Is there any hope left for the MMO genre?
Is there any hope left for the MMO genre?
Thankfully WoW is still like MMOs then.
t. Maldraxxus
for new MMOs?
hell no
new games cant compete with the 4~6 classic MMOs that have 20 years of content in them
The only mmo that ever pulled off anything interesting was eve online and the core gameplay in that one is boring as shit (although that might have been what helped it attract the kind of audience that can make it's universe work)
wtf is even good about EVE
Player run world.
no handholding
almost impossible to get banned (scamming, theft, trolling etc is all perfectly legal)
only thing you CAN get banned for is botting or doxxing someone in RL
actual fucking huge universe (current speedrun record to visit EVERY star system is 223 days)
big fites
massive variety of content
you can spend 100s of hours playing with ship fits and builds
an actual realistic economy
best vidya community that exists
based neckbeard devs
absolutely assloads of community made content like podcasts, weekly news shows, economic reports etc.
its a game made by 40yo racist dads to be enjoyed by 40yo racist dads
the only people who give it a bad wrap are WoWbabbies who cant handle just mashing spacebar to automatically get railroaded to their next quest turn-in
Picture the auction house from any other MMO, and the gathering and crafting systems attached to it. That's the WHOLE game, dude. You can even deliver the goods you sold by yourself!
Throw away everything made after ultima online that is inspired by everquest or everquest itself. That game heavily damaged the genre and finished it with world of warcraft.
We must go back to the roots and learn again from MUDs.
another FFXIV seethe thread
Is EVE still good? I remember there being some kerfuffle a while ago
people changed, the market just adapted too it.
Context for the pic?
I'm 32 and had my first girlfriend in RO in 2001
what the actual fuck makes it a "perfect mmo"
its a grindy shitfest that was only EVER good because of the friends you made along the way
>come join me on a pint, mr narrow-oddo!
old good new bad
I loved RO back in the day, played from beta for years, but I wouldn't touch that grind feast today even if there was no other games to play.
The older content you mean. The newer content is streamlined garbage.
Nobody fucking saw monsters that way even back then and the landscape part sounds more of a problem on his side, not the game's
bittervets got buttmad in 2016 and last year when necessary nerfs/changes to the game had to be done to save it.
leader of the Goons (Something Awful's corp/alliance with 30k players in it) told someone to "kys" at fanfest one year, and the dude actually killed himself.
CCP banned Le Martini for a month
Goons got butthurt so they ganked the Jita undock and gates for a week
lol no
log in
fleet up with mates
kill cunts
there's no "grind" when the game absolutely throws shitloads of passive income at you
if you want to complain about grind you have games like FFXI or every Korean MMO ever made to cry about
So what do you actually do?
No, massively multiplayer games will never make a return.
MMOs were the proto-social media and the game attached to MMOs has become redundant now that we have the metaverse.
>fleet up with mates
>kill mi gaos for 400 straight hours for 50 levels
yeah dude totally not a grindy shitfest, you made a bit more zeny than it cost you in pots
ffxi is the best mmo
>tranny fantasy player thinks his opinion matters
Lmao even
Damn didn't remember seeing Nikola Tesla playing MMOs back then
log in
fleet up with mates
kill cunts
PVE is simply a means to make money to buy more ships.
passive income like PI, industry or trading means you can do 5min of your button clicking a day to buy almost unlimited PVP ships to kill russians with all month
a trap bittervets get retarded new players into is the whole mindset of needing to grind missions/anoms/mining 40 hours a week
are you having a stroke? you were asking about Eve Online, not RO
I miss kicking my lootbag on the way back from a dungeon avoiding the fuckers trying to steal it or throw it into the swamp
look at spreadsheets
warp 10 to the pizza sector lmao
Did the guy actually kill himself? gonna need a source on that.
Today, people will just look up the fastest/easiest route on the mmo-then map so they can run it like the mmo-now map. And anyone in the party who disagrees with the consensus about the fastest route is getting kicked.
i mean Ragnarok Online had those flips that murdered someone over $2.5mil worth of RMT or something
>are you having a stroke? you were asking about Eve Online, not RO
buddy why don't you reread the post you replied to
Everyone knows WoW is the one riddled with trannies within the playbase, and dev team.
Not with the current formula no.
"Third person medieval fantasy RPG with some magi-tech" has been done to death but for some reason its all devs try to make.
is this from 2009
you cant use i win macros in wow now, even in classic (part of why its bad)
So if I were to start playing this game today what would the first five hours of gameplay look like?
Is the future of MMOs just private servers that rebalance or add custom content?
Why should a developer spend years and millions trying to make an MMO that may or may not succeed, wouldn't it be better to have a few people take an existing MMO and just add/remove/rework content.
Think of your favorite MMO and how you could fix it, make it more MMO or make it more RPG. You've seen the mistakes the developers made and you could learn from them.
you spend 5 hours asking dumb questions in the new player help channel because you cant think for yourself fucko.
