Tales Of Series is dead

Tales Of Series is dead.....

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I don't understand how Tales of Generica even survived this long

Why do you say that?

but tales of arse did pretty well

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stop saying that negro

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Is there any tales game where hard mode doesn't completely suck balls

Doesnt matter if Bamco kept spending the revenue for shitty gachas and killed it 6 months later

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As it should companies should provide what the clients ask for

I am going to assume that the gacha game funds are not so much that the threaten the main series. The last two games have been positively received overall, and the mobile game failures should not affect that.

>Team Symphonia is killing Tales
>TP as a system is killing Tales
>Merging the teams is killing Tales
>Hideo Baba is killing Tales
>Mobile focus is killing Tales
>Arise's success is killing Tales

Are Tales fans the ultimate doomers? Jesus it will be fine, chill out

Arise only success financially, not critically

>not critically
It has high critical praise both by journalists and general players. Yea Forums doomers are not a real source.


>General Players
people find it 7/10 at best. Tanky boss fights are big mistake

More games with the "Tales of" name will be made, but they won't bear any resemblance to actual Tales games. It's Tales of Souls from here on out.

>people find it 7/10 at best
Source that isn't your ass? Any of the public places that have user reviews have it rate well (such as link related), and it isn't just a "users are dumb and have low standards" thing because those same users did review Zestiria badly (by "badly", I mean low 70s).

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user please

That's just an an example. And even then, it still has more merit as a '''''''objective"''''' measure than you speaking 100% out of your ass with your "if I didn't like it, most people didn't like it" mentality.

>Tales Of Series is dead.....

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What would you claim to be the last "actual" Tales game?

Weeb shovelware trash

Even Berseria still feels like a Tales game.

Youre retarded if you though MetaCritic was accurate

Edna is so hot bros
I have never played a Tales game

Post Arise creepy skits webm and those tanky boss fight.

Did you skip every line but the Arise one? Tales has been so many transitional periods in its history that it staying any one way is unthinkable
Seriously, at most you'll have two more Arise style games before something new comes along, Tales styles always seem to come in twos or threes

I'm not engaging with you if you keep talking out of your ass with no supporting evidence + strawmanning against a single example (metacritic is not the only site that gives the game a good rating by users). Do you have any support whatsoever for your claim? Otherwise, don't reply to me.

They ripped off Star Ocean and made a saturday morning cartoon about racism on top of it. This game is ass only people who like it is people that don't even like JRPGs.

>wanted more co-op
>Arise is single player

why did this POS got an anime?

>Dont reply to me
>Im not engaging with you

Post your tits, woman.
Jesus christ this board is really invaded with Discords and Tumblreddit

Tits, now.

>Arise sold more than every Trails, Xenoblade and SMT
Hard cope

You're describing half of the franchise, user, you'll have to narrow it down a bit more

Stop samefagging retard. Don't make it so obvious by doing it 1 minute apart.

Wheres your tits you slut

Yes, and ?
Tits or btfo

>Tanky boss fights are big mistake
I am convinced anyone who says this didn't know how to fight, choose skills, or actually use the accessory system. I agree that boss HP (and the whole final dungeon) were large, but if you aren't a casual, the amount of damage you were doing should have made fights feel normal (at least with Alphen and Rinwell. I admittedly haven't really check the others enough to say if they were balanced as well). If they wanted to make the fights feel better for casuals as well though (which is a fair criticism), they should have lowered the HP.
That being said, I agree on the highest difficulties (Chaos and Unknown namely), the HP was still overtuned (also the damage dealt by bosses, I would argue).

Tales major issues is the game is still felt like tutorial for one playthrough and they still havent find a way to fix it

>felt like tutorial for one playthrough
What do you mean by that?

Having progression isn't something that needs fixing, it's part of the RPG experience. Vesperia youtube autists need not apply.

Most people only plays it for 1 playthrough. And Tales isnt fun to play for 1 playthough. And no reasons for casuals to play it more than once

Vesperia's biggest flaw is that it never felt like a tutorial after the overlimit and fatal strike ones
When autists can make a ten hours lecture series on the hermaneutics of battle mechanics it means the devs have failed fundamentally to communicate
Arise gets that shit out of the way in a convenient dripfeed that's done by the time you finish Menancia. Too many popups throughout the game? Maybe, sure, but listen to any casual describe Arise's battle mechanics and the praise is glowing since they actually understand what's going on

I mean i finished Berseria and i still no idea how the game is supposed to be played.
I just use Velvet and use X all the time to not dying

What exactly were some criticisms of Zestiria aside from the camera and equipment system apparently being bad (I've haven't played Zestiria yet)? I am particularly interested in things that even people who liked the game thought could have been improved.

>Modern Tales is bullshit for including no postgame content outside of phoned-in Ex Dungeons
>Oldschool Tales is bullshit for having dozens of hyper-autistic secrets locking you out of artes and costumes if you aren't following a gamefaq

Which camp?

I only play them for one playthrough either, and I like almost all of them at the very least.
That's a Berseria problem, not a Tales problem.

Do not play unless you want to die from cringe

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>Oldschool Tales is bullshit for having dozens of hyper-autistic secrets locking you out of artes and costumes if you aren't following a gamefaq
This is basically just Team Symphonia games, not old Tales in general.

>Tales isnt fun to play for 1 playthough.
But why do you think it isn't fun for a first playthough, but it (I assuming you are saying) is for a second playthrough?

Arise was trash. Why did they decide to have characters preach platitudes to each other all the fucking time?

Berseria took Rebirth's hot/cold gauge mechanics but didn't ever communicate that, so it's massively cryptic and impossible to plan around since you can't easily fill/deplete your gauge like Rebirth
Failure to communicate

>Frail little girl is so tanky as fuck when gets gangbanged by my parties
I hate Arise

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I had more fun with the second one
Since Xillia they had to put with that autistic post game dungeon stuff. I dont want to do that stuff anymore after seeing the end credits

(Not him) The only two scenes I found cringy/cheesy to a degree that was excessive was
(1) the infamous "Law stops Rinwell from attacking Almedrea" scene (since there was almost no prior development of the idea that Law became opposed to killing Lords / taking revenge)
(2) the "Alphen preaches to Vholran about forgiveness" scene (since, aside from it stupid to preach forgiveness to a psychotic mass murderer, it really REALLY wasn't the time, since Shionne was in pain barely keeping the Great Astral Spirit at bay, and he stupidly didn't secure the Renas Alma first...although I know the latter was to create a contrived scenario where the Renas Alma becomes unavailable)


Cute blonde hebe

I think he means that you only get the full gist of the combat on an NG+ playthrough but that only applies to vesperia anyway so he probably just sucks at the other games. I'm always filled after one playthrough of most Tales I've played minus Vesperia because that whole game is a tutorial segment.

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What went

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But she literally asked for it. Plus this game gives them their reunion.

Wrong with

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What was the controversy(ies) with Luminaria?

launched without understanding how mobile games made money
didn't understand how events worked in mobile games
didn't understand how rare gear worked
didn't understand stagger mechanics in their own game so 90% of the arc 1 characters were shit
Figured out how all that shit worked by the time WW died
Written by Miyajima (Symphonia, Abyss)
Battle design by Udo (All the greats)

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No controversy, it was just shit that no one wanted.

Make a literal shovelware and slap the Tales name on it

it was clearly a 90% finished project a contract fell through on that they slapped the Tales logo on and tried to sell by using the Tales brand
The only references to Tales in it are polwiggles and mabo curry, the entry level shit

Graphics already severely outdated.
They need higher quality models so save the game right now. At least they can take it from Crestoria