Yea Forums hates it

Yea Forums hates it

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>Yea Forums troons hate it
wtf based half life?


What would a Half-Life anime be like?

the end boss is hard as fuck

I think it's fun but OF was better

OF's only flaw is that it doesn't foreshadow it's boss. Barney just shows up and says the game is over now.

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how does it feel that people care more about dnf leaked build than this series?

EP2 > HL1 > OF > HL2 > EP1 > BS

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Interesting. What makes you put EP2 so high and EP1 so low? And Blue Shift at bottom, for that matter.

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Me too

I love the environments and setpieces of EP2 a ton, stuff like the antlion defense sequence, the dual guardian fight, and the Combine invading White Forest are all terrific, plus it's got the best OST in the series. EP1 on the other hand I find too derivative of the last chapters of Half-Life 2 as well as it just swarming you with antlions that get boring quickly. Blue Shift I just find dull and boring. They're all still good games at the end of the day. I don't think there is a bad Half-Life game except for Decay, that was trash.

It's trash

I have to agree with you on, well, basically all fronts, sans Blue Shift being boring. If anything it simply was too short. I've never played Decay though.

Decay is completely skippable and I'd advise you skip it. Even with a friend it's just really boring and easy since most of it is just puzzles and tedious combat. The most interesting thing about it is how you can unlock vortigaunts to play as.

Azure Sheep is the real Blue Shift

HL reputation gets worse every year

People overrate the Gearbox stuff. They're good, but my main takeaway impression from them was that the levels were overall more sloppily designed.

Yea Forums literally hates everything

>Yea Forums
There's no reason to take that literal zombie of a reddit board into account for anything anymore beyond straight up shitposting. Kys.

Somehow I doubt the opinion of a den or two of troglodytic mouthbreathers is enough to make that true.
Anyways, favorite gun from OP4? For me it's the displacer, with the living grenade launcher in a close second.

The board that was overrun by cocksucking moeshit and kyoani?

I'm from Yea Forums
Half-life is great and op is a faggot

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What's so great about Adrian Shepard? He's just another generic military man.

I mean maybe but I liked the barnacle grapple

Alyx>everything else
yes the VR is cool af and well made

BM Blue Shift and OpFor when?

Blue Shift is already up to chapter three and really fucking good, chapter four hopefully soon. Can't speak about OP4 but last I heard it was stalled.

use the hive hand, it destroys the nihilanth's portals.

Is there anywhere I could have a serious conversation about Half-Life without a bunch of retarded 12-year-olds shitting everything up?

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Nameless Rank and File Soldier that is thrust into the thick of it and wins is the best character type on planet Earth

Not the guy who posted that, but i think the reason why he and others like put it so high is because by the time of EP2 the gameplay was fully realized with its strengths being magnified and weaknesses being (mostly) gone, also the ost kicks ass.

EP1 and BS aren't bad, just.. Boring, EP1 has a good ost however, and that's also why BS is at the bottom, it was just recycled OP4 music, which is odd since it doesn't really fit barney anyway.

OF is totally better than hl1 bro

IDK, nowadays it seems that a lot of new HL fans are AI fags or troons. at this point id just keep it too yourself, I've tried bringing up and recommending HL to others, the only thing they seem to care about is COD-shite.

That line of thinking is exactly why Hunt Down The Freeman exists.

That line of thinking is a tightrope. If your NRFS becomes "cool" it fucks the whole point up. See: Doomguy vs. Bethesda's The Doom Slayer

>AI fags

HLVRAI, go look it up on YouTube if you care about it.

HDTF was shit but ngl the devs were absolute chads for proudly stealing their assets and not giving a fuck about anything

Where could Half-Life go from here? They already blew their load with time travel and timeline manipulation, many worlds, schizo iterations of the self (breengrub), coterminus noespheric consciousness, conscious parasitism by lower lifeforms, and universal homogenization. I guess they still have the "every Gordon that died during your game died in an alternate universe" rug to pull.

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The only interesting thing to come out of that was them calling the Vortigaunts Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five

Not too loud. You'll summon the shills.

troons like half life?
coincidental considering how they rarely make it to middle age

Holy shit is this real??

I think at this point, the only thing they can do to fix shit on earth is, or at least what I'm hoping they will do is, is use the borealis to go back in time, kill G-man and prevent the resonance cascade or the Combine from existing, oh and well recue alyx too maybe, of course, valve would never give us another satisfying ending to a game, not after Portal 2.

Oh, that. I tried watching it, but it was some of the most painfully unfunny crap I'd ever seen.

Well, there's actual gameplay, and actually doing something with those story elements instead of just reading the breengrub tweets for an exposition dump.

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the jokes right themselves.

>Buy friend a copy of HL1 because he liked HLVRAI
>He's DSP-tier at it

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Being a Half-Life fan is suffering, especially with how little Valve cares about it.
They retconned their own cliffhanger with another cliffhanger in the same place for fucks sake

>it was some of the most painfully unfunny crap I'd ever seen.
You can say that again. Tired of getting that shit being in my youtube recommendations

new adrian shephard spinoff

Valve retcons everything. Remember when the vortigaunts were just an enslaved hivemind of bug-men that shoot electricity?

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I'm not gonna say that I don't suck at video games, Lord knows I do, but really? HL? I guess it is a lot harder than HL2, but still.

Cap: RYHK8

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Valve can't do anything with those story elements that isn't going to be a complete waste of them. Very few people can. See the shit show that was homestuck. These games have always been tech demos first. We won't get another one until Valve wants to flex again.

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they were in hl2 though, did they retcon it in hl alyx? I haven't played it so I'm unaware of any huge retcons.

I'll never understand why anybody gives a fuck about him. Bring him back as a Metrocop in HL2, then end the game with the Citadel blowing the fuck up and killing him.

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Yea Forums told me fire punch was good

that's not a retcon that's just regular continuity

They change with every game, both in appearance and abilities. By Half-Life Alyx they have telekinesis and one levitates Eli up several stories so he doesn't fall to his death. Oh, and let's not forget how they could heal Alyx in EP2 or how they got inside G-Man's frozen time at the start of EP1 somehow.

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Do they like it now?

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Well you got me there. They should just stand still and shoot one lightning bolt every 3 seconds and take a full 10 seconds to rotate 180 degrees in Alyx