Yo fryman
Yo fryman
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't funny.
This is funny.
Tonight... You.
This maybe funny.
Johnny depp build?
Carls arms are buff wtf.
i don't know funny
Ride the bus to bus hell you bus!
Can you repeat the funny?
I only play as skinny murder hobos
I was trying to make Henchman 21 but I can't into character creators. Tips?
>Buff Meatwad in the corner
the mic ruler
the old schooler
you wanna trip?
I'll bring it to ya
frylock and i'm on top
rock you like a cop
Meatwad you up next with your knock knock
Meatwad makin money, see
Meatwad get the hunnies, see
Driving in my car
Living like a star
meatwad make the money see
meatwad get the honeys she
driving in my car
living like a star
ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a taurus
Ugh check check it
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
#1 in the hood, G
Thanks user, I needed that
Should be fatter, but w/e, good enough.
it's gotta be one of my favourite shows... is there a reason I think it's so particularily profound when I watch it tripping on acid? Genuine question. Like I enjoy a lot of those Adult Swim shows, like Squid Billies or 12 Oz. Mouse, but ATHF seems particularly good when i'm trippin.
>try to watch edwad elden ring
>its not funny at all
Cause you're fucking high retard, its ATHF, its hilarious and yes awesome to watch high, but definitely not profound, and neither are 12oz mouse or squidbillies for fucks sake.
I'm not a big drug user man so I couldn't really say.. it could be a mixture of the colourful imagery and the brash sometimes dark subject matter that activates some neurons in some way to project more importance onto it? Or it could be some shit you saw as an infant reverberating through your psyche who knows man, you're tripping your nuts off
big if true.
I had to quit weed because it was fucking my mental health, I started having panic attacks and crazy mood swings, I miss it. I wish I could high everyday and not have to deal with this gay fucking earth
what do you do when you're bored?
Take it back to lereddit. Nobody likes your easy game here.
Was ATHF the best [AS] show? Well behind Coast to Coast anyway
I only quit 20 days ago and I was smoking since I was 15 so I don't really have a sense of what I did before. Since I'm detoxing (nicotine as well) I've been all over the place these last few weeks. Too lazy to play Vidya, I just work/sleep/scroll Yea Forums. Watch a lot of cartoons too. Hoping for the lethargy to pass so I can figure out things I like to do. Sorry for the blog post
It's up there, but Superjail is the best, followed closely by Mike Tyson's Mysteries
When ATHF came out I got high all the time and thought it was funny, but now that I'm sober I still think it's funny.
I think the Brak Show deserves a mention.
Those sounds like things I like to do. You're living the dream, user. Never get married.
Don't buckle your seatbelt
>Mike Tyson's Mysteries
I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. I always liked when Adult Swim played up their Hanna Barbara roots.
Making music and playing vidya are my passions but like I said, I haven't felt like doing those at all lately
thanks for the reply fren, I hope you're doing better soon, and that it pays off for you.
There's no best, just lots of amazing shows. The Venture bro's is one of my favorites
Based DS2 suicide bomber cosplay
The Ventrue brothers is the best adult cartoon to ever hit the air
It made me see Mike Tyson in a whole different light, he was genuinely funny on that show. He started doing a fuckton of mushrooms not long after, I always wonder if he was high during production. Also based Norm is in the show so it's timeless
Aside from the ones you mentioned
>Sealab 2021
>Venture Bros.
>Tim and Eric
>Harvey Birdman
Lots of great ones but those are my favorites.
Shout out to China, IL. comfiest show in my opinion
Perfect Hair Forever is the wierdest one I've seen. definitely worth a watch.
Wasn't it "Meatwad man, drop it like it's hot"?
you tell me fren.
what kind of shows did gen z grow up with on adult swim?
what the fuck was her problem
What do yall think of the athf shorts they released recenty
King of the Hill
Pretty good, favorite was probably the one with the frat aliens
They're also making another movie, right?
Liked them. The two with Handbanana are probably my favorites.
I heard they are, they're also making a Venture Brothers and Metalocaplypse movie. I'm still mad they canceled the venture bros for no fucking reason.