Will the other sportsballs be enough to keep them steady?
wow i totally give a shit about fucking soccer just kidding i dont
Hope they will go bankrupt.
isn't the star wars license expiring now? also all this bad shit going on with the major game publishers seems way too convenient. it feels as if the system is falling apart or something. are we at end game capitalism?
soccer being published under ea SPORTS is like smash being called a fighting game.
Say goodbye to Need For Speed ever becoming good with a lack of funding, or be prepared for a new age of monetization
Poverty ball was their biggest cash cow?
Is EA finally kill?
EA reanimates the corpse of Bioware to make another DA/ME.
Sims 5? Nah, just expect more Sims 4 DLCs.
Time will tell.
I feel like this should be big news
They didn't lose shit, they still have all the individual licenses.
I don't know if they still have the UCL and the WC rights but if they don't that would be a huge hit.
They don't have an exclusivity deal on the Star Wars license anymore.
Here's hoping microsoft buys the IP and does a need for speed expansion for one of horizon's dlcs.
Finally some good news.
i'm sure the company that killed project gotham racing and turned forza into a fifa-tier annual rehash would totally do need for speed proper justice.
It is
It's huge
EA losing the name brand is massive
Euros fucking love soccer
You should if you hate EA, this is one of their cash cows.
it expired a few years ago, or at least the exclusivity did.
EA will sell to a holdings company by the end of the decade.
They didn't lose FIFA, they dropped them because the fee they asked started exceeding the cost of negotiating individual team rights.
Sadly they will still make football games, their licenses with teams and UEFA still continue. Hopefully their pockets will still start to hurt because of the FIFA drop.
Its not likely someone else is going to pay the money fifa wants, especially when they still have to negotiate with each club.
Anyone who plays fifa is still going to get an annual EA sports futbol game. It just won't be called FIFA.
its irrelevant
fifa doesnt own the rights to clubs or tournaments
fifa name doesnt get you rights to champions, premier, bundes, a series, liga etc. nor clubs
really, it just means they have to spend a bit more on advertising due to name change
Watch them half assedly announce a new spore or simcity is a desperate attempt to bring back those customers they tossed aside yesrs ago
They willingly let it go
Its not. EA has deals with the clubs, players, stadiums etc everything that matters. You know what the FIFA license is?
>The name FIFA
>The World Cup
and that is it. They lost two names but Ultimate Team is the bread and butter mode anyways
So they just lose the exclusive rights?
They basically lose nothing then since they only have one franchise competing for the same audience and they shit the bed with their last release.
Holy shit, its over
The demon king has been slayed!
FUUUUUUCK. Imagine being one of those British or Mexican subhumans who dumped like 1000 buckaroos into this retarded gacha soccer shit
I would love a real sim city 5, but I have no faith.
>B-but user what about 2013
I don't know what you're talking about.
HAHAHAAHA so the old guard is dying to the allure of NFT's eh?Is NFT's really worth investing into to kill a sure thing like shitty sports games?
EA must have looked at NBA2k22 and was like I need morrree!!!!
>EA tried to bury the Dreamcast and WiiU
>Now they are getting buried by the Switch
Amazingly based. I don't even play on the Switch but it keeps these faggots in line.
football has been so boring these last years
Europeans literally crying at this news right now
>i'm sure the company that killed project gotham racing
wasn't their fault bizarre creations got bought out by activision back in the day makes you wonder if they'll bring it back now
It doesn’t matter, they have all the licenses that matter like Premier League, Bundesliga, La liga. FIFA is just the name not the players
They still have Apex Legends.
Now if only they lose Madden.
If so, they are fucked.
>Konami drops eFootball
>FIFA drops EA
best timeline
We're definitely ending up with a Harvest Moon situation where 2K makes "FIFA 24" while EA keeps spouting they're the real Fifa game.
fifa wants to make its own game
which is dumb and since they
-are not a software venture
-they still need individual licenses
0 chance of being a threat to ea
its a nothingburger unfortunately
>EA off-brand game has the legitimate players, stadiums, clubs etc
>Official FIFA game has knockoff teams and players with only the tournaments and branding staying the same
Pretty funny
>FIFA confirms it will create an EA Sports FC rival and says it will be ‘the only authentic, real game'
*evil laughter*
Apex is the game to play because there's nothing else.
Genuinely don't think it'd last if the AAA weren't in the dire state it currently is
The FIFA license costs an absolute fortune, EA just needs to put those millions into the marketing for their replacement IP. EA is only in trouble if FIFA pivots quickly to new development studios, which isn't going to be fast enough to catch EA's annual rehashing.
Literally no one is going to want to pay that license fee, it was like a billion for some odd years for literally nothing. If they make a semi-reasonable deal just to get back at EA, it will still take 2-3 years unless they go with Konami/PES and their last game was a pile of shit.
2K will be years out from making a good football game.
>Activision announced that Project Gotham Racing 4 would be Bizarre Creations' last game for Microsoft Game Studios,[5] and Microsoft did retain the rights for the Project Gotham Racing franchise.
Microsoft is still at fault for burying PGR so that it wouldn't interfere with Forza, regardless of Motorsport or Horizon.
