the Steam launcher but even the judge threw that out lmao

Really? Valve gets the shaft over antitrust issues, but Epic is free to just fuck over anybody who uses Unreal Engine....

I can't even rule out shit like this as a possibility anymore.

> have driven up video game prices across the industry
what in the fuck, steam regional price is the reason the 3rd world don't pirate anymore

According to what source?

I don't remember the exact source, but it was linked on this board a while ago back when this lawsuit had just been filed for the first time. If I remember correctly, it basically boiled down to what said.

i don't trust those that consort with beasts

I'm going to assume you or that other guy have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about because Epic was represented by a completely different law firm. You're both talking out of your asses.

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rolling stones

Basically, what this user is saying is:
>Never trust a dog raping furfag

what a bunch of faggots
i hope they lose hard

I genuinely don't understand how Wolffire think they have a case. If they were saying that Valve was stopping them from selling their game on their own website for cheaper while also providing the downloads themselves I'd see their point, but they wanted to undercut steam while selling fucking steam keys

Pretty sure tons of ppl do this
Isn't that how legit keysites like gmg are able to have 20% off preorder prices often?

roll but also sage

I don't know the details but basically third party stores can do discounts and shit as long as the game is normally at the same price as it is on the steam store.
So you can't for example put a game up on gmg or humble and just have it permanently be 20% discounted

I hope he who consorts with beasts leaves steam's asshole gaping over this case that would be funny as fuck and long overdue for steam and that fat fuck gay ben


Because they used to operate Humble Bundle

God this is fucking stupid. I hope steam sue back for “wasting our fucking time” so wolffire don’t try this shit again.

good morning sirs

Tim Tim are you okay? Are you okay Tim? Are you okay?