Time to drop PS5

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It's always the jealous erp'ers using countless mods preaching about the ToS but then breaking the ToS themselves.

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I wish i wasnt shit, constantly being an anchor even in ex content making everyones clear much shittier. even after 3k hours i'm still total shit but at least i have all jobs at 90 even though i never play 90% of them. i should just stop doing hard content and being a burden to everyone


Nigga how just push the buttons and every two minutes push the big buttons

You know what also gets me.
When we had that massive exodus of WoW Refugees and they all started making mods/plugins etc to make the UI more WoW like and all of those countless videos on how to install and configure them. No one seemed to bat an eye.
But oh no World first used ACT to manually add callouts and now everyone must be banned.

erpers and trigger niggers are both cancers ruining the harmless shit like chat bubbles and bigger cooldown font size

Wow refugees ruin everything. They need to go back.


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>But oh no World first used ACT to manually add callouts and now everyone must be banned.
Yoshi was already getting fed up with that shit since TEA. People like Xeno keep bitching they should make a list of acceptable stuff and asmon puts it into perfect perspective

They can't because it would be to much fucking work and getting it down to a precise perfect consensus is impossible.

WoW tourists needed to be taught a lesson and/or pruned before they took over the game and started demanding to be catered to.

>not being a coomer AND raider

you can have the best of both worlds and it is good

People were saying at the time that if addons started getting more popular SE would start to take notice.
Lo and behold...

>Yoshi says a million times on stream dont use 3rd party software because the day they decide to bring down the hammer he doesn't want to heart people bitching
These people never fucking learn and Yoshi should just ignore them and continue with the plan.

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hope this shitter gets banned

>tfw use body mods and plugins
Though it's only to have good feet and hands for talls and lalafells so they aren't blobs when wearing sandals and actually barefoot when wearing no shoes. Thank God for penumbra to load these things.

cheaters of final fantasy 14, what is your favorite cheat? I like cactbot. It tells me how to solve the nisis in TEA.


If you choose option 2, when?

Alisae: strawpoll.me/46035964/r
Y'shtola: strawpoll.me/46038012/r
Yugiri: strawpoll.me/46040365/r
Kan-E: strawpoll.me/46042115/r

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i mess up the mechanics like a dumb faggot. focus on one thing too hard and completely fuck up

>needing cactbot in TEA of all ultimates
I understand UCoB but for fucks sake just look at the debuff bar.

I don't use either. I want both banned.

I don't want another MMO turn to shit because all high end content required add-ons, and the notion of needing add-ons festers into casual content to the point where even doing dungeons without add-ons could potentially get you kicked out of the group.

>But that will never happen

It did for WoW. It's the reason I quit. I don't want to see another of my favorite games go to shit.

Maybe they should just fix their shit UI and netcode before giving shit to those looking to fix it. Automated callouts and visual markers for raid mechanics can get fucked though, that shit is blatant cheating.

The statue seems to be the most common pick, probably because SB is the only time it really makes sense and it’s gotta be either then, at the M tribe base, or after you beat Zenos.

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Oh no a program someone used for callouts that they had to enter manually than anyone can do.
How is it any different from raid lead callouts over discord?
I guess Discord should be banned now too?
Heck ban keyboard players, they have a clear advantage over people who click their skills.

that is bad game design. The game should just tell me who to transfer to instead having me look at who needs it. It's literally the same except with an extra step. That's why it is better to use cactbot.

Based. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with niggers sperging out over discord?
>W-well you can talk to people about the game on it! You can't do that otherwise!
The fuck? You can literally talk to people IRL while playing this is such a spastic argument to try and use
>B-but not everyone can talk to people IRL!
Which is exactly why something like discord or other voice chat balances things out for everyone.
>B-but it's still third party software!
So is your fucking OS, what a nonsensical tangent.

Going to be a good week watching addon faggots implode.

>user do you know how fast you were driving?
>Officer please, I've been doing 70 through this town for so long, like, I've been driving at this speed for years and nobody has ever stopped me, I didn't even know 30mph existed until somebody told me, it's completely unfair that you're preventing me from driving this fast. It doesn't affect anyone else, if they don't like it they can just drive slow.

>I don't want another MMO turn to shit because all high end content required add-ons
This will never happen and never will.
Games been going for almost 10 years now and all content is clearable is always clearable without them. No one is going to kick you from a linear hallway dungeon for not having addons you paranoid fuck.

>Seriously what the fuck is wrong with niggers sperging out over discord?
It's pilpul. They're just trying to weasel some kind of gotcha because they know they're wrong.

If there's anything I dislike more than people who use egregious addons, it's the crabs in a bucket types who feel high and mighty all of a sudden.

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Cheating is cheating, stop playing stupid.

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Who are we reporting boys?