I don't think you understand how the sort of people who buy sports games work.
They will NOT buy whatever is the replacement for this. Even if it's 99% identical. They will look for the familiar name they buy every single year without thinking, go DURRR WHERE IS IT I NO SEE, then wander off and buy drugs instead. EA is fucking doomed.
kek, FIFA is gonna get scammed like the ACO, NASCAR, IndyCar, and more did by that Motorsports Games company
It’s just a name which is why EA chose to drop it rather than pay FIFA more. 2K wouldn’t have all the clubs and players. Pretty sure Premier League and Budesliga are both EA exclusive
EA Sports is the beating heart that allows them to continue destroying everything you love with no repercussions. If their sports line is getting fucked over, they can't just keep playing their game anymore.
wonder if your average normalfag will buy the new EA one because "it's the FEEFER company!", or if they'll actually go for the FIFA name.
Cannot wait for the shitshow regardless.
If this is real then that means BF2042 did more damage than I thought.
we are not in capitalism in any way
user did you have a fucking stroke? How in the name of the hell ANYTHING that EA does affect on anything current Nintendo?
no-one plays their other sports games user
like a dozen canadians play the hockey one and a couple of drunk bogans play the aussie cricket/rugby ones but thats it
FIFA has been keeping EA from going bankrupt for years.
theyve been relying on retarded europeans to buy the same copy-paste FIFA game thinking it would never end.
this is probably whats gunna kill them.
But eventually a new FIFA 23 or 24 would appear in the market. You think most subhumans that play soccer games would know or care about who is developing it?
That is what marketing is for, especially marketing around Ultimate Team. Youtubers/streamers also will just get the EA title. I think your overestimating the value behind the FIFA name when people only care about Ultimate Team.
It's no longer exclusive but they're still making ST games
This has been talked about since before 2042 released.
Time for Sony to buy EA for 70 billion dollars. They were 120 billion with FIFA license.
they dont even have that anymore kek
corporate espionage most likely
whats the point of having a war when you can destroy your enemies from the inside?
FIFA wanted to charge a billion dollars for 2 years for their license to EA
Holy shit those quotes from FIFA reps sounds like such seething cope. Sounds like they were being turbo Jews even for EA. Saying they're "talking with 3rd parties" and will have other non sim games (so football games without the football? lel) sounds like they've basically got fuck all.
Smells like another Crucible tier disaster where they try throwing billions of dollars to rush out a game in a year from nothing.
Uhhhhh... Sonychads? Did we just lose Europe too?
Normalfags are retarded
Name brand or else
>shit out 6-something copy-paste enemies-renamed Battlefield games
>at $120 each
>over the course of 3 years
>act fucking surprised that their company is going bust
sounds like retarded richcunt ideas to me lol
faggots are so disconnected from reality it hurts to look at
ffa isnt that big of a name outside videogames
soccer subhumans nly care about their national league and champions
I shit and piss on EA
I hate both of them, but this shit is the dumbest decision ever
FIFA is being a retard as usual, both will die, good riddance
Its huge for people who only care about bidya for the money it makes
For enthusiasts of the media its just a soulless corp having an insignificant change.
But they have Biowa....hahahaha, they are done for
>Sounds like they were being turbo Jews even for EA.
EA woefully underestimates that fifa is religion to Mexicans.
>What du ju mean ju don't got any FIFA!
It's $250m a year to license the FIFA name.
Pretty much pocket change for Microsoft to slap on some exclusive shovelware.
Give it to 343 since they're fucking useless enough to make yearly disappointing sports games.
the brown people who overrun this website are more dumb than any normie you find off this website.
yeah theres not a fucking chance
EA has the frostbite engine, decades of technological advancement with the physics, sounds, stadium models, player faces, it goes on and on
it would take at least 6 years for FIFA to have a game even close to what EA has now
>Western AAA games are all buggy politically correct garbage
>They've been flopping left and right
>Even Japanese companies that tried to buy into this pozzed shit are finally starting to flop with SE selling their entire western IPs
Bros, is gaming starting to take a turn for the better? Is the pozzed shit finally leaving?
>non sim games
I think arcade sports games need to make a comeback.
FIFA extended EA's license until FIFA 23. The last game from them will be number 23.
Oh shit, ww3 inminent?
Alot of people still play madden
soccerbros I think kino is back on the menu
Say FIFA went looking around for another buyer. What other company could afford to not only foot the bill, but make the annual games at the same time. The only one I can think of Nintendo but I doubt they have any interest.
as long FUT exists EA will survive, if only they took the tournament names that would be a huge hit.
Epic offered FIFA a fuckton of money to make a soccer themed shit on Fortnite but they couldn't since EA has the exclusive license.
>SE selling their entire western IPs
Take-Two is rich as fuck and already has NBA
this would give them an almost monopoly over sports games, since nobody cares about MLB or NFL that much (as far as games go)
Shouldn't this be pinned?
Konami, 2K and Microsoft/Activision are the key players.
Sony would probaby rather side on an exclusivity deal with EA rather than make anything in-house.
Have you been living under a rock for the past weeks?
Eidos got sold off
Does the license to FIFA include stuff like being able to use players names and pictures in the game?