A metal slime appears!

A metal slime appears!

Attached: metal_slime.jpg (1304x1220, 136.24K)


Fu ckj jl km nbvf f2f fexssa

Damn, got away...

Metal Slimes are friends

Seems like a cool guy that doesn't afraid of anything.

>not posting the gif
thanks for the easy xp

Played DQ builders 2 last week, that metal slime near the end was a total bro

*breaths fire on you*
Nothing personal kid

Your 1-3 turns are up!

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*Metal slashes*

Attached: 1536365993829.png (429x320, 30.61K)

I've played too much KH because I immediately saw that as Kairi.

get ryona'd and then raped because i'm a female in bikini armor.

>mouth sword
Incredibly based, what game is that?

Obviously metal slimes have a high defense stat?

it's a hack unfortunately, you can't even dual wield in dq9

No speed, which in Dragon Quest used to be the defensive stat.


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What are metal slimes?

metal slimes


>playing dq6 or something like that
>metal slime appears
>it doesn't run away at all
>manage to kill it despite being level 2
And that's how I managed to make the first few hours of of the game laughably easy. Went from like level 2 to level 10 instantly and one-shot everything in the first dungeon.

Metal slimes are an enemy in Dragon Quest that run away often, dodge attacks often, and only take up to 1 damage at a time(unless you crit)
If you manage to defeat one you receive loads of experience points to level up.

>recruit one in dq5
>it sucks

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>recruit the King Metal Slime in DQVIII
>it's one of the top three monsters in the game

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dq3 remaster incoming, shitty X bastardization incoming, 12 in the works

The japanese fans are vocal about the new mainline game and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way everything is gritty and the whole monging. I guess they were holding out hope for a good writing route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the game changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

Wait what? What did they dislike about the newest game?

they said said they're making it darker and more action/real time focused, something to that effect. Just look at the logo

Attached: dq12.jpg (1400x788, 117.49K)

I know what they are. I want to know when are they coming out.

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Fuck these fuckers and being necessary to level up through act 3 of DQ XI. Whoever designed the XP and enemy lvl curve to go apeshit late game and requiring essentially an exploit to boost XP gain to manageable levels for the bosses can eat my ass.

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Something that I thought was impossible to tame. I always wanted a king metal slime as one of my companion. They looks so damn cute.

>One logo makes thousands of japanese seethe

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You tamed?
You are a chosen one, something above humans.

>That one forest in DQ8 that had constant metal slime encounters
Saved me from being filtered by Dhoulmagus

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That ending chapter was cool but hard to get through when you already think the story is about to be over

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*hits you with a shitty fixed damage attack worthless against anything else in the game*

Psssssh nothing personaaal

I kiss it!

>just lock your bro up in prison because...just do it okay?
I hated the story in this fucking game.

No I never did.

This literally ruined the game for me, I refused to play it after that because every word of dialogue following it was pure cringe. It sucks, I'd never do that to my bro, and the assholes in the castle can go die for all I care.

That interview had Horii's words twisted so hard. He said what, two sentences? Barely a dozen words? And suddenly everyone knows everything about DQXII?

lmao in a nutshell

This is the only Dragon Quest game I have ever played

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Wait what the fuck I can't remember you being able to wield 3 weapons in your this game

And that's fine.
I find the DQ fanbase to be pretty open about being a secondary or just enjoying random games, for the most part. That game was pretty fun

DQ Builders City Simulator when

This sounds fun which DQ to start with? Or is it one?

Is there a dumber game mechanic that only exists because of nostalgia? Every single dragon quest game falls into this pattern where metal slimes can randomly make large chunks of the games combat boring because you happen to kill one and become massively overleveled but you still have to fight endless waves of monsters, but then any kind of post game requires you to grind these things for hours because they made it so nothing else can level you up quickly past a certain level

DQVIII is a solid entry point for just about anyone. Personally I recommend the PS2 version.

Speaking of DQ8, I've been itching to replay it for some time now, how should I build my characters?

Fisticuffs only.

You should play it and decide on your own

first game better

>Is there a dumber game mechanic that only exists because of nostalgia?
Lives and score

That section was soooo heartbreaking, but at least it made me realize how perfect Malroth is for me to feel that way

Fisticuffs/Axes I prefer Axes

Metalslime hunting is even better in the superior 3DS version