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>Being so retarded you think moronic false equivalence is worth attempting
This is just so tragic.

Unless they give us an actual API like they promised a decade ago, it won't happen. There would be no way for console players to load plugins or mods, and that's a sizeable amount of players.

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A raid leader still needs the knowledge to be able to do the callouts properly and can make mistakes. A plugin requires no work from any human and is completely infallible.

It will nevber happen because a lot of the userbase is on PS4 and PS5.
Stop being paranoid as fuck.

Don't care still drunk driving

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>How is it any different from raid lead callouts over discord?
human error and reaction delay for starters
are you seriously this retarded?

>How is it any different from raid lead callouts over discord?
A human doing a callout needs to witness the mechanic, parse the information in his head, pick the correct strat, and call it out correctly. A robot does it instantly, and never even has the possibility of being wrong. Begone with your pilpul, rabbi.

lol this cope

pyromancer please

>thinking top raid leader callouts ever get it wrong.

Tell me how I know you've never raided before.

Then you don't need cactbot right?

>should just tell me who to transfer to
Isn't the standard strat to have the nisi-less person take the buff so that the game literally does tell you who to stand on with a big glowy shinny icon above them?

Just don't used add-ons on stream.

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Don't use it, try again.

Yeah, this is the thing that annoys me. God know how long it'll actually take to implement anything noteworthy and it's not like they can cover all the bases. One of the tweaks I use replaces the nameplate font with the original thicker one since I find it easier to read, I doubt they're going to give me that option.

so then why do you need the mod again?


You don't need to see timers on the buff bar and if you have trouble double weaving at 100 ping you are the problem.

So why argue?

I don't know I never actually used cactbot. I hope cheaters get the rope because they don't deserve their titles or weapons. Their faggotry is why legend status loses its luster very quickly after a month or two when shit is solved by a plugin

Notice how the loudest screechees are WoW rejects? Kek.

>N-no raid leaders are perfect and make no mistakes and it doesn't really even take any skill or effort
So what's the addon for? Why do you need it?

>The fuck? You can literally talk to people IRL while playing this is such a spastic argument to try and use
You can literally parse your combat damage in real life.
The tools make it easier.
Just like Discord.
It's a tool that makes playing the game easier.
A third party application, in fact, that makes playing XIV easier.
What don't you understand here?

So you don't need a bot to do it for you then, why whine?

Id tell you to eat my ass, my since you are californian you would actually enjoy it

keep malding Xeno
i hope your disingenuous ass gets permabanned soon

I live on the east coast and have shitty comcast internet and double weaving is not an issue.

Did YoshiP really say that? Absolutely BASED. Anyone who owns a PS5 should be locked behind bars.

>A top tier raider would never make a mistake, that's why it's ok for me to program a robot to play the game flawlessly in my stead

You guys remember when someone asked about MCH being shit with people with high ping and Yoshida being all like "Well it never happens in Japan as we have good ping here and we can't replicate it"

This is the devs you are talking to, this is the dev that people suck off like some god.

Sure pedro

If you were meant to use voice comms it would be in the game, cheaters. You cannot argue this fact, it is pure truth. You are addicted to making mechanics easier with your third party software.

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>You can literally parse your combat damage in real life.
Nope. Nice try faggot.

I think you're wrong and retarded but you know what? I think I'm willing to sacrifice groomercord if it means you fags can't cheat anymore. I don't really know what I'll do without discord, but I'll find a way to go on.

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>No one is going to kick you from a linear hallway dungeon for not having addons you paranoid fuck.

People said that in for WoW as well, and you will get kicked from 'a linear hallway dungeon' for not having add-ons.

Add-ons are an insidious cancer. Casuals will see that it helps high-end raiders complete content and how they think it will help them too. Those same casuals then start looking down on those who won't use them. They then remove those players who won't use add-ons from groups.

I'm honestly amazed voice chat is still in WoW considering that no one uses it and just uses Discord instead. Does it even still work?

What do you mean nope? You absolutely can.
I mean, maybe you can't, you seem like a retard. But anyone with a basic understanding of mathematics can.

Parsetrannies on suicide watch
41% in real life 100% on game

I forgot you had to put in a ballgag to prevent the ability to communicate with people as per the ToS. Wouldn't want to give people sitting together an unfair advantage after all! :^)

Such a fucking retarded take
>Nooooo all third party software is bad
So having your browser open? Running your OS? Playing music? Come the fuck on you desperate retard you CANNOT be this fucking stupid.

The ones screaming the loudest about ToS are 100% people who make images of their catgirl being spitroasted by two hyur's and spend all their time in the Balmung quicksands or Limsa if ony a different server sucking off anyone who PM's them, jealous that people can do real content whilst they struggle and do 2000 dps as a mnk in normal modes.