Steam is an joke

Steam is an joke

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Other urls found in this thread:

There better be sex involved.

As is Russia. Your point?

>there is demand for a product
>that product is produced
>nobody is harmed by this process
where's the problem again?

Russia getting curb stomped in Ukraine is an even bigger joke. Well on their way to North Korea status.


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so much for the tolerant left

Ok ruskie. go suck down some more cheap liquor and drugs to forget you live in russia

They used to make games like this all the time on Newgrounds

>>nobody is harmed by this process
If this was any "good guy" public figure this would be called a death threat.

I am going to crack this and seed it hundreds of times over just like I did for War of Mine since they started funding Ukrops.

So we're at the propaganda stage of infantilizing a multi-decade dictator of a country now?

Why would youseed a game no one will play

i'm sure there will be an outrage if there is a same game under the namesake of the current president of ukraine.

I'll download this game, change the character to Biden, and sell it, and Yea Forums will give me thousands of dollars and call me BASED. I'll call it "LET'S GO BRANDON" for maximum algorithm gain.

That’s taking it a bit too far, he only invaded ukraine

Attached: you want it?.png (411x434, 228.92K)


>I am going to crack this
it's free, retard


it could be a game about me and i still wouldn't give a shit, the guy is delusional for thinking he's making any change apart from making himself look like a retard and maybe make other middleschoolers feel like they've done something, but either way it does nothing, not to me, not to you, not to ukraine and not to russia.

>russian retards THIS upset over a game
man ya'll are a bunch of a fucking losers haha

Russia saved your precious kikes in WW2 you are eternally indebted to them for ensuring the tranification of your children the financial servitude of your people for eternity.

gotta give them credit for keeping the Kyle Rittenhouse game up. let all the retards from all sides do whatever, thats what the internet is for

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So what is the Joe Biden equivalent of this game like?


It's over

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Damn straight

The USSR started WW2 with Nazi Germany.


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steam is shovelware central

He's probably only doing this to get a quick buck.

Go shove a beet up your ass, Rufus.

Steam is a marketplace. Literally just don't buy the games you don't want. You won't even see the majority of low effort asset flips on your own anyway.

the game is free

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i never see these joke games, i'm impressed people actually manage to find them. guess my filters are too strong.

>buy some unity assets
>slap them with the CURRENT THING
>make dosh
Capitalism and mass media were a mistake.
Also I am very mad, that I didn't think of that first.

LMAO Putin sucks horse smegma

Russians liberated all the death camps, Americans never even saw a deathcamp.

Jews>Russians>Goy slaves

They started the war with Germany you ignorant monkey.

I mean, you could also make one that was called Fuck Zelensky, so... but this is a bait thread started by bunker trannies or resetera faggots.

>Whole World
You mean like 4 countries.

/pol/cels out in full force defending Monke today

I'd rather buy Sex with Hitler


thats because anyone whos getting mad at these joke games are going out their way to find them. enormous cock-sucker behavior.


I bet it's an infected game. VLadimir will now on watch you masturbate and know every prefered porn categories of yours. Do NOT download this game

>make dosh

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so this is the power of steambrains....

And saved the chosen in the process.

There are ways to make dosh besides direct payments.

How's trying to take cities just miles from your border working out for ya?

>Chinese hands typed this

Remember when the left used to be anti-war

>noooo not my tranny dictator

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See picrel.
This was just a way to shill his actual game.

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steam was better before Greenlight. itchio can host the riffraff, steam should have standards

Pretty well Israel is constantly expanding with aid of our American golem.

A game about

Cool, but what would happen if someone made a game called FUCK ZELENSKYY?

You need to go back.

serbs and other third worlders take monke putin very personally.

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>This event shocked the whole world
Why do Americans think the world revolves around them and their beliefs?

Just asking a question, no need to be antisemitic

killing a benevolent ruler isn't "funny"

haha the pepper is funny

Narcissism runs deep in our culture.

Holy shit ahahaha do you even have thoughts of your own?

Russia whole mission statement is to get ebul neonatzehs out of Ukraine. I do not get your analogy.

>>nobody is harmed by this process
yeah, those fictional lolis in those h-games were definitely harmed to the point of removal...

global homogenization is a real thing, all the sheeps will follow what the west does

americans caused the war, would would they be shocked

Hillary Clinton thought killing Gaddafi was funny.

None of the cucks for Ukraine care about THAT unjustified aggression, though.


>getting upset by a game that could be recreated in Gmod with a dismemberment addon
who cares?

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No it's because this thread was made by Tornado Games