>Is the future of MMOs just private servers?
Just ask Ragnarok Online
Or Ultima Online.
Or Dark Age of Camelot.
Or Everquest.
Or Second Life.
Or World of Warcraft.
Do MUDs even exist anymore?
Hilariously the worst part of every MMO is the Multiplayer part.
I prefer Maple Story for exploration compared to Ragnarok Online
I was referring to the fact that Gravity is now C&Ding all RO private servers after 20 fucking years
I did but I was like 10 years old and roleplaying lmao.
bless runescape.
What a dishonest picture.
the stupid get punished
WoW started the downfall of MMOs.
Fuck WoW.
There's not a single MMO that is linear like your picture. Why do you even come online just to lie?
>inb4 retard OP lists off Lost Ark as an MMO
You actually pay MONTHLY for a video game?
Why don't you just let me fuck your mom while you're at it?
TERA is exactly like that, so was Ragnarok 2
The MMO genre has ended peacefully. You can't play them any more.
Probably because it's the easiest kind of setting to base an MMO in. You can pull all sorts of fantasy monsters and magic from other media, plus it conveniently gives devs the excuse for why their game world is a wasteland, because "It hasn't been developed yet in the game world."
The older I get the less I like MMORPGs or the people that play them.
People say this a lot but it isn't true. The way these games are designed got worse and encourage the kind of shit on the bottom panel.
>But WoW Classic wasn't like back in vanilla, that proves that people changed!
WoW vanilla was a solved game and the devs refused to step in and save the playerbase from themselves.
>wtf is even good about EVE
no other mmo comes close to this shit
I read every single piece of dialogue in TERA and I felt like I was changing the world when killing mobs.
This was back when it took like a month to level to max, so the progress of taking 15 minutes to kill a BAM and gain huge XP and a lot of money/rare gear made it seem like you were making a difference.
Playing MMOs is bad enough, but being contrarian over them is even more hilarious.
MMOs evolved into F2P microtransaction garbage and MOBAs.
I'm just asking what the game actually feels like to play because nobody's managed to explain that yet.
same, RO was straight up my favorite video game circa 2003 or so
today you couldn't pay me to play it, and it's not because the game changed, it's because it was never good to begin with
Chink mmo players do not have the capacity to comprehend why this is a problem and write it off as meaningless seethe. The linear map may be twice as wide or have one offshoot, but it's still a funnel of intended experience.
FFXI is nothing but a grind-fest.
It's not challenging in any way.
More old good new bad crap.
Not really. Games as an industry has progressed to a point where each new title is both incredibly disposable but is also designed to keep the average player completely locked in, so the time and effort you would see put into exploring the world of a MMO is already reserved. Hell, even when it's not designed as such, the culture surrounding gaming now heavily encourages you to stick to FOMO shit due to algorithm jockeys trying to make a living off of fads. Not to mention that part of the gimmick for MMOs is that you create this living, breathing, online world in which you can interact with tons of other people, and about 15 years ago, that sorta just became the internet and gaming ecosystem as a whole, as online gaming went from being a big thing to a super-ginormo-humongous thing.
>"B-b-but it gets good in Heavensward!"
>It doesn't
Its all just nostalgia for a time where you and your friends didn't know any better, so things were cooler. That's all it is.
Don't pretend like you didn't start using addons or didnt start caring about gearscore or didnt start caring about clear achievements, or didn't start skipping trashmobs, or didn't start using voice chat apps, or didn't start caring about hitcap, or didn't start caring about repgrinds, or didn't start caring about optimal skillchains, or didn't start caring about perfect kiting, or didn't start caring about itemization etc etc.
You started caring about all of it and played the game with only optimal in mind and so did everyone around you who stayed, and those that didn't left over time.
Your feeling will never come back. You will never be able to play without wondering if you are optimal.
im just answering, find out for yourself.
Until we are Ghost in the Shell level full avatar dives it cannot happen again.
You can make an immense deeply immersing multi-player game. and there will always be some faggot who just cares about xp/min or droprates, or meta-builds post x,y,z patch.
We used to dog the RP players in EQ, AC2, Lineage, FFXI, CoH/V, but.... who knew they're the ones that had the right idea all along?
You didn't answer, you told me to figure it out myself. And I'm trying to do that right now, by asking people who've played the game to tell me what the game is about. I really don't understand why you're so hostile.
>dogging on role players
Holy shit. Fun Police spotted. KOS
They were designed worse because that what players want. Even before the age of the wiki people knew what was and wasn't worth their time, just by asking people ingame, through irc or message board. It become common knowledge where, for example, "the best place to lvl 20-30?", or "what job rewards the most gold?" or "what class is the best in pvp?", and everyone will go and do that.
Also the devs can see what players play and where they go, so why design 30 dungeons when they know 95% of players will just ask "what ones are worth my time" and ignore the rest.