Fei Long bros... Its over.
Fei Long bros... Its over
more like So Long
I cant believe fei long is racist against dogs
Gay bowser
Lee family doing a 180 on Bruce parodies
Shut the fuck up faggot
Bruce Lee's family shat their pants after Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, so now they have disallowed any non-serious depictions of him
Bruce Lee's family don't want Bruce portrayed in media after Quentin Tarantino's movie allegedly. He can only be depicted as "honorable", so this is the reason Fei Long has to go according to that composer.
More like Feiled long, lmao
Bruce Lee is corny, all his parodies are corny
japan hates china.
lmfao based Tarantino
what about Marshall Law
>As discussed in the composer's streamed YouTube Q&A (see below) on 7th May, comedic interpretations are reportedly a sticking point. Lindholm says that depictions must be 'honourable' from this point on:
>A character that I know we won't see at all — there's been a lot of discussion about it — I mentioned earlier a character I would like to rewrite the music for would be Fei Long.
>I do have other sources — not only Capcom, but friends of mine in the U.S., who are very close friends with the Lee family — and they have basically said that any kind of resemblance to Mr. Bruce Lee is now omitted for comedic effect, comic stuff. It needs to be honourable.
>That’s why we won’t see Fei Long again. Ever.
How was he comedic exactly? I always thought he was seriously badass.
Didn't Bruce Lee cheat on his wife? It probably for this best if he gets memory holed.
He was a gay character anyway. All Bruce Lee knockoffs in fighting games detract from the experience. It's lazy and boring. Glad he's gone.
Farewell to the pioneer of rekkas.
Imagine being lee's family tellings devs to stop using a character that doesnt even look like bruce lee because of muh disrespect. While they go and sell him and his likeness as an NFT.
Good. yun and yang are better
Calling it now, Guile is next.
Is this true? It's just a stupid movie that's all bullshit?
It's all Tarantino's fault . After making Brad Pittu dab on 4000 years of Chinese kempo, the Lee family has been butthurt.
Just say he is an original character and not based on anyone, why cant they just do this.
BASED. we need more Muay Thai character
What an honorable man.
They do realize Martial Law is a comedic character in Tekken right? He's been a comedic duo with Paul since Tekken 5.
Only rumors and it's going to be hard to trust anything that came out after his death with how the Jews in Hollywood seethe at Asian males. There's a reason why the only actors they can get are Hapa mutts atleast in the US.
I thought it was a meme but did that 3 minute scene really destroyed a lot of asian dudes egos?
So is Law dead too?
just make him grow his mustache again
It was meant to be a fantasy scenario within an already stupidly silly movie. I can't believe that set them off.
I don't see how Bruce Lee's depiction in Street Fighter was ever taken as anything other than honorable, though. He certainly wasn't a comedic parody. It was one done out of respect for the guy.
Unironically because of shit like this making his family overly protective about his image.
Uhhhh Marshell and Forest bros?? Is it over??
>How was he comedic exactly? I always thought he was seriously badass
Because he canonical lost to Ryu and according to Bruce Lee's family he never ever lost a fight ever
Wonder what this means for rereleases though
who the fuck is matthew polly
aren't parodies protected under free speech?
You can unironically pinpoint when blacked spam starting taking off to the release of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
You tell me
especially because you can't be racist to Asians because they are basically white
Fei Long came out against the CCP and got his organs digitally harvested.
Reminds me how we will never ever get an accurate Freddy Mercury documentary/movie depiction because his estate demands that any depiction of someone, who notoriously fucked anything that moved to the point he died of AIDS, does not have a huge focus on it in any media about him.
just give forest facial hair like his dad and it should be okay
Bruce lee married to a white woman? DAMN
I mean, if I had a body like Bruce Lee, i'd be slaying pussy like a serial cat murderer
This is nonsense anyway. You cannot prevent parody. Parody is explicitly protected in US law. Ironically it might be the fact these companies are Japanese fucking them, as there are no such protections in Japanese law
In other words, white man can continue to make fun of Bruce Lee and the family can pound sand
You're a retarded liar, film was released in 2019, blacked spam has been going on far longer than that
Heh yeah, don't get me wrong, there is almost no one in hollywood with honor, most leftists are cultists with double standards galore exactly like that.
I'm just talking in the context of how a video game character is portrayed.
The memes around this were so funny kek
fei long is the typical bruce lee clone though. honorable kick ass chink. there isn't really anything goofy about him. law from tekken however is probably in trouble because he has been a clown character since day 1 and harada is a pussy who would kneel instantly.
here if you even care to look at it.
>While they go and sell him and his likeness as an NFT
The womans mother also hated chinks and constantly called him yellow and a "DISH WASHA" in a mockingly chinese accent
That's silly. Its not Bruce got viciously beat down in the movie. Even Bruce got hit once in a while, he is not invincible. If it was about him being overly cocky, well shit, too bad, he was.
This would never hold in court no matter how clown shoes the world gets, because it'd mean people like Trump can demand to be portrayed as honorable in parody too and that would never fly. Fuck them, if Capcom wasn't a dickless company they'd put Fei Long back in immediately and add a parody of Bruce's family in the least flattering way imaginable and they'd have to suck it up.
No shit. Most celebrities are depraved, corrupt fucks with massive egos.
user that was 3 years ago so you you understand. I’m talking catalogue filling spade edit posting on the front page type of stuff. It stemmed from this movie
No wonder I stopped playing their shit games
No one gives that much of a shit about gay ancient music man.
