What are your red flags Yea Forums?
What are your red flags Yea Forums?
Crop tops
High waisted jeans with large holes in them
Claims she’s “one of the guys” just after going on a tirade about how much she hates men
Claims she cares about old content but tries to shit it up as soon as she has some iota of power
…Oh, video games?
She/They pronouns.
It has basically become an excuse for indies not to have to work on level design.
Every woman inspires to be like that though
>Open World
All I want is to get from point A to B, don't make me get lost for 5 hours to do so
any of these, I put it on ignored on steam
Localization, remake, more inclusive, realistic, cinematic.
>forces a shitty romance on you
>open world
>real world racist shit
>Yea Forums in-"jokes"
>quirky dialogue
>overuse of buzzwords in marketing
>open world from dev that doesn't usually make open world games
>Really shitty "self aware" style humor
>bird's eye view low effort trash
>uninspired "indie" 3d corporate art style
>most pixel games with a few exceptions
>tries to use "internet humor"
>45 billion shallow mechanics instead of 2-5 deep mechanics
>nostalgia cash grab
>gives off "just another x game" vibes
> initial release by Bethesda
> name includes the # 13 (or XIII)
> Yea Forums likes it
> any connection to fromSoftware
> programmed in Rust or Python
women characters are ugly
>anime game
>someone on Yea Forums makes several threads about it a day for weeks/months with ecchi fan art of one of the female characters saying "Buy ____'s game"
Survival crafting
Bores me to tears
>Only supports 16:9
>Has no anti-aliasing (japanese dev)
>Is on dead games store
>Rootkit anti-cheat
Made by a chinese company
>the price is over 20 dollars
living with his mom
>No mechs
>No giant robots
>No floating battleships
Published or Developed by Nintendo
>has women and/or black people
>isn’t japanese
>is a soulslike/roguelike
>shilled by zoomers
>rated 9-10/10 on ign, gamespot etc.
i’m a simple man
Female protagonist
> free to play
my country's
>game isn't titled "Halo 2"
This retard thinks publishers would release entire games for free with no possibility of receiving money.
>Playstation Exclusive
underage main characters
nationalism is gay
Massively multiplayer
Turn based
Western developer specifically American or Canadian
“Horror” game but all the screenshots are just the backgrounds. Meaning it’s a fist person walking simulator with a horror theme
I simply search "(game) cutscenes" on youtube and if the video is longer than an hour I know the game is shit.
Its claims to be in "BETA" and the game has loot when it isnt singleplayer
>Inspired by earthbound
>loot system looks like this
when these monstrosities start appearing
Soulslike if I wanted a monster hunter knockoff i'd play godeater
woah she's literally me
roguelikes with heavy rng elements
fuck losing games because I got shit rng and am not absolutely cracked at the game
to clarify this is bullshit like binding of isaac and not games like dead cells, dead cells still gives you a fighting chance with the rng due to the combat being a lot less forced and more based on skill, the binding of isaac you could get nothing but babies the entire game and unless they were extremely good babies or you no lifed the game your run was probably in the gutter
Repentance made this 100x worse
>vid related
Understood, but you have to pay for your own meal.
Isaac is one of the easiest roguelikes lmao
You'd get murdered in flash tboi repentance is easier than eternal mode
women with tattoos and colored hair
>Yea Forums in-"jokes"
name 50 games
There's a reason one of the og challenges is Purist
You literally only get like 6 items in the run
And it doesnt matter if they are good or bad you can still easily beat it with pure skill
>game is only good/remembered because has big tidies ankme girls
>giant botoxed lips
>crazy eyes
>entitled as fuck
Makes sense she goes on so many first dates she has to tell the planet about it.
EA logo
Ubisoft logo
Bethesda logo
Any mention of diversity anywhere by any of the staff
Wanting the ESports crowd
Having Jewish writers
Which is code for: garbage design from the early 80s.
voiced female protagonist*
the irony of those games is that earthbound was praised for being an unconventional JRPG but now they are conventional.
>Crop tops
When the conditions are too dangerous to continue the race session depending on the series and the circumstances
Enjoy the clap. You earned it.
black only
Stupid one sided idoeoligey sorry if messed that word up
Also HIV positivity. You don’t just get it from dirty needles.
>japanese game on pc
Fuck you, coffee is great first date, especially in the age of apps. It can easily be a 10 minute encounter or 2 hours depending on how well you get along, it's a well lit public location so you don't have to be too scared of stranger danger, there's no feeling weird about the bill, it's literally just you two seeing how well you get along. Going on a walk is a fucking stupid first date but a good activity to do with someone you're already seeing. Tangential: I have never understood the "Dinner and a movie" date. More or less You have one date (dinner) and then just continue to be around each other on not that much of a date. Movie and dinner makes much more sense. You have time to acclimate to each other's presence without any expectation of doing or saying the right (or any) thing, then you go to dinner where you already have something to talk about.
You have to be underaged.
>Coffee bad because I can make it myself
>Dinner good though
>any game that has a fandom of twitter stans that will not shut the fuck up about a particular pairing