>my money will never appear in their pockets ever again
They did this to themselves
>blacked is older than 3 years
man... time really flies
Prease derete this.
Fei Long got his ass beat by Ryu in the Street Fighter 2 animated movie, but he was an amazing character. Certainly not played for laughs.
Does it benefit Capcom to do that? It is obvious Capcom people were fans of Bruce Lee.
>Marries white woman
TTT2's endings looked cursed.
Hate Twitter and I hate op
imagine how many woman he fucked
She was blonde too
please be fake. He's literally the only other sf character I like besides claw, and claw sucks dick.
based family
I bet it was dozens. He was probably tired of his plain boring white toast wife.
You do realize the MSG thing came out because of fear over the Chinese right? That's not even bringing up that you can make Asian dog jokes all you want on the most sanitized social media but don't you dare say nigger or say you hate blacks.
Bruce seemed like a cool guy but man his family are faggots.
Voiced by Brian Craston of all people.
Funny thing is, Lee was going easy on Cliff and Cliff was going easy on him. They both underestimated each other and before we could see them battle and deck it out (and see Lee in all his action glory), the annoying femoid interrupted them.
I don't get why they got so upset. Its not like martial artists underestimate their opponents in the heat of their moment.
Is Jeet Kune Do still allowed to be portrayed? Hope they replace the JKD characters with better designs. No offense to Bruce Lee's appearance, but these characters lack an identity of their own so it'd be a good chance to revamp Fei Long, Jann Lee, Marshall Law, etc.
not to mention they have enough fucking kung fu's and too many characters to fit in every game as it is. Fei Long is just incredibly unimportant a literally who, this is an excuse at best and last nail in the coffin at worst. Nobody. Cares. Yea Forums just pretends to care because MUH FGC MUH CLASSIC STREET FIGHTAN GOTTA BE CONTRARIAN
half of you niggers even knew fei long was a character before this thread
the entire movie was full of great fights but this one was one of the best
I never really cared for Fei Long. He wasn't too different from his source material inspiration.
Yeah msg is highly addictive
>Parody is explicitly protected in US law
Why do retards keep parroting this myth? Try making a docu parody of George Floyd and see how quickly you would get struck down.
>Have a son with the white woman
>he also dies
Are they monkeys?
Who do you think owns the media?
lee springs back up after getting thrown in this scene and we don't get to see how the fight would continue
what did they even get mad about?
His son got killed by time traveling Alec Baldwin.
wtf I love Bruce Lee now
yeah, because you can't be racist against asians
blacks through are protected because racism is bad
why can't whitiods understand this?
it's fine, we've been here before
parody is protected in terms of intellectual property. You cannot claim right to the portrayal of a parody. You can civil sue for counter damage, or in the case of your shitty example sue on grounds of hate speech.
What a chad. I bet Sharon gave him many "heat strokes" if you know what I mean
What about my nigger Deejay? Love his smile
Give it 10 years
Bryan Cranston?
George Floyd's family is against him coming back and the japs are scared of what the basketball burgers can do to them.
>SHITTEDposting started because of this movies
nah that was discord zoomer trannies
I literally started taking FGs seriously because of Fei Long back in the day. Sit down, zoomer retard, us boomers love Bruce Lee.
>Fei Long is bad
>Marshall Law is fine
I don't understand.
>I literally started taking FGs seriously
if you take FG's seriously then you are literally the worst kind of person, the FGC is trash garbage.
1. China
2. Bruce Lee family
3. Because Marvel has a character named Fei Long, and Marvel is owned by Disney and Capcom doesn't care enough to fight them over the name.
Yeah there's been plenty of stories about Bruce having a bit of an ego.
Yes but I don't really consider a lot of these Bruce clones to be parodies, they're straight up aping a guy's likeness.
Could you not just like put a mask on him and call him like Bei Hong or Mr.L or some stupid shit. Like really...this is how it is now? I guess we have to redact Fist of the North Star from the history books too cuz Kenshiro gets his cheeks clapped by Shin
If it was a right wing actor lefties would say NUH UH FREE SPEECH
Hate speech isn't an actual legal concept in the US, fuck off with this groomer propaganda.
>so now they have disallowed any non-serious depictions of him
They can't actually do that. He was a real person, not a fictional character they own the rights to. If you want to make a movie about him nothing can stop you and their lawsuits would be considered frivolous.
Based Tekken dabbing all over Stale Fighters since 1994.
Sounds to me like you're in the wrong thread then. Why should anyone care about your garbage tranny opinion if you don't even like FGs, lol
You mean like this guy?
That's not true what so ever
How is Fei Long not an honorable character?
I still don't understand why they changed 3 fucking names instead of just 2
user the coordinated shit literally coincides with the release of this movie
You sound like a lying fucking jew
>Source: some composer who dude, I know a guy
yeah ok i'm sure THE COMPOSER is in the loop on this
more like because nobody fucking cares
He's not black
Holy shit M. Bison was supposed to be a Mike Tyson parody?
Why not just rename him "Fei Lung" or "Dragon Lee" or something if the reason for him getting nixed is some character name clash?
>died of heat stroke
When I was a kid it was an allergic reaction to taking tylenol.
Then they said it was from too many eating pot brownies.
Who fucking knows at this opint.
They recently announced a new character that is based on Brad Pittu
At least it's not as bad as Honk Kong cinema in the late 70s where actors changed their name and basically pretended to be Bruce Lee.
You joke but just watch them start replacing Bruce lookalikes with Kareem Abdul Jabbar lookalikes